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褐煤干燥技术 drying technology of lignite英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-18 15:05:42


褐煤干燥技术 drying technology of lignite英语短句 例句大全

褐煤干燥技术,drying technology of lignite

1)drying technology of lignite褐煤干燥技术

1.The process and the main equipments of the low temperaturedrying technology of lignite were discussed in the paper,combining with the current ground processing technology and the drying technology in Laogongyingzi coal mine.结合老公营子矿现行地面加工工艺及褐煤干燥技术,探讨了褐煤低温干燥工艺相关措施及主要设备选型,并对其经济效益进行相应分析。

2)technique of desiccating fancy cod精煤干燥技术

3)lignite drying shaping褐煤干燥成型

4)drying technology干燥技术

1.Present situation and development tendency of chinesedrying technology;中国干燥技术现状及发展趋势

2.Microwave vacuumdrying technology and its application in the process of the produce;微波真空干燥技术及其在农产品加工中的应用

3.Progress ofdrying technology in China during the latest three decades;近三十年来我国干燥技术的发展概况


1.Study on Drying Properties and Technology of Birch with Thickness of 55mm;55mm厚白桦干燥特性与干燥技术的研究

2.(Vacuum) Freezing & Drying Technology FORTRAN 77真空)冷冻干燥技术

3.Development of a New Vegetable Dryer Model and Study on Its Drying Technology;脱水蔬菜干燥装置的研制及其干燥技术研究

4.Application of low temperature drying technology of lignite on drying the slack coal of Laogongyingzi Coal Mine利用褐煤低温干燥技术干燥老公营子矿末煤

5.Effects of Different Drying Technologies on Qualities of Green Tea不同干燥技术对绿茶品质影响的研究

6.Analysis of Spray-Drying Traditional Chinese Medicine and Its Research Progress中药喷雾干燥技术的分析与研究进展

7.Practical application of EcoDry sludge drying technology in EuropeEcoDry污泥干燥技术在欧洲的应用

parison on HPLC fingerprint profiles of Lonicera japonica bud obtained by various dryness techniques金银花不同干燥技术HPLC指纹图谱研究

9.Application of Drying Techniques for Preparing Nano Oxide干燥技术在制备纳米氧化物中的应用

10.On the Development Trend of Vacuum Drying Equipment and Vacuum Drying Technology浅析真空干燥技术及设备的发展趋势

11.Utilizing the Vacuum Freeze-drying Technique to Manufacture the Dried Flowers of 4 Kinds of Flowers;用真空冷冻干燥技术研制四种花卉的立体干燥花

12.Study on the Drying Characteristics and Technologies of Russian Larch Wood with Thickness of 30mm;30mm厚俄罗斯产落叶松木材干燥特性与干燥技术的研究


14.Pointed out that hot water style drying technique is lower in energy consumption, fine in drying quality and shorter in drying period.指出了热水型干燥技术具有能耗低、燥质量好、期短等特点。

15.Study on the Preparation and the Mechanism of Ultrafine Ni Powder by Freeze-Drying;冷冻干燥技术制备超细镍粉及其机理研究

16.Study on Drying Technology of Small-diameter Manchurian Ash, Mongolian Oak and Birch;小径木水曲柳、柞木和白桦锯材干燥技术的研究

17.Key Technologies on Explosion Puffing of Fruits and Vegetables at Low-Temperature and High-Pressure;果蔬低温高压膨化干燥关键技术研究

18.Key Points of Quality Control of Vacuum Freeze Drier冷冻真空干燥机的质量技术控制要点


technique of desiccating fancy cod精煤干燥技术

3)lignite drying shaping褐煤干燥成型

4)drying technology干燥技术

1.Present situation and development tendency of chinesedrying technology;中国干燥技术现状及发展趋势

2.Microwave vacuumdrying technology and its application in the process of the produce;微波真空干燥技术及其在农产品加工中的应用

3.Progress ofdrying technology in China during the latest three decades;近三十年来我国干燥技术的发展概况

5)drying technique干燥技术

1.Development and Applications of PIA Pre-Drying TechniquePIA预干燥技术的开发和应用

2.In this study,the construction of bio-engineered yeast,fermentation dynamics,progress ondrying technique and protective agent activity during drying were discussed to point out the prospect of AADY industry.该文综述了现代生物工程育种技术、增强酵母菌抗逆性的发酵动力学、干燥技术的研究进展及干燥过程中保护剂的添加给AADY的持续发展提供了广阔的前景。

3.The paper briefly introduces the principle and advantage of vacuum freezingdrying technique.简要介绍了真空冷冻干燥技术基本原理及冻干食品的特点。

6)thermal sludge drying technology污泥热干燥技术


RP技术和基于RP技术的RT技术摘要:介绍了快速成形技术的原理和几种典型成形方法。同时,还介绍了基于快速成形技术的快速模具技术在模具制造业中的应用,以及快速成形技术的现状和发展趋势。 关键词:快速成形;快速模具;直接快速制模;间接快速制模。引言 快速成形(Rapid Prototyping , RP.)技术,也叫快速原型技术,20世纪80年代后期起源于美国。该技术是一种集计算机辅助设计、机械、数控、检测、激光技术和材料学等为一体的先进制造技术。传统的制造方法是基于材料去除的概念,而 RP 技术突破了这种工艺方法,它是一种“使材料生长”的制造过程,是一种全新的制造技术,所以被誉为是近来制造技术领域的一项重大突破。RP技术 1、原理 RP 技术是基于离散/堆积的原理。在计算机的控制下快速成型机的成形头选择性地固化一层层的液体材料(或选择性的切割一层层的纸、烧结一层层的粉末材料、喷涂一层层的热熔性材料等),形成各个截面轮廓并逐步顺序叠加成三维工件实体。其工艺步骤为: (1)切片 把三维CAD模型转化为快速原型系统能够接受的数据格式,运用切片软件将模型切成一系列指定厚度的薄片。 (2)扫描 通过数控装置控制激光或其他作业装置,在当前工作层上扫描出切片的截面形状。 (3)进给 把工作台沿着某一方向下降每次成形厚度那样一个距离。重复上一步骤和本步骤,直到工件完全成形。 (4)后处理 根据不同应用场合的需要,分别对零件进行后固化、上漆、烧结、渗铜等处理。 2、类型 目前RP的方法有几十种,但商品化较好的主要有:光固化立体成形(Stereo Lithogra- phy Apparatus, SLA)、分层实体制造(Laminated Objected Manufacturing ,LOM)、选择性激光烧结(Selected Laser Sintering , SLS)、熔融沉积造型(Fused Deposition Modeling , FDM)、三维印刷(Three Dimensional Printing , TDP)等。另外,很有潜力的激光气相沉积(Laser Vapor Deposition , LVP)法正在试验之中。 (1)SLA SLA法是出现最早,技术最成熟和应用最广泛的RP 技术,由美国的3D Systems 公司推出。SLA法是用激光束按照截面轮廓的形状,沿液态光敏树脂的表面进行扫描来固化光敏树脂,从而成形工件。工件的表面质量较好,尺寸精度较高(相对于其他RP 方法),可确保工件的尺寸精度在0.1mm以内,但树脂会因吸收空气中的水分而收缩、弯曲、卷翘,产生应力,适合成形中小型工件。
