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极化角 polarization angle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-18 05:33:37


极化角 polarization angle英语短句 例句大全

极化角,polarization angle

1)polarization angle极化角

1.This paper introduces the concept of the electromagnetic polarization first,and proposes a 2-stage regulating method based on analyzing the function of thepolarization angle regulator.介绍了卫星通信过程中电磁波极化的概念,在分析极化角调整器作用的基础上,提出了一种两阶段极化角调整方法;该调整方法在一种极化角调整过程中,不需要手工操作就能准确地调整极化角。

2.A simple and convenient method of calculating formula ofpolarization angle is deduced by using cosine theorem and sine theorem of spherical triangle.根据卫星信号的极化与地面接收天线的极化定义基准不同,阐述了极化的概念,并利用球面三角形边的余弦定理和正弦定理,推导出极化角计算公式,为确定卫星电视极化角提供了简便方法。

3.When communicating through linearly polarized satellite transponder,the shipborne earth station usually adjusts the antenna polarization plane to adapt to the variety ofpolarization angle caused by position change to assure that the cross polarization isolation satisfies the specification requirement.船载卫通站使用线极化卫星转发器进行通信时,通过极化面调整来适应地理位置改变而引起的极化角变化,以确保极化隔离度满足指标要求,而极化面调整将引起跟踪接收机相位发生变化,使天线跟踪性能下降。


1.Before the polarization angle adjustment, the antenna pointing may need to be adjusted in advance.极化角调整前可能需要调整天线的对星指向。

2.Experimental Study of Broad-Band and Wide-Angle Circularly Polarized Patch Antennas宽带宽角圆极化贴片天线的实验研究

3.A Study of Anti-Corner Reflector Based on Polarization Decomposition基于极化分解的抗角反射器干扰研究

4.Plarization, New Polarization and Zhujiang River Delta s Development;极化效应、新极化效应与珠江三角洲的经济持续发展

5.Studying on the Changes of Quadriceps Angle during Exercising Simple Shadowboxing;简化太极拳运动中股四头肌角变化的研究

6.Axial Ration Optimization of Wide Scan Phased Array Antenne宽角扫描圆极化相控阵天线轴比的优化设计

7.Lepton Angular Distribution in Unpolarized e~+e~-→(?) and CP-violating Top Dipole Couplings of the Top Quark;非极化e~+e~-→(?)过程轻子角分布与Top夸克CP破坏偶极耦合研究

8.Accurate Adjustment of Pointing and Polarization Angle of Satellite Receiving Antenna卫星接收天线的指向及极化倾角的准确调整

9.A Surface Moisture Inversion Technique Using Multi-polarization and Multi-angle Radar Images;多极化、多角度SAR土壤水分反演算法研究

10.A Study of Translation of Taijiquan Terms into English-From the Perspective of Intercultural Communication;从跨文化交际的角度看太极拳术语的英译

11.Chopsticks,Fingers, and Knives and Forks--An Analysis of World Cultural Differences from the Perspective of Tableware;三极世界文化差异(下)——筷子、手指和刀叉的视角

12.Chopsticks, Fingers, and Knives and Forks--An Analysis of World Cultural Differences from the Perspective of Tableware;三极世界文化差异(上)——筷子、手指和刀叉的视角

13.On the Negative Factors Affecting the Sports Awareness From the Aspects of History and Culture;从历史文化角度看影响体育认识的消极因素

14.Perspective the Passive of China Tradition Culture from the Law Angle;从法治的角度透视中国传统文化中的消极面

15.Positive Effect of Cultural Perspective to “Théorie du Sens” of Interpreting Research;文化视角对释意派口译理论的积极作用

16.Solved the Rotation Angle of Mechanical Faraday Effect With Medium PolarRate;根据介质极化率求机械法拉第效应旋转角

17.A Study of Corporate Diversification and Performance Based on Ultimate Controller基于终极控制人视角的多元化经营及绩效研究

18.Research on Microstructure and Properties of Triple-Electrode CO_2 Welding三电极二氧化碳气体保护角焊组织与性能研究


polar tilt angle极化倾角

1.This(paper) presented a parameter estimation technique ofpolar tilt angle and azimuthal orientation angle of BAM images according to the variations of analyzer angles.利用检偏角的变化,对布儒斯特显微镜(BAM)图像像素点所代表分子簇的极化倾角和取向方位角进行了参数估计。

3)linear polarization angle线极化角

4)angle of polarization偏振角,极化角

5)Incidence azimuth angle入射极化角

6)Polarization orientation angle极化方位角

1.A novel scheme of target enhancement in high-resolution polarimetric SAR imagery is proposed in this paper,which is based on the target s polarization orientation angle feature.针对高分辨极化SAR目标增强问题,提出一种利用极化方位角特征的增强方法。


定风波 商角调 商角调 西江客舍【诗文】:恨行云、特地高寒,牢笼好梦不定。婉娩年华,凄凉客况,泥酒浑成病。画阑深,碧窗静。一树瑶花可怜影。低映。怕月明照见,青禽相并。素衾自冷。又寒香、枕上薰愁醒。甚银床霜冻,山童未起,谁汲墙阴井。玉笙残,锦书迥。应是多情道薄*。争肯。便等闲孤负,西湖春兴。【注释】:【出处】:
