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日夜区分 day and night division英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-17 12:34:07


日夜区分 day and night division英语短句 例句大全

日夜区分,day and night division

1)day and night division日夜区分

2)Day-night division日、夜分界

3)day and night distinguishing昼夜区分

4)days and nights日日夜夜


1.It travels all day and all night.地球日日夜夜的旅行。

2.The days and nights were a blur of medical reports.日日夜夜都是治疗报告。

3.By day and by night they thought of their motherland.他们日日夜夜思念祖国。

4.And day and night yield one delight once more?日日夜夜再给我们一次欢欣?

5.Our parents are worrying about us day and night.父母亲日日夜夜地为我们操心受累。

6.Night and day their steps sound by my door.日日夜夜他们的足音在我门前震荡。

7.The fire fighters have to be ready to answer an alarm at any hour of the day or night.消防队员们必须日日夜夜随时待命。

8.This thought gnawed her night and day.这个念头日日夜夜咬着她的心。

9.My conscience tortured me day and night.我日日夜夜受着良心的折磨。

10.She will look after Tom day and night.她会日日夜夜保佑汤姆的。

11.I can"t rest neither by night nor day for thinking on Mary.我日日夜夜神思不安地想着玛丽。

12.He thought of his lover day and night.他日日夜夜思慕着他的情人。

13.The night gains on the day; the day gains on the night夜长日短,日长夜短。

14.night journal [Correctional Services Department]夜更日志〔惩教署〕

15.work against the clock:赶时间,夜以继日地工作

16.Our factory operates round the clock on three shifts.我们厂日夜三班倒。

17.Doctors are expected to be on call day and night.医生日夜准备应诊看

18.Kitty waited on her mother day and night.基蒂日夜服侍她母亲


Day-night division日、夜分界

3)day and night distinguishing昼夜区分

4)days and nights日日夜夜

5)night and day; day and night日夜

6)Bufferin Cold双分伪麻片(日片)/美扑伪麻片(夜片) , 日夜百服咛


