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煤质检测 coal quality detection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-01 04:03:50


煤质检测 coal quality detection英语短句 例句大全

煤质检测,coal quality detection

1)coal quality detection煤质检测

1.Thecoal quality detection and quality followup management software system developed on the basis of network data base and Active X package technology has been presented.介绍了基于网络数据库和ActiveX组件技术开发的煤质检测与质量跟踪管理软件系统。

2)coal property test煤质检测

1.Discussion on laboratory accreditation incoal property testing laboratory;浅谈煤质检测实验室认可工作

2.Quality control incoal property test laboratory;煤质检测实验室质量控制

3)coal quality testing煤炭质检

1.Some measures ofcoal quality testing in power plants;发电企业煤炭质检工作的几个问题

4)coal quality checking煤质检验

1.Discussion oncoal quality checking in coal-fired power plant;燃煤电厂煤质检验工作中问题探讨


1.Application of Single Chip Processor(SCP)in Aspect of Intelligent Metering for Coal Quality Checking单片机在煤质检验智能仪表中的应用

2.Talking about the Compensation for the Cold-end Temperature of the Thermocouple in the Process of Coal Quality Test煤质检验过程中对热电偶冷端温度的补偿

3.Discussion on the regression analysis of using Excel and its application in coal quality verification使用Excel进行回归分析及其在煤质检验中的应用

4.Standard for quality inspection and assessment of installation engineering of coal mine煤矿安装工程质量检验评定标准

5.Discussion on the application of the certified reference material used in coal testing标准物质在煤炭检验中的应用与探讨

6.On the "software" construction in coal quality inspection department浅议煤炭质量检验部门的“软件”建设

7.The evaluation and the test technology analysis on the proficiency verification of the coal quality lab煤质实验室能力验证的评价及检测技术分析

8.Tests for evaluation of kerosine are primarily concerned with burning qualities.评价煤油的检验标准主要是燃烧性能。

9.The Intensity Testing of Main Well Headframe in Dai Zhuang Mine Shangdong山东岱庄生建煤矿主井井架强度检验

10.The Application of the Track Arithmetic In Decision Making of inspection of Coal Mine回溯算法在煤矿检验决策过程的应用

11.The tests on sample preparation units of train loading spot in Tangkou coal mine唐口煤矿火车装车点制样机组的检验

12.Stress wave detection technology of coal tunnel anchor quality煤巷锚杆支护质量的应力波检测技术

13.An experimental study on using slime and crops" straw to produce bio-briquette煤泥和农作物秸杆加工生物质型煤的试验研究

14.post-audit quality review审计工作质量事后检验

15.Garment Quality Control and Inspection by Entry and Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau;出入境检验检疫机构对服装质量的控制与检验

16.Study on Mode of Export Commodity Quality Inspection & Supervision of CIO检验检疫机构出口产品质量检验监管模式研究

17.Discussion on improvement of laboratory accreditation through fine management;集团精细管理促煤质实验室认可工作

18.Study on the treatment of wastewater produced by biomass gasification power plant with sequencing batch reactor biological technique;SBR处理生物质煤气废水试验研究


coal property test煤质检测

1.Discussion on laboratory accreditation incoal property testing laboratory;浅谈煤质检测实验室认可工作

2.Quality control incoal property test laboratory;煤质检测实验室质量控制

3)coal quality testing煤炭质检

1.Some measures ofcoal quality testing in power plants;发电企业煤炭质检工作的几个问题

4)coal quality checking煤质检验

1.Discussion oncoal quality checking in coal-fired power plant;燃煤电厂煤质检验工作中问题探讨

5)coal detection煤炭检测

1.Present status and development of standardization work ofcoal detection methods;我国煤炭检测方法标准化现状及其发展

6)coal level detection煤位检测


