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拘束应激 restraint stress英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-16 02:20:51


拘束应激 restraint stress英语短句 例句大全

拘束应激,restraint stress

1)restraint stress拘束应激

1.Protection of Pyracantha fortuneana fruit extract on liver injury in mice loaded withrestraint stress;火棘果实提取物对拘束应激负荷引起小鼠肝损伤的保护作用

2.Aim To observe the protective effects of tanshinones(tanshinone IIA,tanshinone I,cryptotanshinone and dihydrotanshinone) against liver injury in mice loaded withrestraint stress.目的研究4种丹参酮类化合物对拘束应激引起小鼠肝损伤的保护作用。

3.Animal model ofrestraint stress shows some of the mental stress responses,and could be observed on entire animal level for multi-target studies.本文介绍了拘束应激模型的发展历史,概述了国内外有关模型的制作及模型影响因素,综述拘束应激对机体的影响及作用机制,同时结合我们的实际经验提出该模型存在的问题,并对其研究应用前景进行展望。

2)Restraint stress拘束应力

1.Relationship between restraint intensity and restraint stress in elasto-plastic range;弹塑性条件下拘束度与拘束应力

2.Study on distribution of restraint intensity and restraint stress in slit weld specimen;缝隙型试件拘束度和拘束应力的研究

3.Starting with the change in the groove gap owing to the local preheating, we deal with the additional restraint thermal stress △σ_p and the restraint stress σ_w in the RRC test on local preheating.从分析局部预热产生的焊根间隙变化出发,研究了局部预热下刚性对接接头焊接拘束应力σ_w、附加拘束应力△σ_p的计算方法,讨论了局部预热温度、局部预热宽度的影响,推导了局部预热条件下△_p、σ_w的计算公式。


1.Application of reduced welding stress construction in four feet crane mast of crane ship减少焊接结构件拘束应力在吊重船四脚起重桅中的应用

2.Effects of External Restraining Forces on Bead-on-plate Welding Residual Stress外拘束力对堆焊焊接残余应力的影响

3.A restraining or confining agent or force.束缚力,拘束力约束或限制的机构或力量

4.the restraints of illness病的束缚 [拘束]

5.The agreement is binding on all parties该协议对各方当事人都有拘束力

6.A binding contract is thereupon concluded.具有拘束力的合同就此便告缔结。

7.The Research on Binding Force of Civil Obligation--The Law Force of Obligation;民事义务“拘束性”研究——义务的法律之力

8.The Analysis of Power Location for the Legal Precedent of Our Country;关于赋予我国判例拘束力的定位分析

9.A Tentative Analysis of the Binding Force of International Law in WTO Dispute Settlement;试析WTO争端解决的国际法拘束力

10.The stimuli to which the mind responds most freely are:-人心最 能无拘无束起感应的刺激有:

11.lay a person under restraint拘束 [羁押,拘留] 某人

12.Please take a seat and make yourself comfortable.请坐,不要拘束。??

13.To free from restraint, pressure, or strictness.放宽,放松从拘束、压力或严格要求中解脱出来

14.On the Cairo Declaration and Its Binding Force --After executed the Cairo Declaration for 60 years《开罗宣言》及其拘束力——写在《开罗宣言》签订60周年

15.To release from mental tension, strain, or formality; relax.放松以精神紧张,压力或拘束中解脱出来;放松

16.The Binding Force on the Precedent Judgment in Our Country Civil Trial;论先例判决在我国民事审判中的拘束力

17.On the one hand, you shouldn"t Be shy; on the other hand, you mustn"t forget your manners.一方面你不应当拘束,另一方面也不要放肆无礼。

18.Application of Gauss Minimum Constraint Principle in Gun Vibration Analysis高斯最小拘束原理在火炮振动分析中的应用


Restraint stress拘束应力

1.Relationship between restraint intensity and restraint stress in elasto-plastic range;弹塑性条件下拘束度与拘束应力

2.Study on distribution of restraint intensity and restraint stress in slit weld specimen;缝隙型试件拘束度和拘束应力的研究

3.Starting with the change in the groove gap owing to the local preheating, we deal with the additional restraint thermal stress △σ_p and the restraint stress σ_w in the RRC test on local preheating.从分析局部预热产生的焊根间隙变化出发,研究了局部预热下刚性对接接头焊接拘束应力σ_w、附加拘束应力△σ_p的计算方法,讨论了局部预热温度、局部预热宽度的影响,推导了局部预热条件下△_p、σ_w的计算公式。

3)constraint stress拘束应力

1.By simulating the real condition of field welding of closured weld joint,theconstraint stress and welding residual stress status in adopting butt joint and overlap joint were understood and grasped,so providing foundations of selecting feat closured weld joint type for pressure pipes′ welding of No.通过模拟合拢焊缝现场施焊的实际工况条件,了解和掌握合拢焊缝采用对接接头或搭接接头形式时的拘束应力和焊接残余应力状况,为三峡左岸电站#1~#6机压力钢管合拢焊缝选择合适的接头形式提供依据。

4)Restrained welding stress焊接拘束应力


1.However, effects of reducing welding distortion are different with the changes ofconstrainment of clamps on weld zone.采用热弹塑性有限元技术对不同夹具拘束情况下铝合金薄板焊接过程进行了数值模拟,并利用脉冲氩弧焊接工艺、不同的夹具布置形式,研究了厚度为5mm铝合金薄板构件的挠曲变形。

6)immobilization stress束缚应激

1.Changes of AMPA receptors and related protein inimmobilization stress rats and effect of Xiaoyao Powder;束缚应激大鼠AMPA受体和相关蛋白变化及逍遥散对其影响

2.Objective To observe the changes of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)receptor subunit and related regulatory protein mRNA expression in the hippocampus and amygdala inimmobilization stressed rats and effect of Xiaoyaosan(XYS)on them.目的观察海马及杏仁核α-氨基羟甲基恶唑丙酸(AMPA)受体各亚基和相关调节蛋白在束缚应激状态下的mRNA表达变化及逍遥散的作用。

3.Aim: To observe protein expression changes of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid(AMPA) receptor and related regulatory protein in the hippocampus and amygdala in chronicimmobilization stressed rat and Xiaoyaosan s regulatory effect.目的:观察海马及杏仁核α-氨基羟甲基恶唑丙酸(AMPA)受体亚基和相关调节蛋白在束缚应激状态下蛋白表达变化及逍遥散的调节作用。


迟发性应激反应迟发性应激反应delayed stress reactions迟发性应激反应(delayed stress reactions)置身于高度紧张的生活情境中的人有时不立即出现明显的应激征象,只是在紧张性事件结束后很久才产生应激反应,这种见之于紧张性事件结束后较久的反应,便称作迟发性应激反应。这类反应多见于重大的自然灾害之后,如地震、洪水、咫风、滑坡。在这些自然灾害突然发生时,除少数人显露明显持久的应激反应外,大多数人很快地从自然灾害所造成的冲击中恢复过来,救援家人和邻居,并自发地组织起来向受难者家属提供社会支持,尽快地恢复正常的生产和生活。可是,自然灾害所造成的威胁过去数日或数周后,一些人开始出现应激症状,如焦虑、恐惧、抑郁、记忆功能下降、头痛、眩晕、失眠、易怒、噩梦和内脏功能紊乱的症状。除了自然灾害外,这些迟发性应激反应也可见于某些重大的生活事件之后,例如被绑架作为人质、被强奸或亲人死亡。这些情境的共同特点是:(l)个人的基本需要甚至生命受到威胁。(2)紧张性事件基本上是不可控制的突发性事件。(3)个体刻板地应用防御机制(如否认机制),没有其他有效的应对方法。临床上称为“精神创伤后应激障碍”。迟发性应激反应的持续时间因人而异,长者可持续数年之久,从而可对病人的心身健康造成严重损害。对于这些病人,应在了解其症状的前因后果的基础上,给以恰当有效的心理治疗和医学干预。(梁宝勇撰徐俊见审)
