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小额 Small amount英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-06 08:21:32


小额 Small amount英语短句 例句大全

小额,Small amount

1)Small amount小额


1.considerable [little] savings高额 [小额] 储金

2.-- Petty cash records——小额现金记录;

3.Small-amount direct loan is one form of small-amount loan.小额直贷是小额信贷的一种形式。

4.Large bills or small bills?是大额钞票还是小额钞票呢?

5.small claims courtph.1. 【律】小额索偿法院

6.smallaw loan law美国各州的小额贷款法

7.International Confederation for Small-Scale Credit国际小额贷款联合会

8.fringe Benefits附加利益,小额优惠

9.an old Scottish coin of little value.旧时苏格兰的小额硬币。

10.Confederation internationale du credit populaire国际小额信贷联合会

11.executor of small estates小额遗产的遗嘱执行人

12."baby bond:a bond issued in an amount less than $1,000.""小额债券:发行的面额小于1,000美元的债券。"

13.The small amount consumer dispute set forth in the1 st paragraph shall be fixed by the Executive Yuan.第一项小额消费争议之额度,由行政院定之。

14.Positive Studies of Microfinance Amount and Rate in Yunnan Province of China;云南小额信贷贷款额度与利率抽样调查研究

15.Small claims courts process cases of minor debts.小额索偿法庭处理小债项案件。

16.Small payments that are impractical to make with a check are paid out of the petty cash fund.那些没有必要用支票支付的小额款项由小额库存现金支付。

17.Would you prefer the money in small bills or large bills?您想要大面额的钱还是小面额的钱?

18.The production group has overfulfilled the quota today.今天,这个生产小组超额完成了定额。



1.Empirical Study on RCC s Microfinance in Minority Poverty Area;民族贫困地区农信社推行农户小额信贷的实证分析

2.The Cause Study on Low Efficiency of Rural Microfinance in China;我国农村小额信贷效率低下的成因探析

3.The Analysis of Information Asymmetry in Microfinance;小额信贷中的信息不对称分析

3)small-amount direct loan小额直贷

1.After several years development, thesmall-amount direct loan in the minority areas of Liaoning Province has played a positive role in poverty alleviation.小额直贷是小额信贷的一种形式。

4)micro payment小额支付

1.Amicro payment protocol CertPayWord was put forward after analyzing the limitation of atomicity of the PayWord protocol.分析了PayWord这种小额支付协议 ,针对PayWord的一些关于交易原子性的局限性 ,提出了一种新的支付协议———CertPayWord,此协议沿用PayWord协议的Payword链来表示货币 ,充分利用交易证书对交易信息进行签名 ,并记录交易步骤的状态 ,从流程上保证交易的原子

2.This paper introduces the concept of mobile payment andmicro payment first, and then current situation of mobile payment system overseas and domestically.本文首先介绍移动支付和小额支付的概念以及国内外移动支付业务的开展情况,然后从移动支付价值链、业务分类和开展策略、系统建设中需要注意的问题等方面对小额支付系统的建设进行了探讨,提出了自己的建议,最后对小额支付系统的发展方向进行了展望。

3.This paper first introduces the concept of mobile communication commerce , then fetches out the definition ofmicro payment and mobile payment , It compares the characters of them .本文首先介绍了移动信息化与移动商务的内容,然后引出了小额支付与移动支付的概念,并进行了对比分析。

5)small credit小额信贷

1.Disscussed the actived role ofsmall credit,as the innovation way of financial serve, in developing economy and provide for and help oneself by engaging in production for helping the poverty stratum.论述小额信贷作为金融业服务创新的一种方式,在扶持贫困阶层发展经济、生产自救等方面的积极作用。

2.Hence,the agricultural banks should carry out the principles of serving the needs of agriculture,rural areas and farmers,reforming system,operating business,and listing when opportunity coming,actively develop the finance service of supply chain,small credit,and farmer.农行应贯彻"面向‘三农,’整体改制,商业运作,择机上市"的"十六字方针,"积极发展银行供应链金融,创造性的开展小额信贷业务,创新农民信用体系,建立一套小额信贷登记系统,以实现农行现代企业制度的建立和新农村建设的互利双赢。

3.Sincesmall credit becomes a newborn thing on the financial development history of our country,it is that the nine-hundreds millions peasant of our country has improved production condition especially the peasant of poor backward area has offered production capital to pass the practice of more than 10 years and try.小额信贷自成为我国金融发展史上一项新生事物以来,经过十多年的实践和尝试,为我国九亿农民特别是贫困落后地区的农民提供了生产资金,改善了生产条件。


1.Analysis of Microfinance Credit Loan Projects in Tongren in Guizhou Province;以贵州铜仁地区为例的无担保小额贷款简化分析

2.Study on the Microfinance for Reservoir Resettlers in Post-relocation Support;水库移民后期扶持小额贷款研究

3.There are many problems formicrofinance developing,which is a financial innovation,including the great restriction of product characteristic,the bottleneck of market development,weak foundation ofmicrofinance companies,many setbacks and low efficiency.小额贷款业务是对传统金融制度的一次创新,目前还存在着产品属性制约强、市场发展瓶颈大、贷款公司展基础薄、运行障碍多、帮扶效率低等诸多问题。




