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投资回报率 return rate of investment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-13 11:59:11


投资回报率 return rate of investment英语短句 例句大全

投资回报率,return rate of investment

1)return rate of investment投资回报率

1.At last, the paper foretells thereturn rate of investment, points out the existing problems and puts forward proper advice.论文针对邯郸实际, 论证了邯郸市建设CNG汽车加气站的必要性、建设规模和内容,并进行了经济效益与社会效益分析,预测了投资回报率,指出了存在的问题,提出了建议。


1.A Research on the Investment Decision of Transmission Enterprise under Rate of Return Regulation;投资回报率规制条件下电网企业投资决策研究

2.The return on investment is still of the order of 20%-30%.投资回报率仍然在原有的20%-30%之间。

3.If the share price does not change, then the investment return is equal to the dividend yield.若是股价不变,那么,投资回报率只等于股息率。

4.Capital Market Investment Return Rate and Pension System Revamp in China;资本市场投资回报率与我国养老金体系改革

5.Normal Return of Investment Prediction by Neural Network Based on Genetic Algorithm;基于遗传优化神经网络的一般投资回报率预测

6.Study on the Repayment Rate of Taxi Investment in Shijiazhuang;石家庄市出租客运经营投资回报率研究

7.Invest Benefit Rate--the Key Problem of Industrial Plantation Management;工业人工林经营的核心问题——投资回报率

8.Returns on Chinese Venture Capital Investment and Its Determinants;我国创业投资的回报率及其影响因素

9.Return on Working Capita资本运用回报率 (%)

10.Investment rate of return to the secondary office, how to calculate?想投资二手写字楼年回报率该如何计算?

11.Rate of return: The profit on an investment, normally expressed as an annual percentage.回报率:指投资利润,通常用年度百分比表示。

12.The Relationship Analysis between Investment Reputation and IPO Excess Returns;投资银行声誉与IPO超额回报率相关分析

13.Survival Probabilities for a Risk Process with Stochastic Return on Investments;一类带随机投资回报风险模型的生存概率

14.The Quantitative Analysis on ROI of the Component Stocks of SSE 180 Index to Investors;上证180指数成份股对投资者回报率的统计分析

15.The Research of Investors Realized Rate of Return in Chinese Stock Markets;中国流通A股市场投资者实现回报率研究

16.Investment Value: We seek for above average return on investment.投资价值:我们将使投资者得到并超越平均水平的税后回报率。

17.The Cost of Capital and Return on Corporate Investment of A-share Listed Company;A股上市公司的综合资本成本与投资回报——从内部报酬率的视角观察

18.return on assets managed (ROAM)可控资产投资报酬率


return on investment投资回报率

1.So in this essay, RFID s impactions on profit andreturn on investment are discussed.那么,企业采用RFID系统到底会为其企业竞争力带来什么样的影响呢?资金利润率、资金周转率和投资回报率是一个企业竞争力的最真实体现,所有成功的企业都在努力的处理好这三者关系。

3)investment yield投资回报率

1.Theinvestment yield of China s pension fund is far below the 10% yield of developed countries.我国养老保险基金投资回报率远远低于发达国家10%左右的收益率,主要原因有投资渠道狭窄,投资结构不合理;养老保险基金投资主体的"缺位"与"越位"现象同时存在。

4)investment return rate投资回报率

1.The author points at the special context at which China starts to implement pension system revamp-high wage increase rate and lowinvestment return rate.理论上,投资回报率的高低是我国养老金体系转轨能否成功的关键。


6)return on investment投资报酬率;投资回报率


