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消息认证 message authentication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-04 18:00:03


消息认证 message authentication英语短句 例句大全

消息认证,message authentication

1)message authentication消息认证

1.Analysis onmessage authentication based on hash function基于散列函数的消息认证分析

2.Based on nonhomogeneous linear equations,Liu Li and other two co-authors have proposed an entity authentication protocol and amessage authentication protocol in a paper that issued in the Journal of Academy of Armored Forces Engineering,Vol.刘丽等作者在《装甲兵工程学院学报》第19卷第2期中,利用非齐次线性方程组给出了一种身份认证协议和一种消息认证协议。


1.identity authentication,encryption and message authentication or message signed mechanism.信息家电间具有完善的身份认证、消息传输加密及消息认证或消息签名机制。

2.Reasearch on the RSA-based Message Authentication Scheme;基于RSA的一种消息认证方案的研究

3.Design and Analysis of Two-level Parallelizable Message Authentication Code双层可并行消息认证码的设计与分析

4.Classical and quantum message authentication protocols were studied.研究了在量子信道上实现经典消息和量子消息认证的方法。

5.A TWOOAs Construction for Multi-Receiver Multi-Message Authentication Codes;基于TWOOAs的多接收方多消息认证码的构造

6.Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm with Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code;密钥哈希消息认证码椭圆曲线数字签名

7.Research and Implement of Secure Communication System Based on HMAC;基于HMAC消息认证的安全通信系统的研究与实现

8.A Message Authentication Code Based on the Composition of Universal Hash Families一个基于合成泛hash函数族的消息认证码

9.Cryptanalysis of Block Cipher Clefia and Macs Based on Four Rounds AES分组密码CLEFIA与基于四圈AES的消息认证码的安全性分析

10.Authenticated encryption scheme with message recovery based on ECC具有消息自恢复的ECC认证加密方案

11.WLAN authentication scheme based on message-recovery Rabin-PSS基于消息恢复型Rabin-PSS的无线局域网认证方案

12.Click the link in this new message to verify the e-mail address, and disregard all previous confirmation messages you have received.单击新消息中的链接来验证该电子邮件地址,请您忽略先前收到的所有确认消息。

13.The Research and Application on Message Data Integrity Authentication Based on Block Cipher;基于分组密码的消息完整性认证技术的研究与应用

14.No, but I suppose no news is good news.没有。不过我认为没有消息就是好消息。

15.This message included the Security Certificate for此消息包含安全性证书

16.I can assure you of the reliability of the information.我向你保证这消息可靠。

17.Security Mechanism of Web Service Message;Web Service消息安全验证机制

parison study on the authentication mechanism and certificate system for the main fire products in the world;世界主要消防产品认证体制及认证体系对比


Message Authentication Code(MAC)消息认证码


1.The primary intent of the docement is to discuss the the message authentication code based on hash(HMAC) :Fristly,detailedly expatiate the process of its working.本文着重讨论了基于散列函数的消息认证码(HMAC):首先详细介绍了HMAC算法的工作流程;其次描述了HMAC算法在IPSec协议和SSL协议中的应用,最后总结了HMAC算法在安全协议中的作用。

2.It avoided the disadvantages of traditional cryptography by adopting only two cryptography components: visual cryptography andMAC, and the safety has not been lowered down.在方案中仅仅使用了视觉密码和消息认证码两个密码组件,在不降低安全性的前提下,有效地避开了传统密码的缺点。

3.Block ciphers can be used in many cryptographic primitives, such as encryption and message authentication code (MAC).分组密码广泛应用于各类密码算法,如加密算法和消息认证码(MAC)。

4)message authentication code消息认证码

1.A New Security Analysis for XOR Message Authentication Code;XOR-MAC消息认证码的安全性新证明

2.This paper defines and analyzes a fully deterministic parallelizable block-cipher mode of operation for message authentication — DPMAC (deterministic parallelizablemessage authentication code).提出并分析了一种确定的、可并行的消息认证码——DPMAC(deterministic parallelizable message authentication code)。

3.SDCF s utilities are illuminated in block cipher or message error detection code ormessage authentication code or data signature.本文对单比特扩压函数 (简称 SDCF)进行了深入研究 ,给出了 SDCF的基本设计原则和一个安全性能良好且实用的 SDCF,同时阐述了 SDCF在分组密码、消息校验码、消息认证码和数字签名中的用途 。

5)authenticating messagesequenee认证消息流


1.The analysis and improvement ofMIC in the TKIP protocol;无线局域网TKIP协议的消息认证码分析及改进

2.TKIP makes use of a message integrity code(MIC)called Michael.针对 WEP 中的不安全因素, IEEE 委员会提出了 WEP 的改进方案 TKIP(Temporal Key Integrity Protocol),TKIP 采用 Michael消息认证码来保证消息完整性。


自愿性认证(见产品合格认证)自愿性认证(见产品合格认证)voluntary certification: see product conformity certificationZ叨anxing renzheng自愿性认证(volun娜cert讥cation)合格认证。见产品
