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集装箱场站 container yard英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-04 02:10:08


集装箱场站 container yard英语短句 例句大全

集装箱场站,container yard

1)container yard集装箱场站

1.In the wake of a trend that containers increase day by day in the long-distance transportations of merchandises, thecontainer yards develop more and more rapidly and their scales get larger and larger.随着长途货物运输集装箱化趋势的加快,集装箱场站呈现出发展越来越快,规模越来越大的趋势。


1.The MIS Design of Container Wharfs;集装箱场站管理信息系统设计与实现

2.The average weight of payload of container is one of important parameters for calculating the capacity of container operation in the freight stations such as container terminal, railway or road container stations.集装箱平均货物重量是设计计算集装箱码头、路和公路集装箱场站拆装箱库容量的重要参数。

3.A Research on the Cost Management of the Construction Project of China Shipping Container Lines (CSCL) Yards中海集装箱场站建设项目成本管理研究

4.The inland depot therefore was set up in Dehui, Jilin, China.为此我们在中国吉林德惠建立了内陆集装箱场站。

5.Analysis of CFS Plane Layout of Container Station and Yard集装箱站场拆装箱库的平面布局分析

6.Design in Military Container Transport Yard;军用集装箱运输场站规划设计的研究与探讨

7.free arrival station集装箱到达站交货价

8.delivered at container collection depot在集装箱收货站交货

9.Choice of Loading and Unloading Equipments and Storage Yard Layout in Railway Container Terminals;铁路集装箱结点站装卸机械选型与货场布局研究

10.Optimization of the Empty Containers Distribution among Railway Network Container Freight Stations铁路集装箱结点站间空箱调配的优化

11.Operation Mode Study on Containers Transportation within the Influencing Area of Railway Central Station for Containers;铁路集装箱中心站吸引区集装箱运营模式研究

12.Analysis of Models of Container Transport Within the Influencing Range of Railways Central Station for Container Transport;铁路集装箱中心站吸引区集装箱运输模式分析

13.The Application of the Electricity-Saving Unit for the Fridge Container in the Container Yard;冷藏箱节电装置在集装箱堆场的应用

14.Modeling and Algorithm on Piling Outbound for Container Terminal;集装箱堆场出口箱堆存模型及其算法

15.Transport Operation and Management among Three Kinds of Railway Container Terminals;三级铁路集装箱站点运输组织的研究

16.On design of the bridge in Kunming railway container central station昆明铁路集装箱中心站桥梁设计简介

17.terminal devanning(集装箱)区内拆箱

18.Classification of highway transfer station and installation provided for freight containersGB/T12419-1990集装箱公路中转站站级划分及设备配备


container station and yard集装箱站场

1.This paper analyzes the reasonability of CFS plane layout ofcontainer station and yard according to actual operation flow and legend.以实际操作流程及图例,对集装箱站场拆装箱库建设平面布局进行合理性分析。

3)military container transport yard军用集装箱运输场站

1.The paper systematically analyzes the condition,purpose and function and design principle ofmilitary container transport yard and discusses the contents and methods of designingmilitary container transport yard including impacting factors of location,construction scale and the layout of the yard.通过对军用集装箱运输场站建立的条件、目的和功能、规划设计的原则进行了系统分析,从场站的选址与布局的影响因素及方法、场站的建设规模与平面布局等方面,对军用集装箱运输场站规划设计的内容和方法进行了深入的研究和探讨。

4)container yard integrated information management system集装箱场站信息系统

1.The proposedcontainer yard integrated information management system provides the internal container operation management, external information diss.口岸信息化进程的推进,对集装箱场站信息系统提出了新的要求。

5)container freight station集装箱货站

6)terminal depot集装箱运站


