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制度保证 system guarantee英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-27 08:10:20


制度保证 system guarantee英语短句 例句大全

制度保证,system guarantee

1)system guarantee制度保证

1.The democratic centralism issystem guarantee of carry out the important thought of three represents;民主集中制是落实“三个代表”重要思想的制度保证

2.It provides importantsystem guarantee for the construction of a harmonious rural society.农村社会保障制度是实现农村社会公平的“调节器”,也是维护农村社会稳定的“稳定器”,为农村和谐社会构建提供重要的制度保证;农村社会保障制度是农村经济发展的“助推器”,为农村和谐社会构建提供必要的物质保证。

3.The motivation measurements are not lack for the enterprise administration, but most of these measurements can not achieve the desired results because of lack ofsystem guarantee.企业管理中并不缺少各种激励措施,但这些措施很多没有达到预期的管理效果,究其原因是缺乏制度保证造成的。


1.Share-Holding System Or Contract System-A Choice To Be Made股份制还是承包制——制度保证及抉择

2.Acting the System of Exempt Course, Practising the Credit System;严格执行免修制度保证学分制的实施

3.On the Optimization Theory of Financial Expenditure Structure and the Systematic Guarantee;财政支出结构优化理论与制度保证(下)

4.Carrying Out Credit Guarantee SystemBuilding up Performance Bond Mechanism;推行信用担保制度 建立履约保证机制

5.The Comparative Study on Government Investment Project Bonding System;政府投资项目保证担保制度比较研究

6.Further Researching about Surety Bond System of China;对我国工程保证担保制度的深入探讨

7.On the Experience for Reference of American Engineering Assured Guarantee System;美国工程保证担保制度的经验与借鉴

8.Conditions and Improvement of Sponsor System in China s Transitional Securities Market;我国证券保荐制度的外部制约与完善

9.Draft and Perfect Environment of Mine and Reclamation Cash Deposit System in China制定和实施我国矿山复垦保证金制度

10.Ouer Country Purseues The Analysis That The ProjectGuarantees Assuring Lvjianghong;我国推行工程保证担保和保险制度的分析


12.The Analysis of Guarantee System for Honest Civil Servants Implemented in Our Country;我国廉政保证金制度实施的制度环境浅析

13.On the Protective Legal System of the Rights and Interests of the Stockholder试论证券投资者权益保护法律制度

14.The Theory and Demonstration Research of Construction Bond System;建设工程担保制度的理论与实证研究

15.External Quality Assurance in Higher Education in the Netherlands;荷兰高等教育质量外部保证制度研究

16.Research on the Administrative Permitted Hearing System of Environmental Protection in China;我国环境保护行政许可听证制度研究

17.On Building Mining Guaranty Fund System;关于构建矿业保证金制度的初步研究

parison of Proof Preserving System Between China Mainland and Taiwan;我国与台湾地区证据保全制度之比较


systematic guarantee制度保证

1.On the Optimization Theory of Financial Expenditure Structure and the Systematic Guarantee;财政支出结构优化理论与制度保证(下)


1.China s reform and introduction ofwarranty under English law from a continental law country s view;从大陆法系国家角度看中国对英国模式下保证制度的改革及引入

2.Warranty is one of the most important theories in marine insurance in U.本文在介绍了海上保险法中保证制度的渊源、理论基础的前提下着重分析了英美法系保证制度的内容,理论上分析了保证制度的合理与不合理之处。

4)guarantee system保证制度

1.The origin ofguarantee system is very early, it can be traced back to the Rome Law and the Germanic Era.保证制度的起源很早,可追溯到罗马法和日尔曼法时代,现代各国民法对这一制度也都有相关规定。

5)The institutionalized guarantees制度化保证

6)mining recognizance system保证金制度

1.Themining recognizance system is a very important rule set up by many countries on the principle of “who pollutes pays the price” to supervise the exploitation of mineral resources, thus offering practical ways to deal with the increasingly severe environmental resource crisis in China.采矿保证金制度不仅是当前许多国家按照“污染者付费”原则确立的一项矿产资源开发利用的重要监管制度,同时也对“诊治”我国当前愈演愈烈的环境资源危机具有重大的现实意义。


保证金制度保证金制度(margin system),也称押金制度,指清算所规定的达成期货交易的买方或卖方,应交纳履约保证金的制度。清算所要求每一位会员都必须在清算所开立一个保证金帐户,对每笔交易,会员都要按规定交纳一定数额的保证金。为防止出现违规,非会员也要向清算所交纳一定的保证金。在期货交易中,交易者必须按照其所买卖期货合约价值的一定比例缴纳资金,作为其履行期货合约的财力担保,然后才能参与期货合约的买卖,并视价格变动情况确定是否追加资金。保证金分为结算准备金(未被占用的资金)和交易保证金(已被占用的资金)。保证金制度既体现了期货交易特有的杠杆效应,同时也成为交易所控制期货交易风险的一种重要手段。
