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全寿命 Life cycle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-29 06:39:11


全寿命 Life cycle英语短句 例句大全

全寿命,Life cycle

1)Life cycle全寿命

1.Application of ATE system in aeronautic equipments" life cycleATE系统在航空装备全寿命过程中的应用

2.The function and the management goal of the life cycle agile supply chain (LASC) for the big customized products are presented based on CPC(collaborative product commerce) concept.阐述了基于CPC理念的大型定制产品全寿命供应链的功能及其管理目标。

3.The paper firstly analyses some characteristics of SELC (the space equipment life cycle).从航天装备全寿命期的特点入手 ,分析了全寿命期划分、费用分配关系、全寿命费用构成要素 ;研究了全寿命费用估算的方法及各自的应用范围、使用时


1.Analysis of Economic Life-span in the Management of Total Life of Weapon Equipment;武器装备全寿命管理中经济寿命分析

2.Life-Cycle Cost-based Bridge Whole-life Design Method基于寿命周期成本的桥梁全寿命设计方法研究

3.Cost Analysis for Total Life Cycle of Long-life Asphalt Pavement with Flexible Base柔性基层长寿命沥青路面全寿命周期成本分析

4.Architecture and Integration of Life-cycle Safety Guarantee System of Structures;结构全寿命安全保障体系及集成研究

5.Study on Cost Optimization of Transmission and Distribution Equipment Life Cycle;输变电设备全寿命周期成本优化研究

6.Study on Cost Management of Real Estate Project Life Cycle;房地产项目全寿命周期成本管理研究

7.Lifecycle Process Integration Management of Construction Projects;工程项目全寿命期过程集成管理研究

8.Study on Knowledge Management for Engineering Project in Overall Life Cycle;工程项目全寿命周期的知识管理研究

9.Introduction and Using Analysis of Life Cycle Cost Management;全寿命周期成本管理简介及应用分析

10.Interface Management of Construction Management based on Lifecycle;基于全寿命周期的建设项目界面管理

11.Integrated Management of Quality Information Covered Product s All Life Cycle;产品全寿命周期质量信息的集成管理

12.Environmental Impact Assessment in Life Cycle of Construction Products;建筑产品的全寿命周期环境影响评价

13.Life Cycle Cost Analysis of the Large Weapon Equipments;大型武器装备的全寿命周期费用分析

14.Overall concept of Life Cycle Management of engineering projects;工程项目全寿命周期管理的整体构想

15.The Deploying Method of Product Life Cycle Engineering Design;产品全寿命周期工程设计的实现技术

16.Research Framework on Life-Cycle Ecological Cost of Large-Scale Project大型工程全寿命期生态成本研究综述

17.On costs control of construction projects based on life cycle period基于全寿命周期的建设项目造价控制

18.Design quality management based on project life cycle工程项目全寿命周期的设计质量管理



1.Considering the requirements of implementinglife-cycle risk management,the paper makes a deep research on the technology of defect detection and prevention,and describs the DDP process and its meaning,and applys to the every phase of the risk management,those are risk identification phase,risk analysis phase,risk mitigation phase and risk control phase.结合进行全寿命风险管理的需求,对缺陷检测和预防技术进行了深入的研究,阐述了缺陷检测和预防的过程及内涵,将其应用于风险管理的各个阶段:风险辨识、风险分析、风险减少和风险监控,取得了良好的效果。

2.This paper comments the design of natural resourceseconomy,life-cycle and property of pleasantness and flexbility.本文在资源经济、全寿命设计和宜人性、灵活性设计三个方面做以论述。

3.In detail elaborated in the education equipment management entire-systemlife-cycle entire-cost principle and the viewpoint basic concept.简要叙述了系统方法和全寿命费用分析的起源、发展,以及全费用分析在教育装备管理中的重要意义,详细阐述了教育装备管理中的全系统全寿命全费用原则及基本观点。

3)total life全寿命

1.Discuss on the application oftotal life analysis in pavement design;试论全寿命分析法在路面设计中的应用

2.The traditional approach for calculatingtotal life s mileage of vehicle component requires making load spectrum which can reflecttotal life s mileage.传统的计算车辆构件全寿命里程的方法首先要编制反映全寿命里程的载荷谱。

3.Based on the factors, the basic ideas and methods that should notice are provided, including system research?uncertainty research?total life analysis?optimum research.根据这些影响因素的特征,提出了桥梁健康研究应该注重的基本思路和主要方法,包括系统化研究、不确定性研究、全寿命分析、健康优化研究等。

4)whole life全寿命

1.Aimed at present domestic and overseas deficiencies of design methods about asphalt pavement structure, the authors developed a new optimization design method onwhole life asphalt pavement structural thickness based on performance and Lfe cycle cost analysis (LCCA), including newly-built and overlaid asphalt pavement structural designs.针对目前国内外有关沥青路面结构设计方法的不足,提出了一种新的基于使用性能和寿命周期费用分析的、包括新建和改建沥青路面结构设计在内的全寿命沥青路面结构厚度优化设计方法,并分别从设计思想、设计标准、设计方程及流程、考虑的因素和寿命周期费用分析等几方面进行了阐述。

2.The authors here validate the equation of pavement structural behavior which was founded before,analyze the influence of different asphalt materials on the pavement long-term performance,develop the effect relation of old pavement condition in the overlaid pavement structure and then give a analysis ofwhole life performance of pavement structure.鉴于传统的路面结构设计不能很好地控制路面损坏状况 ,故对先前建立的路面结构行为方程进行了验证 ,分析了不同沥青材料对路面长期使用性能的影响 ,建立了旧路面的结构状况对罩面路面结构的影响关系 ,在此基础上对路面结构的全寿命使用性能进行了分析 。

3.With the rapid developerment of hard and soft sciences, a set of important new concepts for engineering design have emerged: global andwhole life optimization of an engineering project,treatment of the uncertain information in engineering design, scientific decision methods, intelligent expert systems, structural construction mechanics, control and maintenance of structures, etc.随着软、硬科学的迅速发展,工程设计理论产生了一系列重大的开创性的课题:全系统优化、全寿命优化、科学决策、智能专家系统、结构的性态控制和不确定性因素的科学处理等。


1.Risk management can be seen as an important component of Olympics management,which exists in thelifecycle of Olympics.分析了奥运会全寿命周期内各个阶段可能面临的风险因素,构建了基于全面风险管理的奥运会全寿命周期风险控制模式,为奥运会风险控制提供了更新的理念和更有效的解决方案。

2.EPC/RFID and sensor networks can realize equipment inter-organization precisely and timely multi-parameter monitoring across its totallifecycle,and is promising to boost health management technology.EPC/RFID物联网与传感器网络,能够实现机电设备全寿命、跨组织、多参数的精确及时监控。

6)safety life安全寿命

1.Using the method of probability statistics,the relationship betweensafety life and experiment life was theoretically obtained at small-number specimen experimental conditions when the fatigue life obeys logarithmic normal distribution.利用概率统计的方法,得出了在小样本实验条件下,当疲劳寿命服从对数正态分布时安全寿命与中值实验寿命之间的关系。

2.As a critical part of helicopter,rotor blade anti-fatigue design technique is one of the key to improvingsafety life and decreasing cost.作为直升机的关键动部件,桨叶的抗疲劳设计技术是提高桨叶安全寿命,降低桨叶使用成本的关键。

3.The service life of dynamic components of a helicopter was decided by thesafety life assessing method, but the results show that the given life was conservative, so it has capacity to prolong the life.某型直升机采用安全寿命评定方法对其动部件进行了定寿 ,确定的使用寿命偏于保守 ,具有较大的寿命潜力。


建筑全寿命费用建筑全寿命费用建筑全寿命费用评价建筑技术方案经济效果的指标。初始投资和建筑物运行过程中的经常维修费用都反映了人力、物力、财力的消费。因此,在收益基本相同的条件下,应该通过计算建筑技术方案的全寿命费用,来评价技术方案的经济性。房屋建筑和构筑物的全寿命,是指从勘察、设计、施工、建成后使用至报废拆除这一全过程。全寿命费用由以下几项组成:①初始建设费,包括土地开发费、勘察设计费、工程建造费等。②使用期维持费,包括房屋建筑、构筑物、设备的日常维修管理所支出的人工费、材料费、保险费和税金等。③拆除费,包括用于拆除工程的设计、发包、监督、检查等扣除工程残值的费用余额。全寿命费用一般采用的计算方法有:①现值比较法尸2一尸+D·(1+i)”一1i(1+i)”L.下华份: 吸卜l)”式中,尸:表示建筑技术方案的现值总额;尸表示初始投资;D表示年经营维修费;i表示基准折现利率;n表示工程项目的寿命(年);L表示工程残值余额。②年成本法C一D+尸·(l十i)·产(1+i),一l一L.一-冬,,又1十z)“一1式中,C表示建筑技术方案的年成本额。其余符号定义同上式。对于公共建筑、公用工程和社会福利性质工程(例如公路、铁路、桥梁、办公楼、非商品化的住宅等)的技术方案,决策时主要应考虑国民经济效果和社会效果。在计算费用时,除考虑工程本身外,还须扩大到与本方案相关的部门。例如,铁路建设的费用除初始投资和维持费外,还应包括占用农田的损失费用;对社会、环境、生态等方面的影响,也应做出定性论证。
