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基础模板 foundation template英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-25 19:24:33


基础模板 foundation template英语短句 例句大全

基础模板,foundation template

1)foundation template基础模板

1.This paper introduces the construction technique and work flow offoundation template of ZHJL5552D coke oven,and analyzes the economic benefit.详细介绍了ZHJL5552D型焦炉基础模板施工的工艺及流程,并对其经济效益进行了分析。


1.Talking about the Construction of Foundation Template of ZHJL5552D Coke Oven and the Cost Analysis浅谈ZHJL5552D型焦炉基础模板施工及成本分析

2.Create a version 2 certificate template using this template as a base.用此模板作为基础创建证书模板版本 2。

3.Creates a version 2.0 certificate template using this template as a base用此模板作为基础创建证书模板版本 2.0。

4.Study on Nonlinear Punching Shear Damage Process Imitation of Thick Raft Foundation;厚板筏基础非线性冲切损伤过程模拟

5.Research of Pile Raft Foundation Soil Reaction Model and Raft Design;桩筏基础基底土反力模型及筏板设计研究

6.Variational Bases for Large Deformed-Elements of Plate and Shell hy Quasi-Conforming Model拟协调模式大变形板壳单元的变分基础

7.FEM Simulation and Simplified Calculation of the Settlement of the Raft Foundation;筏板基础沉降的有限元模拟及简化计算

8.The domain structure template,which is a model for knowledge expression of scheme case in conceptual design,is constructed on this basis.在此基础上 ,构造了概念设计方案实例的知识表示模型———域结构模板 ;

9.A Fundamental Study on Laser Forming of Sheet Metal Without Mould Based on Thermal Stress;基于激光热应力的金属薄板无模成形的基础研究

10.{You cannot create a new file based on a Global file.} Select a different template to base your new file on.{不能基于全局文件创建新文件。}请选择其他模板作为新建模板的基础。

11.monolithic slab and foundation wall整体式楼板与基础壁

12.To base new documents on templates, click New on the File menu, and then click a template.以模板为基础创建新文档,从“文件”菜单中选择“新建”命令,然后选择所需的模板。

13.Type the address of a form template to use as the basis for all new forms created in this form library.请键入在此表单库中用作所有新建表单基础的表单模板的地址。

14.Design of a thick plate transfer story structure in top plate of basement某工程基础顶板厚板转换的结构设计

15.On reforming strip foundation into raft foundation in brick-concrete structure residential building砖混结构住宅楼条形基础改筏板基础的启示

16.The Interaction Analysis of the Upper Structure-Raft-Soil Foundation;上部结构—筏板基础—地基共同作用分析

17.A Toe Board Foundation Treatment of the High Concrete-Faced Rockfill Dam in SHUIBUYA;水布垭高面板堆石坝趾板基础处理研究

18.Based on this, coating thickness structure of tinplate was put forward and the concept of coating apparent thickness was defined.在此基础上,建立了镀锡钢板镀层厚度结构模型,定义了镀层的表观厚度。


foundation slab基础底板

1.Crack control of bulk mass concretefoundation slab of Eastern skyline engineering;东方天际工程大体积混凝土基础底板裂缝控制

2.During the construction course,the real-time temperature monitoring for onefoundation slab of mass concrete is made,the temperature changes inside the concrete are timely detected and some countermeasures are taken to control the internal and external temperature differences in accordance with the measured data.在施工过程中,对某大体积混凝土基础底板进行实时温度监控,从而及时了解混凝土内部温度的变化情况,并根据实测数据采取相应的措施控制温差。

3.For those buildings with slices of raft,when thefoundation slab is under groundwater level,seepage will occur because of survey,design,construction and some other causes such as natural disaster.部分采用片筏基础的建筑,当其地下室基础底板处于地下水水位以下时,由于勘察、设计、施工或其他诸如自然灾害等因素导致基础底板发生渗水现象[1]。

3)raft foundation筏板基础

1.Analysis and correction ofraft foundation caculation on PKPM;关于PKPM筏板基础内力计算的分析与修正

2.Construction Technique for Mass Concrete of a Tall Building s Raft Foundation;某高层建筑筏板基础大体积混凝土施工技术

3.Design, Construction and Inspection for A tall building Raft foundation;某高层建筑筏板基础设计、施工与检验

4)mat foundation筏板基础

1.Application of large concretemat foundation is less interiorly.大体积混凝土筏板基础在国内应用较少。

2.This manuscript has done research on the computation methods of themat foundation with the interactive principles of soil and base.应用地基与基础相互作用原理 ,研究了建筑结构中筏板基础的计算方法 ,在计算中考虑了上部结构刚度的影响、土的塑性和桩基础刚度的引入等内容 ,为工程应用研制了筏板基础计算程序TBSA F ,并已应用于高层建筑结构的地基基础工程设计中。

3.It is difficult to find out the suitable solution tomat foundation based on elastic body in civil structural designing because it is influenced by both upper structure and building foundation.弹性地基上的筏板基础由于受上部结构和地基的共同影响,在工程设计中很难找到既简单又接近于实际情况的计算方法。

5)plate-pile foundation桩板基础

1.Through the calculation and analysis of settlement occurred atplate-pile foundation of storage tank, the simple and effective method was established for the similar settlement calculation, by which the possible settlement occurred in the similar engineering project can be evaluated correctly.通过桩板基础储罐的沉降计算分析,对类似工程的沉降计算建立区域性的简便又有效的经验方法,为勘察设计往后遇到类似工程时对其可能发生的沉降量能够进行较为正确的估计。

6)foundation sole plate基础台板

1.The article briefs the structure and erection offoundation sole plate of 9FA gas turbine in Hangzhou Banshan Huadian Power Generation Company.文章介绍了9FA燃气轮机的基础台板结构及安装。


经济基础(见经济基础与上层建筑)经济基础(见经济基础与上层建筑)economical basisJ ingji Jiehu经济基础与上层建筑。(eeonomiealbasis)见经济基础
