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补铁剂 iron supplementary英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-25 00:05:09


补铁剂 iron supplementary英语短句 例句大全

补铁剂,iron supplementary

1)iron supplementary补铁剂

1.A new nutritioniron supplementary-porphra polysaccharide iron (Ⅲ)complex(PTC)has been prepared.:对新型营养型补铁剂紫菜多糖 Fe( )配合物的溶出性能进行了研究。

2.OBJECTIVE:A new nutritioniron supplementary porphra polysaccharide iron(Ⅲ) complex (PTC) has been prepared.目的 :本文对新型营养型补铁剂紫菜多糖Fe(Ⅲ )配合物的生物利用度进行了初步研究。


1.Study on a New Type of Iron(Ⅲ)-preparation and Its Part Efficacy;一种生物补铁剂的制备及部分药效研究

2.Experimental Study of Polysaccharide-iron Complex on Rats with Iron Deficiency Anemia一种新型补铁剂改善大鼠营养性贫血研究

3.Study on intravenous iron sucrose therapy of iron-deficiency anemia induced by functional uterine bleeding静脉补铁剂用于功能性子宫出血缺铁性贫血的研究

4.The Effects of Low Dose Iron Supplementation on Cytology in Children with Iron Deficiency Anemia小剂量补铁后小儿缺铁性贫血的细胞学分析

5.The reason why people sometimes take iron supplements is that the supply supplement the little amount that naturally occurs in grains.⑦有时人们需要服用铁质补剂是因为这些补剂补充了谷类食物中原本含量不多的铁质.

6.The reason why people sometimes take iron supplements is that the supplements supplement the small amount that naturally occurs in grains.有时人们需要服用铁质补剂是因为这些补剂补充了谷类食物中原本含量不多的铁质.

7.Non-iron Compound Medicine Jianpi Buxue Iron Deficiency Anemia on Iron Metabolism of the Intervention Study非铁剂健脾补血中药复方对缺铁性贫血铁代谢的干预研究

8.Exercising too much with no iron supplements will tip one over the edge into a more serious deficiency.锻炼太多而又未服铁质补剂,可能改变人体的含铁量,使之处于严重缺铁状态。

9.Iron supplements may cause a feeling of wanting to throw up, and may be poisonous in some cases.铁质补剂会让人有一种想吐的感觉,有些情况下它们还有可能有毒.

10.Effective of Large Dose Vitamin A and Weekly Iron Supplementation on Improving Iron Status of Preschoolers;大剂量口服维生素A和每周补铁改善学龄前儿童贫血的研究

11.cobalt-iron-bismuth-molybdenum catalyst钴-铁-铋-钼催化剂

12.Control of Shenyang Regulations of Subway and Over-length Basement Structure Concrete on Expansive Agents and Shrinkage Compensating Concrete沈阳地铁和超长地下室结构混凝土规程对膨胀剂及补偿收缩混凝土的控制

13.She mended the cup with cement她用胶合剂修补破杯子。

14.inner tubes of tires补轮胎内胎用合成制剂

15.active anthracene black活性蒽炭黑(补强剂)

16.trace mineral feed supplement饲料微量矿物质补添剂

17.This tonic, powerfully, reinforcing Both qi and Blood in human Bodies, is suitaBle for use By old persons.本补剂大补气血,适宜老年人服用。

18.Exploring into Prescription Principles from Successive Dynasties Nourishing Blood Formulas;从历代补血方剂探讨补血法处方规律



1.Research progress and prospects ofsupplements-iron;铁补充剂的研究现状及展望

3)plant iron regent植物补铁剂

1.A new kind ofplant iron regent--FeSO 4-MgSO 4 has been synthesized through plenty of experiments.合成了一种新的植物补铁剂—— Fe Mg(SO4) 2 ,确定了其反应的温度和 Fe SO4- Mg SO4的反应配比 ,对产品的溶解度、热分解性能及亚铁稳定性进行了测定。


1.Study on a New Type of Iron(Ⅲ)-preparation and Its Part Efficacy;一种生物补铁剂的制备及部分药效研究

5)new iron-enriched agent新型补铁剂


1.The efficacy of Ovotransferrin-Iron(Ⅲ)-preparation was examined in this paper.实验旨在对卵铁蛋白铁生物补铁剂部分药效进行研究。


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