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交互式语音应答 IVR英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-10 12:50:37


交互式语音应答 IVR英语短句 例句大全



1.The hospital s ICC system is the information system which integrates the network, computer telecommunications integration (CTI), interactive voice response (IVR), database and Internet technologies into one, and utilizes the forms of the traditional voice technique, e-mail, and fax, etc.医院互联网呼叫中心是集网络、计算机电信集成(CTI)、交互式语音应答(IVR)、数据库以及Internet技术为一体,综合运用传统语音技术、电子邮件、传真等多种形式建立起来的信息系统。

2.As one of the core technologies of Computer Telephony Integration, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is an essential part of Call-Center.交互式语音应答系统(IVR)作为计算机电话集成的核心技术之一,是呼叫中心的重要组成部分,它通过对用户语音以及按键的响应,对用户的请求进行处理,并以语音或者其他方式给予应答。


1.Research of CTI Technology and Interactive Voice Response System;CTI技术及交互式语音应答系统研究

2.Design and Implementation of Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System Based on SALT;基于SALT的交互式语音应答(IVR)系统的实现

3.Implying IVR System by "SALT";基于SALT的交互式语音应答系统的实现——e线通

4.The Interactive Voice Response System Based on SALT--Analysis and Application of SALT Technology;基于SALT的交互式语音应答系统——SALT技术的分析与应用

5.Interactive Voice Response System Based on Speech Application Language Tags--The Implementation of Phone Service and Prompt Database;基于SALT的交互式语音应答系统——电话服务以及Prompt数据库的实现

6.·Interactive voice response.·交互式话音响应。

7.Simulation Based Usability Study of Interactive Voice Response Systems;基于模拟器的交互语音应答系统可用性研究

8.It is, for example, an interactive voice response system that offers automated employee benefit information on demand.例如,有一种交互式话音应答系统,能按要求自动提供员工权益信息。

9.Application of Embedded Speech Interaction Based on HMM in AmI基于HMM的嵌入式语音交互在AmI中的应用

10.Key Technique of Chinese Spoken Open-Domain Question Answer System;中文口语交互式开放域问答系统关键技术研究

11.interactive voice response system software交互式话音回应系统软件

12.On Dealing with and Interacting Keys to Subject on Web;谈网上交互式题目答案的处置与交互

13.Attaching Importance to Interactive Teaching Mode in College Egnlish Teaching;大学英语教学应重视交互式教学模式

14.Research of the Embedded Speech Recognition and Intercourse System Applied in Service Robot;服务机器人中嵌入式语音识别交互系统的研究

15.Design and Implementation of Interactive Telephone Voice System Based on CTI基于CTI的交互式电话语音系统的设计与实现

16.interactive voice processing system计算机对话式查询热线;自动化电话查询服务系统;交互式语音响应系统

17.Based on Functional Linguistic View to Study Interactive Language Teaching Model从功能语言观看交互式语言教学模式的应用

18.The Application of Interactive Writing in English Teaching and Learning in Middle School;交互式写作在中学英语教学中的应用


interactive voice response交互式语音应答

1.Author analyzed the disadvantages of the existing testing system ofinteractive voice response management logic in color ring back tone system,and then put forward an improved scheme,which promoted the test efficiency.分析了彩铃系统的交互式语音应答(IVR)管理逻辑的现有测试系统中存在的一些弊端,提出了一个改进的方案,提高了测试的效率,最后讨论了该思想在类似的测试系统中的推广。

2.The IVR (Interactive Voice Response) service platform is an important module in CNS system and it allows the end users to access the CNS system through voice.交互式语音应答业务平台IVR(Interactive Voice Response)作为CNS系统的语音接入模块,在CNS系统中占据极其重要的地位,可以为用户提供通过语音呼叫方式接入CNS系统的便利性与实用性。

3.Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) is an important part of call center,it controls whole voice flow.交互式语音应答(IVR)系统是呼叫中心的重要部分,控制整个业务流程。

3)Interactive Voice Response(IVR)交互式语音应答(IVR)


1.Implementation Structure ofIVR SCE Based on Intelligent Network;就此提出了一种基于智能网体系的交互式语音应答系统业务生成环境的实现方法及其具体实现结构。

5)interactive voice response (IVR)交互语音应答(IVR)

6)interactive voice response互动式语音应答


