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含药血清 Drug serum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-23 05:48:51


含药血清 Drug serum英语短句 例句大全

含药血清,Drug serum

1)Drug serum含药血清

1.Effect of Guizhi Tang drug serum on the expression of Toll-like receptors and downstream signaling components in RAW 264.7 cells;桂枝汤含药血清对小鼠巨噬细胞Toll样受体3、4型及其下游信号转导通路元件的影响

2.Effect of Tripterygium wilfordii multiglycoside drug serum on the proliferation of fibroblast like synoviocytes and the expression of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in vitro;雷公藤多苷含药血清对大鼠成纤维样滑膜细胞增殖及MIF表达的影响

3.Different doses of FJD drug serum were added into the media containing NiSO4.材料与方法:分别以NiSO4暴露、不同浓度FJD含药血清与NiSO4共同处理体外培养的16HBE细胞,观察其微核率的变化,并采用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜检测不同处理组细胞内Ni2+、Mg2+、Zn2+浓度及自由基含量的变化。


1.Method: Containing mediline serum of double dilution were used to do inhibitory tests in vitro.方法采用血清药理学方法,梯度稀释含药血清,进行体外抑菌试验。

2.Research on Antivirus of Tissue Culture of Medicinal Serum of Qingfei Oral Liquid清肺口服液含药血清组织培养抗病毒作用研究

parison of the Anti-tumor Chinese Medicinal Formulae in Vivo and in Serum-pharmacology中药方剂体内及含药血清抗肿瘤作用的比较

4.Study on the Inhibition by the Medicated Serum with Scutellariabarbatae D.Don of Cancer Angiogenesis;半枝莲含药血清抑制肿瘤血管生成的实验研究

5.To Study of Effection of Blood Serum of Decoction for Treating Yang Exhaustion on Serum Baxand Bcl-2in Adriamycin Induced Cardio-toxicity in Myocardial Cell of Rat四逆汤含药血清对心肌毒性大鼠乳鼠血清Bcl-2 Bax水平影响的研究

6.The Influence of Serum-containing Qihong Decoction on Proliferation of Peripheral Blood-derived Endothelial Progenitor Cells中药芪红合剂含药血清对人外周血内皮祖细胞增殖的影响

7.A study on the correlation between the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic characteristics of serum containing Ginkgo biloba extract in rats银杏叶提取物含药血清在大鼠体内药动学与药效学相关性研究

8.5. Determine the effect of BBC-containing serum on activity of TRAP secreted by OC in osteoblast and osteoclast co-culture system by the diazol method.5.运用重氮盐法检测含药血清对成骨细胞.

9.The Effects of Xihuang P ill D rug Serum on the Growth and Cell Cycle of Hum an Brea st Carc in om a Cells西黄丸含药血清对人乳腺癌细胞生长的影响

10.Application of Serologic Pharmacologic Method in the Study of Anti-Carcino Genic Property of Chinese Herbal Mixture Xihuang wan in Vitro复方西黄丸含药血清体外抗癌作用的研究

11.Regulating effects of aquaporin4 expression in LoVo cells by serum containing total anthraquinone in rheum大黄总蒽醌含药血清对LoVo的AQP4表达的调节效应

12.The influence of Asarum medicated serum on the delayed outward potassium current(I_K) in DRG neurons in SD rats细辛含药血清对SD大鼠DRG神经元I_K的影响

13.Effect of Serum Containing Asarum Heterotropoids on Na~+ Transporter in Cardiac Myocyte in Rats细辛含药血清对大鼠心肌细胞钠通道的影响

14.Inhibitory Effect of Strobilanthes affinis-containing Serum on HBV Reproduction in HepG2.2.15 Cells六月青含药血清对HepG2.2.15细胞HBV复制的抑制作用

15.The Inhibitory Effect of the Serum Containing Liuyueqing on the Expression of HBsAg and HBeAg in the HepG2.2.15 Cells六月青含药血清对HepG2.2.15细胞系HBsAg与HBeAg表达的影响

16.Influence of medical serum with effects of nourishing healthy qi and detoxication on expression of P~(38MAPK) in nickel-dyed cells扶正解毒含药血清对染镍细胞表达P~(38MAPK)的影响

17.In vitro Study of Drug-contained Serum with Chinese Medicines Nourish Liver and Kidney on B16 Melanocyte Cytotoxicity,Melanin Synthesis and cAMP滋补肝肾方含药血清对B16黑素细胞活性黑素含量及cAMP水平的影响

18.Studies on Use of Containing Medicine Serum and Infected Mφ Model in Evaluation of Activity of Anti-Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Medicine;含药血清及Mφ模型在抗结核药物活性评价中的应用研究


medicated serum含药血清

1.Effect ofmedicated serum of Sangleng and Eshu on human umbilical vein vascular endothelial growth factor and vascular endothelial cells;三棱、莪术含药血清对培养的人脐静脉血管内皮细胞生长和VEGF表达的影响

2.Effect of Shouwu Huanjing capsulemedicated serum on motility and the fertility ability of human sperm;首乌还精胶囊含药血清对人类精子运动能力和受精能力的影响

3.Effects ofmedicated serum of SLW on aromatase and cyclooxygenase-2 in human endometrial cells of endometriosis in vitro;加味三棱丸含药血清对子宫内膜异位症内膜细胞芳香化酶及环氧合酶-2的影响

3)Drug-containing serum含药血清

1.Objective The protective effects of drug-containing serum of Yi-Xin-Kang capsule, a traditional Chinese medicinal prescription, and the individual drugs of the prescription, Danshen and Shanzha, on H+-ATP ase activity of rat myocardial mitochondria injured by oxygen stress were studied.目的 :研究中药复方—益心康胶囊 (H30 3)及其各组份含药血清对氧应激所致大鼠心肌线粒体H+ -ATP酶活性损伤的保护作用。

2.Objectives: The anti-HIV-1 activity of a kind of drug-containing serum and five kinds of traditional herbal mixtures was detected.目的:测定一种中药含药血清及五种杀微生物中药制剂抗HIV-1活性,并对含药血清药理学研究方法及药物直接灭活HIV活性的检测方法进行探讨和评价。

3.Objective:To investigate the effects of Qihong decoction drug-containing serum on numbers and function of endothelial progenitor cells(EPCs)derived from peripheral blood.方法:1、中药芪红合剂含药血清的制备将12只雄性Wistar大鼠,随机分成4组:中药芪红合剂组(低剂量组、中剂量组、高剂量组)、对照组,分别以不同剂量芪红合剂水煎液和等剂量生理盐水灌胃,连续7d后,心脏采血,提取血清,制备成中药芪红合剂含药血清和空白血清。

4)serum containing drug含药血清

1.Determination of schisandrin,schisandrol B,deoxyschizandrin,and schisandrin B inserum containing drug of Compound Wurenchun Capsula复方五仁醇胶囊含药血清中五味子醇甲、五味子醇乙、五味子甲素、五味子乙素的测定

2.On the one hand,HPLC chromatograms of these 9 groups ofserum containing drug were detected.方法:将大鼠灌胃给药分别制备复方五仁醇胶囊及五味子、三七、柴胡、叶下珠4味药的阴性制剂和单味制剂含药血清,对获得的9组含药血清按已经建立的指纹图谱条件进行HPLC测定,同时考察它们对CCL4诱导的损伤肝细胞的增值(MTT法)及丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)泄漏的影响,最后进行谱效关系分析。

3.METHODS: By UPLC-MS/MS method, lignans migrating to blood were affirmed by comparing the extracted ion chromatography (EIC) of theserum containing drug with the ones of Compound Wurenchun Capsules, the control serum and control articles, correlated ion peak in mass-spectrogram were analyz.方法:采用UPLC-MS/MS方法,比较复方五仁醇胶囊含药血清、体外制剂、空白血清及对照品提取离子流色谱图(EIC),并通过质谱图相关离子峰分析,确认进入血液的木脂素类成分。

5)drug containing serum含药血清

1.MethodsThe human early pregnant cytotrophoblast was cultured in vitro, and treated with saline (as blank control) anddrug containing serum in different concentrations (5%, 10% and 20%) respectively.方法体外培养正常早孕期人细胞滋养层细胞 ,分别设空白对照组、5 %含药血清组、10 %含药血清组、2 0 %含药血清组 ,用扫描电镜、噻唑蓝 (MTT)法、流式细胞仪、Transwell侵袭实验检测含药血清作用 2 4h、4 8h、72h后细胞的形态、增殖活性及侵袭力的变化。

2.MTT method was used to observe influence ofdrug containing serum in the herbal drugs to tonify the kidney and soften the liver on extrinsic chondrocyte.以MTT法观察补肾和柔肝中药含药血清对体外软骨细胞的影响。

3.Method After treating PG cells with different doses ofdrug containing serum of Herba Hedyotis Diffusae, FCM was used to detect the apoptosis of PG cell.方法用不同浓度的白花蛇舌草含药血清分别处理PG细胞,采用流式细胞仪分析白花蛇舌草对PG细胞在细胞周期各个时相不同DNA含量和细胞凋亡峰的影响。

6)serum containing traditional Chinese medicine含中药血清


抗癫痫药血清浓度监测抗癫痫药血清浓度监测monitoring of serum concentration of antiepileptic drugs通过血清中抗癫痫药物浓度的测定来指导癫痫治疗的一种方法。常用的有分光光度计法、薄层层析法、气相层析-色谱法、气-液层析法、高压液相层析法、放射免疫分析法、酶多相免疫测定法等。以气-液层析法应用最广,酶多相免疫测定法最精确。目前可对苯妥英钠、苯巴比妥、丙戊酸钠、卡马西平、扑痫酮和安定类药物等进行测定。监测指征:①抗癫痫药超量仍不能控制发作;②剂量和血浓度间不协调;③出现中毒症状;④发作尚未控制而又无法判断是剂量不足或过量;⑤服用安全范围小的药物;⑥多种药物联合应用;⑦科研或对比疗效。药物血清浓度监测需达稳态后进行,主要用于指导合理用药,监测和提高疗效,减少用药量及毒副作用。
