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第一零应力时间 First zero-stress time英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-25 12:37:48


第一零应力时间 First zero-stress time英语短句 例句大全

第一零应力时间,First zero-stress time

1)First zero-stress time第一零应力时间

2)Second zero-stress time第二零应力时间

3)Earliest Convenience第一时间

1.Reading-Therapy towards College Students at TheirEarliest Convenience——On the Entrance Education of Freshmen;让阅读疗法在第一时间走近大学生——谈新生入学教育


1.I will be coming backthe first time will pay a return visit everybody!我将在回来的第一时间回访大家!

2.We should inform the insurance agent at the first time.我们应在第一时间通知保险公司代理。

3.the first canonical hour; at daybreak.黎明的第一个祷告时间。

4.To start with, we haven"t enough money, and secondly we haven"t enough time.第一我们钱不够,第二我们时间不够。

ing next after the first in position in space or time or degree or magnitude.在时间、空间、程度、数量上位于第一之后。

6.The first stage should take about two years and the second a year.第一阶段,大约须有两年时间;第二阶段,须有一年时间。

7.One that is first in time, order, or sequence.第一位时间,顺序或次序上处于第一事物

8.Average time to first byte (msecs):接收第一个字节的平均时间(毫秒):

9.Analyze Timescaled Data Wizard - Step 1 of 5时间刻度数据分析向导:第一步(共五步)

10.When she was building her first foundling asylum, what was he doing?她造第一间育婴堂的时候,他干吗去了?

11.but they haven"t had time to study the trigger assembly from the first bomb.但他们没时间研究第一枚炸弹的结构

12.It is not known when the first volume was compiled.编录第一卷的时间现在尚不知晓。

13.I didn"t have time to read the whole article - just the first column.我没有时间读整篇文章——只能读第一栏。

14.After the third robbery,the thieves decided to lie low for a time.第三次抢劫后,小偷决定隐藏一段时间。

15.Thesis defense is scheduled in the first week of June.论文答辩时间定在六月的第一个星期。

16.The first step is to determine the unit-time reference dose rate.第一步要确定单位时间参考剂量率。

17.Yes, that was the first time in a long while.斯: 那昨很长时间来第一次打球。

18.This, from 1300 A.D. until World War One, became the second Assyrian dark age.从公元1300年到第一次时间大战,这段时期是亚述的第二个黑暗时代。


Second zero-stress time第二零应力时间

3)Earliest Convenience第一时间

1.Reading-Therapy towards College Students at TheirEarliest Convenience——On the Entrance Education of Freshmen;让阅读疗法在第一时间走近大学生——谈新生入学教育

4)first principal normal stress第一主应力

5)stress of the first kind第一类应力

6)Time stress时间应力

1.Dynamic description model of the relationship between electromechanical system damage and time stress;机电系统损伤与时间应力关系的动态描述模型

2.Then,some relation analysis technologies between time stress and electromechanical system faults based on FMESA and logistic regression were studied.时间应力测量装置技术是一种测量和存储各种应力数据以及对这些数据进行挖掘与分析的技术。

3.A combined false alarm reducing method for BIT system based on time stress analysis is introduced.针对该问题,从机电系统所承受时间应力的角度构建了机内测试系统综合降低虚警技术的总体模型。


第一1.等第次序居首位或首位的。 2.形容程度最深;最重要。
