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米糠水解液 rice bran hydrolysate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-16 11:43:10


米糠水解液 rice bran hydrolysate英语短句 例句大全

米糠水解液,rice bran hydrolysate

1)rice bran hydrolysate米糠水解液

1.The laccase production in Polyporus arcularius A08 was significantly induced by addition of some substance such asrice bran hydrolysate, Cu2+ or naphthylacetic acid (NAA) in the medium, but obviously inhibited by1-naphthol, benzidine, guaiacol, ethanol tween 80 and the combination of Cu2+ and NAA, respectively.结果表明,米糠和甘蔗半纤维素组成复合碳源、NH4Cl和高C/N有利于漆酶的产生,Cu2+、米糠水解液和萘乙酸对漆酶合成具有诱导作用,1-萘酚、愈创木酚、联苯胺、乙醇、吐温80等抑制漆酶的合成,Cu2+和萘乙酸同时存在时也限制漆酶的产生,产酶培养基最适初始pH为5。

2)Protein hydrolyzates,rice bran米糠蛋白水解物

3)furfural aqueous solution糠醛水溶液

1.Study on solvent ration of Cross-current extraction offurfural aqueous solution;错流萃取糠醛水溶液溶剂比的研究

4)cornhusk hydrolysate玉米皮水解液

1.A study on producing yeast by fermentation fromcornhusk hydrolysate;玉米皮水解液发酵生产饲料酵母的研究

5)hydrolyzed sugar solution from corn flour玉米粉水解糖液

1.The production technology forhydrolyzed sugar solution from corn flour through a double-enzymatic method was optimized by means of a central composite design and a conversion model for corn flour was obtained by fitting of test data.采用中心复合设计优化双酶法制备玉米粉水解糖液的生产工艺,根据实验数据拟合得到玉米淀粉转化率模型。

6)Corncob hydrolysate玉米芯水解液

1.Ethanol fermentation from corncob hydrolysate by P.tannophilus发酵玉米芯水解液制备乙醇的研究


1.Studies on Production of Extracellular Polysaccharide from Hydrolysis of Corncob by Pseudomonas sp;假单胞菌利用玉米芯水解液产胞外多糖研究


3.Study on single cell protein fermentation of corncobs hydrolysate by Sacchromyces cerevisiae玉米芯水解液生产啤酒酵母蛋白的工艺研究

4.Screening of High-temperature Resistance Bacteria Using Xylose to L-lactic Acid and Study on Lactic Acid Fermentation of Corn Cob Hydrolysis Product木糖产L-乳酸耐热菌种的选育及利用玉米芯水解液发酵的研究

5.Studies on the Acid Hydrolysis Technology of Corn Cob and the Ethanol Fermentation of Hydrolysate From Corn Cob玉米芯酸水解工艺及其水解液的乙醇发酵研究

6.Study on the Xylitol Fermentation from Corn Cob Hemicellulosic Hydrolysate玉米芯半纤维素水解液发酵生产木糖醇的研究

7.Xylitol Production from Corn Cob Hemicellulosic Hydrolysate by Candida sp.假丝酵母发酵玉米芯半纤维素水解液生产木糖醇

8.Study on the Xylitol Fermentation from Hemicellulosic Hydrolysate of Corncob;利用玉米芯半纤维素水解液发酵生产木糖醇的研究

9.Studies on Production of Xylooligosaccharides from Corncob with Xylanase;酶法水解玉米芯木聚糖制备低聚木糖

10.Study of Synthesis Chitosan from Fungi Cultivated with Corn-cob Enzymatical Hydrolysic Products;玉米芯酶解液培养真菌合成壳聚糖的研究

11.Utilization of corn cob acid hydrolysate by gTME recombinant Saccharomyces CerevisiaegTME重组酿酒酵母利用酸解玉米芯液初步研究

12.Study on Yeast Strain Screening and Evaluation of Xylitol Production from Corn Cob Hemicellulose Hydrolysate产木糖醇酵母菌株的筛选及其对玉米芯半纤维素水解液发酵的研究

13.Corncob Saccharification by Dilute Sulphuric Acid and Fermentation of L-Lactic Acid玉米芯稀酸水解及木糖L-乳酸发酵研究

14.Study on the Preparation of Xylooligosaccharides from Steam-exploded Corncob by Xylanase of Streptomyces Cirratus D-10;卷须链霉菌D-10木聚糖酶酶解玉米芯汽爆液制备低聚木糖的研究

15.Special Activated Carbon from the Waste of zymolytic corn cob hydrolysis residue used in the production of xylitol由酶解玉米芯水解渣残余物制备木糖醇生产专用活性炭

16.Two Stages of Acid Hydrolysis for Corn Cob and Ethanol Fermentation两步酸水解玉米芯条件及其酒精发酵的初步研究

17.Separating Cellulose and Hemicelluloses and Hydrolyzing the Pure Cellulose to Fermentable Sugars玉米芯纤维素、半纤维素分离及水解成可发酵性糖初步研究

18.Succinic acid produced by anaerobic fermentation from corn stalk hydrolysate利用玉米秸秆水解液厌氧发酵产丁二酸的研究


Protein hydrolyzates,rice bran米糠蛋白水解物

3)furfural aqueous solution糠醛水溶液

1.Study on solvent ration of Cross-current extraction offurfural aqueous solution;错流萃取糠醛水溶液溶剂比的研究

4)cornhusk hydrolysate玉米皮水解液

1.A study on producing yeast by fermentation fromcornhusk hydrolysate;玉米皮水解液发酵生产饲料酵母的研究

5)hydrolyzed sugar solution from corn flour玉米粉水解糖液

1.The production technology forhydrolyzed sugar solution from corn flour through a double-enzymatic method was optimized by means of a central composite design and a conversion model for corn flour was obtained by fitting of test data.采用中心复合设计优化双酶法制备玉米粉水解糖液的生产工艺,根据实验数据拟合得到玉米淀粉转化率模型。

6)Corncob hydrolysate玉米芯水解液

1.Ethanol fermentation from corncob hydrolysate by P.tannophilus发酵玉米芯水解液制备乙醇的研究


米糠蛋白水解物CAS: 94350-05-7 中文名称: 米糠蛋白水解物 英文名称: Protein hydrolyzates, rice bran;Protein hydrolyzates,rice bran
