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大型商场 large-scale market英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-22 18:20:09


大型商场 large-scale market英语短句 例句大全

大型商场,large-scale market

1)large-scale market大型商场

1.The Influence of the Experience Consumption to the Design of the Inner Circulation Space of Large-scale Market;体验式消费对大型商场内部交通空间设计的影响

2.The research oflarge-scale market and analysis of the possibility of energy saving about air-conditioning对大型商场调研与空调节能可能性分析

3.To prevent fire hazards in high-rise buildings,in allusion to a series of problems in fire control designs of high-rise buildings,according to the fire hazard risk oflarge-scale markets,the authors present that high-rise building fire control design must aim at the fire hazard features of protective targets.为了防止高层建筑发生火灾,针对高层建筑消防设计的一系列问题,根据大型商场火灾的危险性,提出了高层建筑消防设计必须针对保护对象发生火灾的特点,一切从实际出发,对消防设计中的给水系统设计、用电设计、电梯设计和火灾报警系统设计需注意的问题做了一些初步分析,提出了相应的对策,对于提高消防设计水平,保证高层建筑的消防安全具有一定指导意义和实用价值。


1.No.You can change money also in some major stores.不。你还可以在一些大型商场里(换钱)。

2.Energy Consumption Status QUO Analysis and Energy-saving Study on Large-scale Emporium Buildings in Xi"an西安市大型商场能耗现状及节能分析

3.Research on Identification of Fire Risk Pivotal Parts of Large-Scale Emporium大型商场火灾风险关键部位辨识研究

4.Analysis of Air-Flow Rate of Smoke Control and Extraction System in Superstore大型商场防排烟系统风量问题的分析

5.Fire Model of Large Department Store and Researches on the Behavior of Structures Exposed to Fire;大型商场火场模拟及结构危险性分析方法研究

6.Construction of Basic Motivation Model on Customer Loyalty in Emporium大型商场顾客忠诚基本驱动模型的构建

7.To provide more sports facilities for teenagers in Shamshuipo, students proposed to build a basketball field and a shopping arcade near the Golden Computer Arcade.同学计划于深水?黄金商场一带建设篮球场及大型商场,为区内青少年提供更多休閒娱乐场所。

8.They are planning to turn that field into a fancy mall.他们打算把那块空地变成一家大型商场。

9.Faults Analysis of the Power Supply System and Safety Assessment in a Large Plaza;大型商场供电系统的故障分析与安全评价

10.in a big department store.在一个大型的商场里。

11.Small shops are being crowded out by the big supermarkets.小商店受到大型超级市场不断排挤.

12.Small shop is crowded out by the big supermarket.小商店受到大型超级市场不断排挤。

13.Small shop is being crowded out by the big supermarket小商店受到大型超级市场不断排挤

14.On multiple business strategies of China s large-sized department stores;我国大型百货商场的多角化经营战略

15.Design of deep foundation pit of a large-scale commercial square in Foshan佛山某大型商业广场深基坑支护设计

16.The market position and developing strategy of large-sized department stores;我国大型百货商场的市场定位与发展策略

17.A very large commercial establishment that is a combination of a department store and a supermarket.巨型超级市场由商店和超级市场组合成的巨大的商业建筑

18.The first floor is complete with bank and shops, while by the Pearl Square next to the hotel there are large fine food eateries and department stores.酒店一楼设有银行、商场,相邻的大东海明珠广场有大型的美食广场和百货商场。


large emporium大型商场

1.This article concludes the characteristics of the comercial building fire,analyzes and disusses the fire risks and prevention measures oflarge emporium in Wuhan city.在总结大型商场火灾特点的基础上,对武汉市大型商场的火灾危险性及预防措旅进行了初步分析和探讨。

3)shopping mall大型商场

1.Some typicalshopping malls in Tianjin city are selected as the samples,according to the characteristics and the sizes of construction of theshopping malls,they are divided into three categories.以天津市几个大型商场为代表,按照商场的经营性质、建筑规模将大型商场分为三类,分别选取节假日、双休日、正常工作日为调查时间,得到各类大型商场疏散人数的原始数据。


1.Evaluation of indoor air quality in anemporium in Ma’anshan city;马鞍山市大型商场室内空气质量研究

2.The unfixed fire loads investigation of clothing floors in oneemporium;对某大型商场服装层活动火灾荷载的调查和研究


1.A Theoretical Research and Application of Post-Occupancy Evaluation about Built Environment inEmporium;大中型商场建成环境使用后评价的理论及应用研究

6)large shopping business hall大型商场营业厅


