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PAM/PWM混合控制 PAM / PWM hybrid control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-18 16:24:23


PAM/PWM混合控制 PAM / PWM hybrid control英语短句 例句大全

PAM/PWM混合控制,PAM / PWM hybrid control

1)PAM / PWM hybrid controlPAM/PWM混合控制

1.And then this paper analysis that how thePAM / PWM hybrid control impact the fluctuations and the efficiency of the brushless DC motor which used in the system studied in this article from the theory-depth.然后从理论上深入分析了PAM/PWM混合控制对本文所采用的直流无刷电机的转矩波动和对系统效率的影响,选用了PAM/PWM混合控制的飞轮电机控制方法。

2)PAM controlPAM控制

3)PFC/PWM combo comtrollerPFC/PWM组合控制器

4)PWM controllingPWM控制


1.Design of a Digital PWM Controller Based on FPGA;基于FPGA的数字PWM控制器的研制

2.The Design of Current Mode DC-DC Converter with PWM Controlled;PWM控制电流模式的DC-DC变换器设计

3.Design of Digital General PWM Controller Based on FPGA;基于FPGA的数字化通用PWM控制器设计

4.The Research on PWM Control Strategies in the Three Level Inverter;三电平逆变器的PWM控制策略研究

5.Design of static VAR generator based on PWM control;基于PWM控制的单相SVG装置设计

6.On the Flexible Switching Power Based on MOSFET;MOSFET控制的PWM型直流可调电源的研制

7.Study on Three-Phase Current-Source PWM Rectifiers and Their Control Strategies;电流型PWM整流器及其控制策略的研究

8.The Key Techniques Research on the Digital Controlled PWM Inverter;数字控制PWM逆变电源关键技术研究

9.PWM Converter and Control Strategies for Wind Power Generation;风力发电PWM变流器及其控制策略

10.Research on Parallel Control of High Power PWM Rectifier;大功率PWM整流器并联控制策略研究

11.Research on the Instantaneous Feedback Control Technology of PWM Inverters;PWM逆变电源瞬时值反馈控制技术研究

12.Research of Three Phase High Power Rectifier Based on PWM Technology;三相PWM大功率整流控制系统的研究

13.Research on the Control Method and PWM Strategy of STATCOM;STATCOM控制方法及PWM策略的研究

14.Research on PWM Rectifiers Based on ADRC Theory;基于自抗扰控制的PWM整流器的研究

15.Research on Control Scheme of 3-Phase Voltage Source PWM Rectifier;三相电压型PWM整流器控制策略的研究

16.Research on Current-Source PWM Rectifier and Their Control Strategies;电流型PWM整流器及其控制策略研究

17.Study on Dual-PWM Vector Control Variable-Frequency System;双PWM矢量控制变频调速系统的研究

18.The Study of Three-Phase PWM Rectifier and Control Strategy;三相PWM整流器及其控制策略研究


PAM controlPAM控制

3)PFC/PWM combo comtrollerPFC/PWM组合控制器

4)PWM controllingPWM控制

5)PWM controlPWM控制

1.The study of a novel voltage space vectorPWM control technique for teh induction motor in oil extractor;一种新型抽油机电机电压空间矢量PWM控制技术研究

2.Research ofPWM control technology of submarine trim regulating system;潜水器纵倾调节系统PWM控制技术的研究

3.A System which is based on Single chip and Motor PWM Control Sends the aquatic animals Oxygen and Feed Automatically;基于单片机与电机PWM控制的水族类喂养自动送氧送料系统

6)PWM controllerPWM控制器

1.Phase-shiftingPWM controller UCC3895;移相型PWM控制器UCC3895

2.Design of PWM Controller Based on EP1C3T144C8;基于EP1C3T144C8的PWM控制器设计

3.Study ofPWM controller based on AT 89C2051 single-chip micro-controller;基于AT89C2051单片机的PWM控制器的研究


PAM 聚丙烯酰胺简称PAM、结构式为[-CH2-CH(CONH2)]n-,分子量100~ 500万。聚丙烯酰胺主要有两种商品形式,一种是粉末状的,另一种是胶体,还有聚丙烯酰胺乳液(上海合成树脂研究所研制)。易溶于冷水,速度很慢,高分子量的聚丙烯酰胺当浓度超过10%以后.就会形成凝胶状结构。提高温度可以稍微促进溶解,但温度不得超过50℃,以防发生分子降解。难溶于有机溶剂。温度超过120 ℃时分解。中性。无毒。 用作增稠剂、絮凝剂、减阻剂,具有凝胶、沉降、补强等作用。贮存于阴凉、通风、干燥的库房内,防潮、避光、防热.存放时间不宜过长。
