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独一味 Lamiophlomis rotata英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-03 00:41:21


独一味 Lamiophlomis rotata英语短句 例句大全

独一味,Lamiophlomis rotata

1)Lamiophlomis rotata独一味

1.Optimization of the preparation ofLamiophlomis rotata dispersible tablets using central composite design;中心组合设计优化法筛选独一味分散片制备工艺

2.Research on isolation and purification of total iridoid glycosides from herbalLamiophlomis rotata;大孔树脂富集纯化藏药独一味总环烯醚萜苷

3.Determination of Total Iridoid Glycoside inLamiophlomis rotata and Its Preparation by Spectrophotometry;分光光度法测定藏药独一味及其制剂中总环烯醚萜苷的含量


1.Flavonoids from the Leaves of Lamiophlomis Rotata(Benth.) Kudo in the Tibetan Medicine藏药独一味叶中黄酮类化合物的研究

2.Study on the Dormancy Mechanism of Gentianopsis Paludosa and Phlomis Rotata;湿生扁蕾和独一味种子休眠机理研究

3.Determination of acteoside in Lamiophlomis rotata by HPLCHPLC法测定独一味中类叶升麻苷

4.In vitro and in vivo Anti-inflammatory Activity of Lamiophlomis rotate Injection独一味注射液抗炎作用及其机制(英文)

5.Objective: To observe the curative effect of Kudo capsules in treatment of epistaxis.目的:观察独一味胶囊治疗鼻出血的疗效。

6.Studies on Stability of Antioxidant Functions in Tibet Herbal Medicine Lamiophlomis Rotata;藏药独一味酶促抗氧化功能的稳定性研究

7.Study of Analgesic Effective Component in Lamiophlomis Rotata (Benth.) Kudo and Prepartion of Dispersible Tablets;藏药独一味镇痛有效物质筛选及其分散片研制

8.Studies on Extraction and Purification Technology and Chemical Constituents of Lamiophlomis Rotata(Benth.) Kudo;独一味有效部位提取纯化及化学成分研究

9.Studies on the Chemical Components and Hematostatic Activity of Traditional Tibetan Herb Lamiophlomis Rotate;藏药独一味的化学成分及止血活性研究

10.Studies on Cold-Hardiness Mechanism and Protection Technology of Seedlings during Hibernation of Lamiophlomis Rotate (Benth.) Kudo独一味幼苗抗寒机理及其越冬保苗技术研究

11.Preparation of acteoside and forsythoside B reference substances from Lamiophlomis rotata独一味中洋丁香苷和连翘酯苷B对照品的制备

12.Effects of Exogenous Ca~(2+) on Resistance to Rapid Cold and Freeze of Tebet Lamiophlomis rotate(Benth.) Kudo Seedlings外源Ca~(2+)对藏药独一味幼苗速冷冻抗性的效应

parison the iridoid glycosides between Lamiophlomis rotata and Phlomis umbrosa.独一味与糙苏中环烯醚萜苷类成分的比较

14.Formulation optimization of liquid hard capsules containing active fraction of flavonoids in herba lamiophlomis独一味黄酮类有效部位充液胶囊的处方研究

15.Characteristics of enzymatic antioxidation of officinal organs in different growth stages of Lamiophlomis rotata不同生长期藏药独一味酶促抗氧化功能的研究

16.Effects of GA_3 with Different Concn.on Seed Germination Rate of Lamiophlomis rotata (Benth.) Kudo不同浓度GA_3对独一味种子发芽率的影响

17.The orange has a scent all its own.橘子有一种独特的香味。

18.The original flavour, complexity refinement come from more than50 single malt flavours.它独创的香味和复杂、致的风格源自50多种单一麦芽威士忌的风味。


Lamiophlomis rotata(Benth.) Kudo独一味

1.Determination of Flavonoids in Lamiophlomis rotata(Benth.) Kudo独一味中黄酮类成分的含量测定

2.Objective To establish the method for determination of acteoside in Lamiophlomis rotata(Benth.目的建立藏药独一味中类叶升麻苷的测定方法。

3.Lamiophlomis rotata(Benth.独一味[Lamiophlomis rotata(Benth。

3)Herba Lamiophlomis独一味

1.Determination of luteolin and isorhamnetin inHerba Lamiophlomis by HPLC;高效液相色谱法测定藏药独一味中木犀草素及异鼠李素的含量

2.Optimization of extraction process of the Herba lamiophlomis;藏药独一味提取工艺优化研究

3.Effects ofHerba Lamiophlomis on Learning and Memory Ability of Mice独一味对小鼠学习记忆能力的影响

4)Herba Lamiophlomis Rotata独一味

1.Experimental Study on the Effective Hemostatic Components ofHerba Lamiophlomis Rotata;独一味止血有效部位的实验研究

2.Vitro screening of the effective antitumor components ofHerba Lamiophlomis Rotata;独一味抗肿瘤活性成分的体外筛选

3.Objective:Tibet medicineHerba Lamiophlomis Rotata is one of the common used traditional Chinese drugs and has been used to treat hemorrhagic disease in clinic for a long time.目的: 藏药独一味(Lamiophlomis rotata(Benth。


1.Clinical study of the effect of misoprostol andDuyiwei in induced abortion(a report of 680 cases);独一味配米索前列醇在人工流产中应用的临床观察(附680例报告)

2.Preparation of Self-microemulsifying Soft Capsule and Investigation of Dissolution forDuyiwei;独一味自微乳化软胶囊的制备和溶出度的考察

3.In vitro evaluation of self-microemulsifying drug delivery system of duyiwei藏药独一味自微乳化释药系统的制备与体外评价

6)Phlomis rotata Benth独一味

1.Clinical Effect ofPhlomis rotata Benth in Combination with Canalis Sacralis Injection Method on Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc;独一味佐骶管注药法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床观察

2.andPhlomis rotata Benth.湿生扁蕾和独一味是两种重要的藏草药,在临床上的应用越来越广泛。



【药品名称】独一味(《四川中药志》) 【来源】为唇形种植物独一味的根及根茎或全草。 【植物形态】独一味 多年生矮小草本。根及根茎直立,较粗,横径可达2厘米左右,表面有棱起皱纹。无茎。单叶基生,4枚,辐状两两相对,平展;菱状圆形或肾形,质厚,径6~12厘米,边缘具圆齿,下面网脉多凹陷,密被绒毛;叶柄宽。轮伞花序组成头状或短穗状,长3.5~7厘米;苞片丝状,先端针形;花萼紫绿色,漏斗状,长约8毫米,疏被粗硬毛,具短裂齿,齿端刺状;花冠小,淡红紫色,唇形,上唇盔被短毛;雄蕊4;花柱着生于子房基底,顶端2裂。小坚果卵圆形。花期5~7月。 生于高山强度风化的碎石滩中或高山草地。分布西藏、四川、甘肃等高原地区。 【采集】9~10月采,拔取全株,去净泥土,截去叶及须根,晒干。 【药材】干燥根长约7~15厘米,粗约1~2厘米。表面枯黄色至黄褐色,根茎剐、或无,全体扭曲而粗糙,有纵纹,尾端细小,少有2~3分枝,多已断碎。质坚硬,干枯,断面木质部多已腐朽,呈乌褐色。外围肉质暗淡,无光泽。气腥臭,味苦,入口久则有麻痹感。以根条粗壮、匀净者佳。 产四川。 【性味】苦,微寒。 ①《四川中药志》:"苦,微寒,有小毒。" ②《青藏高原药物图鉴》:"苦,温。" 【功用主治】活血,行瘀,消肿,止血。治跌伤筋骨,闪腰挫气,关节积黄水。 ①《四川中药志》:"活血行瘀,止痛,行气,消肿,续筋接骨。治跌伤筋骨及闪腰挫气等症。" ②《青藏高原药物图鉴》:"补髓,止血。治浮肿后流黄水,关节积黄水,骨松质发炎。" 【用法与用量】内服:浸酒或入散剂,1~2钱。 【宜忌】《四川中药志》:"无瘀滞及孕妇勿服。" 【贮藏】 置通风干燥处。
