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煤颗粒 coal particles英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-24 19:13:19


煤颗粒 coal particles英语短句 例句大全

煤颗粒,coal particles

1)coal particles煤颗粒

1.The surface terms are induced in chemical thermodynamics and kinetics, and effects of particle sizes on combustion and pyrolysis ofcoal particles are analysed and discussed.在化学热力学和动力学理论中引入表面项,并由此来分析和讨论粒度对煤颗粒燃烧和热解反应的影响规律。

2.The electric heating fluidized bed is used to produce the varieties coal ranks ofcoal particles,in different experimental conditions.在不同实验条件下,用实验室规模小型电加热流化床制取不同煤质煤颗粒样品。

2)coal particle煤颗粒

1.Using constant temperature thermogravime try technique, the kinetics characteristics ofcoal particles (particle size 3.实验分析表明,灰层对煤颗粒燃烧过程的影响很小,3种煤焦的单颗粒燃烧过程灰层的最大阻力(1/kC)max(灰层厚度δ=R0/2-0。

3)large coal particles大颗粒煤

1.The mathematical model with distributed activation energy mechanism for devolatilization oflarge coal particles in a moving bed was proposed.应用煤热解的分布活化能机理 ,考虑热解热效应以及热解产物在煤粒内部的传热传质 ,提出了大颗粒煤在移动床中的热解模型 。

4)particle coal颗粒煤

1.Based on experiments, this paperputs forward a new method of using infiltration rate ofparticle coal for determining gaspermeability of coal seams.本文以实验为基础,研究提出了一种用颗粒煤渗透率确定煤层透气性系数的新方法。


1.Methodological study on combustion reaction kinetics of single coal char particle单颗粒煤焦燃烧反应动力学研究方法

2.Coal slurries were found to exhibit a wide spectrum of flow behavior ranging from Newtonian at low concentrations to shear-thinning and pseudoplastic with a yield stress at higher concentrations.利用双峰级配理论,将粗颗粒煤粉加入细颗粒中可降低煤浆体系的黏度。

3.Effect of Particle Size on Hydroxyl Groups of Coal Surface颗粒粒径对煤表面羟基官能团的影响

4.Granular activated carbon from coal for high adsorption performanceGB/T7701.7-1997高效吸附用煤质颗粒活性炭

5.Granular activated carbon from coal for the treatment of waterGB/T7701.4-1997净化水用煤质颗粒活性炭

6.Granular activated carbon from coal for air purificatioGB/T7701.5-1997净化空气用煤质颗粒活性炭

7.Granular activated carbon from coal for desulfurizationGB/T7701.1-1997脱硫用煤质颗粒活性炭

8.Granular activated carbon from coal for solvent recoveryGB/T7701.2-1997回收溶剂用煤质颗粒活性炭

9.Granular activated carbon from coal for protectionGB/T7701.6-1997防护用煤质颗粒活性炭

10.Granular activated carbon from coal for catalyst carrierGB/T7701.3-1997触媒载体用煤质颗粒活性炭

11.Effect on cement properties of particle characteristics of fly ash粉煤灰颗粒特性对其水泥性能的影响


13.A simple expression to caculate the burning rate of char particles in the furnace炉膛内煤焦颗粒燃烧速率的简易求法

14.The Investigation on Char Characteristics and Particulate Matter Formation during Coal Combustion;煤燃烧过程中煤焦特性与颗粒物形成的研究

15.Influence of concentration and particle size distribution on viscosity prediction of coal slurry煤浆浓度和颗粒分布对煤浆黏度预测的影响

16.An organic particle of colloidal size found in coal.胶态离子见于煤中的胶粒大小的有机颗粒

17.Standard test method for granutar activated carbon from coal-- Determination of particle sizeGB/T7702.2-1997煤质颗粒活性炭试验方法粒度的测定

18.Influence of particle distribution on properties of fly ash cement with particles adjusted颗粒分布对粉煤灰调粒水泥强度的影响


coal particle煤颗粒

1.Using constant temperature thermogravime try technique, the kinetics characteristics ofcoal particles (particle size 3.实验分析表明,灰层对煤颗粒燃烧过程的影响很小,3种煤焦的单颗粒燃烧过程灰层的最大阻力(1/kC)max(灰层厚度δ=R0/2-0。

3)large coal particles大颗粒煤

1.The mathematical model with distributed activation energy mechanism for devolatilization oflarge coal particles in a moving bed was proposed.应用煤热解的分布活化能机理 ,考虑热解热效应以及热解产物在煤粒内部的传热传质 ,提出了大颗粒煤在移动床中的热解模型 。

4)particle coal颗粒煤

1.Based on experiments, this paperputs forward a new method of using infiltration rate ofparticle coal for determining gaspermeability of coal seams.本文以实验为基础,研究提出了一种用颗粒煤渗透率确定煤层透气性系数的新方法。

5)pulverized coal particle煤粉颗粒

1.The calculated results show that, under different time-averaged gas temperature, the instantaneous devolatilization rates ofpulverized coal particles with different diameters are all affected by the gas fluctuating temperature.研究了热气流中气相温度脉动对煤粉颗粒瞬时热解挥发速率的影响。

2.The effects of gas temperature fluctuation on the devolatilization ofpulverized coal particles with different diameters are explored under different time-averaged gas temperature.本文在不同的气相平均温度条件下,研究了气相温度脉动对不同粒径煤粉颗粒挥发分释放的影响。

3.In the presence of gas-phase temperature fluctuations,the transient release process of nitrogenous compound resulting from the pyrolysis ofpulverized coal particles was calculated.在有气相温度脉动的条件下,对煤粉颗粒热解中含氮化合物的瞬时释放过程进行了计算,计算中对氮化合物瞬时释放速率采用了官能团(FG-DVC)模型。

6)coal/char particle煤焦颗粒


标准煤(见煤当量)标准煤(见煤当量)standard coal、~‘~1人、4《1工兀飞coal)见煤当等
