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机端电压 terminal voltage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-18 01:15:17


机端电压 terminal voltage英语短句 例句大全

机端电压,terminal voltage

1)terminal voltage机端电压

1.Iterative learning compensation design forterminal voltage of power systems excitation controller电力系统励磁控制机端电压的迭代学习补偿


1.Iterative learning compensation design for terminal voltage of power systems excitation controller电力系统励磁控制机端电压的迭代学习补偿

2.Analysis and treatment of abnormal high voltage at terminal of No.1 unit of Tongbai Pumped-storage Power Station during instantaneous period of grid connection桐柏一号机并网瞬间机端电压偏高异常现象分析及处理

3.far leading dynamo在线路远端的增压电机组

4.The Analysis and Countermeasure to Over-Hot Failure for the Generator Encourage Extremity;发电机励侧端部压圈过热故障的分析

5.Cold punching processing design of the FH_2-40 motor"s rear coverFH_2-40型电动机后端盖冷冲压工艺设计

6.Energy saving of a water injection system can be achieved by regulating the speed of the electromotor through changing the input voltage of the motor"s stator.电动机调端电压调速是通过改变电动机定子端电压来实现调速的方法。

puter Simulation of Thyristor"s Voltage Wareform between Anode and Cathode of Controlled Rectification Circuit可控整流电路晶闸管两端电压波形计算机仿真

8.Mechanism and Influencing Factors of Overvoltage on Inverter-Fed Traction Motor Terminal变频牵引电机端子过电压产生原理及影响因素

9.Study of Saving Energy on Controlling Technology by Adjusting Input Voltage of Electromotor in Water Injection System;注水系统电机调端电压节能控制技术研究

10.Analysis and Research on Submersible Motor Terminal Overvoltage based on SVPWM Control基于SVPWM控制的潜油电机端过电压分析研究

11.Research on Simulation of Over-Voltage Caused by AC PWM Inverter-Fed Motor交流变频调速系统电机端过电压的仿真研究

12.Study on Over-Voltage at Terminals and Insulation Failure Mechanism of Inverter-Fed Traction Motors;变频调速牵引电机端子过电压及其对绝缘破坏机制的研究

13.a 3-terminal resistor with an adjustable center terminal; used to adjust voltages in radios and TV sets.带有一个可调节的中心接线端的三终端电阻;用来调节收音机或电视机中的电压。

14.The voltmeter shows that the voltage between the two poles of the battery is 3.6v.电压计显示电池两端电压是3.6伏特。

15.A New Control Method to Correct Position Phase for Sensorless Brushless DC Motor基于端电压对称的无位置传感器无刷直流电机位置信号相位校正

16.multiterminal HVDC transmission system多端高压直流输电系统

17.two-terminal HVDC transmission system二端高压直流输电系统

18.Thus, the terminal voltage drops to zero.这样,路端电压就降到零。


Over voltage at terminals机端过电压

3)voltage of motor end电动机端电压

4)motor terminal voltage电动机端子电压

5)the steady terminal voltage adjustment恒机端电压调节

6)Terminal voltage control (TVC)机端电压控制


