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密码技术 cryptography英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-21 00:00:16


密码技术 cryptography英语短句 例句大全



1.Cryptography in Java Card Technology;密码技术在Java卡中的应用(英文)

2.After considering actual needs for digital rights manager and security rask,a new watermark andcryptography based model for digital rights management(DRM) is proposed,which includes seven objects,three of them are authenticity.综合考虑数字版权保护的实际需求和安全隐患,结合水印技术和密码技术提出了一种新的数字版权保护模式(WCDRM)。

3.This paper introduces the management system organization and security requirement, analyses related problems and techniques to solve the system security, and presents a security scheme based oncryptography.本文试图通过对信息管理系统的构成和安全需求的分析,探讨解决系统安全问题的相关技术和方法,提出基于密码技术的相应安全方案。


1.The Algorithm and Application of RSA Public- Key Cryptography;RSA公钥密码技术的算法及其应用

2.The Application of Cryptology Techniques for Copyright Protection in Electronic Publishing密码技术在电子出版物的版权保护中的应用

3.In TCG systems roots of trust are components that must be trusted because misbehavior might not be detected.信任链则是信任传递的机制。常常采用密码技术。

4.Development of the Encryption Technology of Computer Cryptography计算机密码学中的加密技术研究进展

5.Research on Braid Group Public Key Cryptosystems and Quantum Cryptanalysis;辫子群公钥密码系统和量子密码分析技术研究

6.The process or skill of communicating in or deciphering secret writings or ciphers.密码术一种用秘密书写或密码进行交流的方法或技巧;译解秘密书写或密码的方法或技巧

7.Double Random Phase Encryption Technique-An Optical Realization of Affine Cryptography双随机位相编码技术—仿射密码的光学实现

8.Design and Realization of Wireless Digital Lock Based on Code Hopping基于跳码技术的无线密码锁设计与实现

9.Research of Video Encryption Based on H.264 Entropy Coding;基于H.264熵编码的视频加密技术研究

10.Research of Information Hiding Technology Based on Cryptogram and Its Application;基于密码的信息隐藏技术研究及应用

11.Research of the Application of Cryptography in WaterMark;密码学在数字水印技术中的应用研究

12.The Study of Unique Signal and Encryption Technology of MEMS Discriminator;MEMS强链的UQS码及加密技术研究

13.The Testing Platform of Cryptographic Algorithm-Research of the Implementation of the Algorithm;密码算法测试平台—算法实现技术研究

14.Study and Realization of Key Techniques on the High Speed Cryptography Card;高速数据密码卡关键技术研究与实现

15.Lighting Effect Updated on Changlong International Circus Forest Code;无线DMX传输技术在《森林密码》中的应用

16.The Research of NCL Circuit Computing Targeted at Block Cipher Processing基于NCL电路的分组密码处理技术研究

17.Application of Multiple Huffman Coding in Encryption多元哈夫曼编码在加密技术中的应用

18.(2,2)Visual Cryptography Schemes based Halftoning基于半色调技术的(2,2)可视密码方案


Cryptographic technology密码技术

1.Approximate entropy be applied to cryptographic technology,designing a testing method of a random sequence.把近似熵用于密码技术中,设计一种实用的随机数检验方法。

3)cryptographic technique密码技术

1.This paper proposes the research situation of the programmablecryptographic technique and the charac teristics of the programmable cryptograph,including the aspects to be concerned about in the development of the programmable cryptograph.文中给出了可编程密码技术的研究现状,可编程密码的特点,及在开展可编程密码研究时应注意的问题。

2.Today the situation of thecryptographic technique used in CCB (China Construction Bank) can not satisfy more and more application systems.随着银行业务的不断拓展,对信息安全的要求不断提高,目前建设银行使用密码技术的现状已不能满足越来越多业务系统的安全需求。

3.This paper proposes the research situation of the programmablecryptographic technique and the charac teristics of the programmable cryptograph,including the aspects to be concerned about in the development of the programmable cryptograph.文中给出了可编程密码技术的研究现状,可编程密码的特点,及在开展可编程密码研究时应注意的问题。

4)cryptography technology密码技术

1.Cryptography algorithm also is the core ofcryptography technology .密码技术是信息安全的关键技术,密码算法又是密码技术的核心。

2.Cryptography algorithm is the core ofcryptography technology.密码技术的核心是密码算法。

3.The development and application ofcryptography technology are paid.近年来密码技术的发展和应用备受人们的关注,利用密码技术对网络传输的信息加密将提高网络传输信息的安全性。


1.Andencryption plays a very important role in it.电子商务的实现需要多种理论与技术的完美结合与支持,这其中,密码技术占据极其重要的位置。



