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区位聚集 location aggregation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-23 15:16:57


区位聚集 location aggregation英语短句 例句大全

区位聚集,location aggregation

1)location aggregation区位聚集


1.Research for the Influence ofAgglomeration of FDI to Regional Innovation;FDI区位集聚对区域创新能力的影响研究


1.Granger Causality Diagnosis Studies on FDI Gathering and Industrial Cluster;FDI区位集聚与产业集群因果关系实证分析

2.Research for the Influence of Agglomeration of FDI to Regional Innovation;FDI区位集聚对区域创新能力的影响研究

3.Experimental study on the relationship of product region cluster and FDI region cluster of China;我国行业集聚与FDI区位集聚的互动性研究——以江苏等9省为例

4.Agglomeration Effects, Location Differences, and Regional Economic Growth in China;聚集效应、区位差别与区域经济增长

5.Transaction Costs,Agglomeration Economies and the Location of Multinational Corporations;交易费用、聚集经济与跨国公司区位

6.The Location Selection of FDI and Industrial Agglomeration--Taking Fujian Province for Example;FDI区位选择和产业集聚——以福建省为例

7.The Industrial Niche and Agglomerate Potential in Forming of Regional Industrial Community;区域产业群落形成的生态位与聚集势

8.Agglomeration economies,FDI location choice and new strategies of attracting foreign capital;集聚经济、FDI区位选择与引资新战略

9.Relocation and Agglomeration of Chinese Industry;中国工业在区域上的重新定位和聚集

10.New Path Research:From Regional Choice to Cluster Economy从区位选择到聚集经济的新解决途径

11.Location Effect of Industrial Agglomeration and It’s Revelation to Undeveloped Region;产业集聚的区位效应及其对欠发达区域的启示

12.An Analysis for Location Factors that Cause Industrial Agglomeration;高技术产业聚集区形成的区位因子分析

13.The Logic Deduction from Location Choice to Spatial Agglomeration;从区位选择到空间集聚的逻辑演绎——探索集聚经济的微观机理

14.How Local Fator and Agglomeration Econometric Impact on FDI Distribution;区位环境和集聚经济对外商直接投资的影响

15.An Empirical Analysis of Industrial Agglomeration s Influencing Location Choice of FDI in Jiangsu Province;产业集聚对江苏省FDI区位选择影响的实证分析

16.The Effects of the Industrial Agglomeration on the Location Choice of Foreign Direct Investment;论产业集聚对外商直接投资区位选择的影响

17.Industrial Agglomeration and Decision of FDI Local Choice in China;产业集聚与外国直接投资在华的区位决定

18.Study on the Location Choice of Firm s R&D Based on Agglomeration;基于集聚效应的我国企业R&D区位选择研究



1.Research for the Influence ofAgglomeration of FDI to Regional Innovation;FDI区位集聚对区域创新能力的影响研究

3)agglomeration industrial region集聚工业区位


1.Taking Xiashan central business district(CBD) in Zhanjiang as an example,the thesis proposes comprehensive city underground space planning,as well as planning of re-development and re-utilization of city s underground projectclusters to integrate the resources.分析了当前城市地下工程普遍存在着缺乏地下空间规划、法规不明确、工程配套不足与使用效果不理想等问题,以湛江市霞山区商贸中心片区为例,提出应尽快编制城市地下空间综合规划的同时,开展在城市地下工程集聚区再开发利用的规划,以整合资源。

2.Clusters of creative industry has been the most effective way, now many domestic experts and scholars have condu.创意产业集聚区已经被看作是发展创意产业的最有效的途径之一,目前国内很多专家、学者对此进行了大量的研究。


1.Cluster Accelerates the Development of Modern Service Industry——for example of Shanghai;现代服务业集聚区将促进现代服务业的加快发展——以上海市为例

6)centralize sub-areas集聚片区


