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心理应激 Psychological stress英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-15 03:48:38


心理应激 Psychological stress英语短句 例句大全

心理应激,Psychological stress

1)Psychological stress心理应激

1.Application and prospect of psychological stress and animal model in sports science of human body;心理应激及其动物模型构建在运动人体科学中的应用与展望

2.Effect of green tea polyphenols on behavioral performances in psychological stress rats;绿茶多酚对心理应激大鼠行为表现的影响

3.Effect of aerobics on the behaviors and the free radical in peripheral blood of aging rats after being received psychological stress;有氧运动对心理应激衰老大鼠行为和氧自由基的影响


1.The Relationship between Psychological Changes and Purposive Crime Psychology;心理应激与故意犯罪心理产生的关系

2.Exploration of Response of Psychology and Psychological Nursing Intervention in SARS Patients.;SARS患者心理应激反应与心理护理干预探索研究

3.Survey on psychologic reaction of Zhuang survivors after earthquake;地震灾后壮族灾民心理应激反应分析

4.The Current Mental Irritation for College Students and its Management;新时期大学生的心理应激及应对方式

5.The Logotherapy Applied to Psychological Stress Reaction of the People Suffered Traumas创伤后人群心理应激反应的意义治疗

6.Ultrastructural Changes of Temporomandibular Joint in Rats under Psychological Stress and Anti-psychological Stress心理应激与对抗心理应激后大鼠颞下颌关节超微结构的变化

7.The Study of Therapeutic Effects of Xiaoyao Pill and Psychological Treatment on Psychological Stress People;肝气郁结型心理应激人群药物及心理干预研究

8.The Psychological Intervention in Patients with Aortic Dissection on the Effects of Psychological Stress心理干预对主动脉夹层患者心理应激的影响

9.The Research of Psychological Stress between Coronary Artery Spasm;心理应激与冠状动脉痉挛关系的研究

10.Aresearch on the Characteristics of Cognitive Evaluation to the Middle School Students s Mental Coping Stress;中学生心理应激的认知评价特点研究

11.Analysis and Research on the College Students Psychological Stress in Zhejiang Province;浙江省大学生心理应激的分析与研究

12.Effects of chronic psychological stress on cognitive function in military personnel;军人慢性心理应激对认知功能的影响

13.Examination for Reliability and Validity of the Mental Stress Scale of College Students;大学生心理应激量表的信、效度检验

14.Study on Mental Stress and Correlative Factors of Baseball Players;棒球运动员心理应激及相关因素研究


16.Quickly Tackling of Psychology and Interference Strategies of Public Sanitation Accident;公共卫生事件的心理应激与干预策略


18.Psychological stress condition of earthquake victims one month after the Wenchuan Earthquake汶川震后一个月受灾者心理应激状况


Mental stress心理应激

1.Study of mental stressor of youth soldiers by self-developed questionnaire;自编心理应激问卷作为军人心理应激水平评估工具的研究

2.Analysis of mental stress state of patients injured in road accident and its influencing factors;车祸伤患者心理应激状态及影响因素分析

3.Analyses of correlation factors of mental stress in 460 submarine officers and soldiers;460名潜艇官兵心理应激相关因素分析

3)psychology stress心理应激

1.On the policepsychology stress and the mental health;论警察的心理应激与心理健康

2.Objective To improve the quality of life of the aged mortal patients, and to decreasepsychology stress and anxiety, depression emotion of relatives of the aged mortal patients.目的提高老年临终患者的生活质量,降低其家属心理应激及焦虑、抑郁情绪。

3.Objective Through the investigation into the condition ofpsychology stress and teaching behaviors of the full-time clinical nursing teachers, we looked for the stressor which influenced the teachers valid teaching behaviors, analyzed the related independent factors, explored the methods to keep healthy psychology and effective teaching behaviors.目的:通过对临床护理专职教师在临床教学过程中心理应激状况、应对方式及教学行为的调查,寻找影响教师有效教学行为的应激源,分析其相关因素及有效应对,为下一步探寻有效的干预措施提供理论支持,并以此作为提高教师素质,完善教师队伍建设的依据。


1.Analyses of SCL-90 on psychologicalstress in patients with aparoscopic cholecystectomy;SCL-90用于外科术前心理应激状态的评估

2.Literature summary and analysisPsychologicalstress is the course of psychological and physiological change resulted by organism that perceive and surge the threats ofstress causing psychology through knowing and appraise.一、文献综述与分析心理应激是机体通过认识、评价而察觉到应激源的威胁时引起的心理、生理机能改变的过程。

5)psychological stress应激心理

1.Objective To understand their familiespsychological stress demand when patients were monitored in ICU, as so to supply better nursing intervention to patients and their families.目的了解当患者入住ICU接受监护时,其家属应激心理需要,以为患者及其家属提供更好的护理干预。

6)psychological stress心理性应激

1.Effect of expression of NMDAR2 and glast in hippocampal gyrus underpsychological stress in rats;心理性应激对大鼠海马中谷氨酸受体和转运体表达影响


心理应激心理应激psychological stress心理应激(psyehologioal stress)应激的心理方面,或指应激的心理学研究与观点。应激不应当只被看作一个生理学的概念,应激也有它的心理和行为方面。从引起应激反应的刺激方面来看,有心理性、社会性和文化性应激源;从不良应激反应看,有各种情绪和行为反应,认知功能的损害和自我估价的下降。心理学的应激研究涉及所有这些方面,也涉及生理反应与心理反应间的关系以及调节刺激与应激反应间的关系的中介因素。(梁宝勇撰徐俊见审)
