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导线选择 conductor selection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-03 23:43:44


导线选择 conductor selection英语短句 例句大全

导线选择,conductor selection

1)conductor selection导线选择


1.Power Planning and Power Conductor of Temporary Power Supply in site施工临时用电的电源设置及导线选择

2.Selection of ±500 kV DC Transmission Line Conductor at Extra High Elevation Regions above Sea Level特高海拔地区±500kV直流输电线路导线选择

3.Selection and Application of New Type Conductors for Increasing Capacities of Transmission Lines in Large Cities大城市输电线路增容工程中新型导线选择应用

4.Conductor Selection for ±500 kV Jiyang Large Crossing Transmission Line Upgrading±500kV吉阳大跨越输电线路增容改造导线选择

5.Research on Selecting Conductor Section of 1 000 kV Transmission Line1000 kV交流输电线路导线截面选择研究

6.The selection and energy saving of the lead cross-section of the low voltage distribution network line低压配电网线路导线截面选择与节能

7.Low-pressure Conductor Section Selection And Determine Of Power Supply Radius低压导线截面选择及供电半径的确定

8.Selecting Method of the Optimal Maneuvering Route of Troops for Ground-to-Air Missile Fire Unit;地空导弹火力单元最佳兵力机动线路的选择

9.The Optimum Selection of Leader sTerm of Office--Thinking from Katz Curve;领导者任期的最佳选择——从“卡兹曲线”引发的思考

10.A Guidance Directrix Approach to Agriculture AGV Based on Feature Point Selection基于特征点选择的农用AGV导航线提取算法

11.The files you selected will be imported into the project and added to the timeline.将您选择的这些文件导入到项目中并添加到时间线。

12.Online Identification of Dominant Characteristic Modes of Small Signal Disturbance and Selection of Strong Correlative Units电力系统在线小干扰主导特征模式识别及强相关机组选择方法

13.ionsensitive field transistor离子选择半导体传感器

14.ion sensitive semiconducting transistor离子选择半导体晶体管

15.The item you selected is not a wizard, please select a wizard.您选择的项目不是向导,请选择一个向导。

16.uniselector distribution frame旋转式选择器配线架

17.oil-proof a. oil seal oil-tight radial selector无线电定向标选择器

18.The Research on Selection Tendency and Basic Standard of China s Leading Sports Industry;我国体育主导产业的选择基准与选择取向


selector wire选择器导线

3)choice of section of lead导线截面的选择

4)economic voltage loss导线截面选择

5)Pathfinder selection引导选择

1.Objective To isolate single chain antibody fragments (scFv) against cell surface molecules by pathfinder selection from an anti-KG1a cell scFv phage library.目的 用引导选择方法从抗KG1a细胞的噬菌体展示抗体库中分离单链抗体。

6)guided selection导向选择

1.Preparation of human Fab antibodies against HAb18G byguided selection and chain shuffling technique;用导向选择链更替技术建立抗肝癌抗原HAb18G的人源性Fab基因库


输电线路导线截面选择输电线路导线截面选择selection of conductor cross-section of transmission line但由于超高压输电线路导线的表面电场强度均控制在电晕临界电场强度的80%以上,接近于电晕临界电场强度,而新架设导线表面的局部污损又导致导线电晕临界电压降低,故运行初期和在雨天情况下仍难免出现电晕。相导线上产生电晕放电时,要伴随着产生连续重复性的电流脉冲,这些电流脉冲产生频率为0.15~100 MHz的振荡电磁波,致使在电晕导线上产生高频电磁辐射,从而在导线周围形成一高频电场,对无线电收音机和发射天线产生干扰。同时这种振荡电磁波还沿导线传播,干扰高频通道的正常工作.由电晕导线产生的无线电干扰电平L-20 19(EZ/E,),dB。其中EZ为测点电场强度,拌V/m;E,为参考电场强度,拌V/m。工程上取E,一1拌V/m为基准,故L~20 lgEZ。若EZ~El~1拜V/m,则测点的无线电干扰电平为零。从高压、超高压架空输电线路下测得的无线电干扰电平L(dB)随频率f(MH:)的增大而减弱,其关系曲线称为频谱特性,如图2所示。由频谱特性看出,频率在0.15~1.0 MH:范围内的干扰电平最大;雨天的干扰电平是各种气候中最大的。另外,随着海拔高度的增大,相对空气密度减小,干扰电平也增大。
