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炭负极 carbon anode英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-23 19:46:42


炭负极 carbon anode英语短句 例句大全

炭负极,carbon anode

1)carbon anode炭负极


1.Modification and Surface Treatment of Carbon Materials Used as Anode of Lithium Ion Secondary Battery;锂离子二次电池炭负极材料的改性与修饰

2.Preparation and Properties of Carbon Anode Materials Used for Lithium Ion Batteries;锂离子电池炭负极材料的制备及性能研究

3.Investigation on Fabrication and Properties of Composite Carbon Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries;锂离子电池复合炭负极材料的制备及性能研究

4.Research Progress in Structure and Lithium Intercalation Mechanism of Carbon Anodes Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries锂离子电池炭负极材料结构及嵌锂机理研究进展

5.Carbon/graphite Composite Materiasl Used for Lithium Ion Batteries;炭/石墨复合材料作为锂离子电池负极材料研究

6.positive carbon阳极炭条, 正极炭条

7.Researches of Carbon Gel and Their Composites as Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries;炭凝胶及其复合材料用于锂离子电池负极材料研究

8.Containing or producing the type of electric charge carried by electrons(电)阴极的,负极的

9.the positive/negative terminals,eg of a battery正[负]极(如电池的).

10.positive-intrinsic-negative diode“正-本征-负”二极管

11.PIN (Positive-Intrinsic-Negative)正-本征-负(二极管)

12.having an indicated pole (as the distinction between positive and negative electric charges).有指示极(电极正极和负极的不同)。

13.A negatively charged electrode, as of an electrolytic cell, a storage battery, or an electron tube.阴极负电极,如电池、蓄电池或电子管的负极

14.Preparation and performance of electrodeionization simulator based on bamboo-based activated carbon electrodes capacitance竹炭基活性炭电极电容去离子模拟装置的研究

15.The main products include normal cathode blocks for the alumimum elecrolysis.the carbon blocks for the submerged –arc furnace and the blast furnace.主要有铝电解用普通阴极炭块、矿热炉用炭块、高炉炭块。

16.Hydrogen Storage Properies of Carbon Mesopore Loading LiAIH_4;介孔炭CMK-3负载LiAIH_4储氢性能研究

17.Study on the Process of Preparation Palladium-carbon Catalyst for Dechlorination and Hydrogenation负载型钯炭脱氯催化剂制备过程研究

18.Removal Characteristics of Vapour-Phase Elemental Mercury Through Active Carbon-Supported CuO/Cl负载CuO/Cl活性炭的气态汞脱除特性


activated carbon negative electrode活性炭负极

3)carbon negative electrode materials炭负极材料

1.The principle of estimating the cyclic performance ofcarbon negative electrode materials in LIB with the powder microelectrode cyclic voltammetric method was illustrated.阐明了采用粉末微电极循环伏安法估测锂离子电池(LIB)炭负极材料的循环性能的原理。

2.The achievements of studyingcarbon negative electrode materials including graphite, nongraphite and nanosized materials for lithium ion battery have been reviewed and discussed in terms of the peculiar properties of these materials.综述了作为锂离子电池炭负极材料的石墨类、非石墨类、纳米材料等方面的研究成果,介绍了上述各种材料的特点。

4)Carbon fiber negative electrode炭纤维负极

5)loaded charcoal负载炭

1.Desorption and Separate Gold-Silver form gold-silverloaded charcoal;含金银负载炭的解吸及金银分离

6)coke load焦炭负荷


活性炭 ,药用炭药物名称:药用炭英文名:Charcol别名: 活性炭 ,药用炭外文名:Charcol适应症: 用于腹泻、胃肠胀气、食物中毒等。 用量用法: 口服:每次1.5~4g,1日2~3次,饭前服。亦可在服本品后再服硫酸镁,以排出有毒物质。 注意事项: 能吸附维生素、抗生素、磺胺类、生物碱、乳酶生、激素等,对蛋白酶、胰酶的活性亦有影响,均不宜合用。 规格:片剂:每片0.15g、0.3g、0.5g。 类别:泻药及止泻药
