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换热成本 heat transfer cost英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-11 18:52:51


换热成本 heat transfer cost英语短句 例句大全

换热成本,heat transfer cost

1)heat transfer cost换热成本

2)heat capacity price ratio换热成本比

1.Performance optimization for R410A air cooling condenser based onheat capacity price ratio;基于换热成本比的R410A风冷式冷凝器优化

3)Cost of per heat transferred on depth of borehole单位井深换热量成本

4)conversion cost转换成本

1.In course of technological innovation the implication ofconversion cost and conversion income is decided and so increased investment and income are measured accurately.将企业技术创新作为一项投资项目,根据企业在技术创新的实际过程中发生的费用和收益,界定企业技术创新评价过程中涉及到的转换成本和转换收益的内涵,从而准确地度量技术创新评价中的增量投资和增量效益,并利用线性模拟方法,计算技术创新所产生的转换收益。

2.When enterprises\" life cycle ends and enterprises have to enter another industry,the enterprises and employees have to pay for a highconversion cost because of the specialized labor division.在企业的生命周期结束而不得不转行时,专业化分工将迫使企业以及员工支付较高的转换成本,为了有效降低或者规避分工所导致的转换成本,企业和员工都将积极支持进行纵向一体化。


1.Based on Switching Costs Two Channels Dynamic Pricing for Research基于转换成本的双渠道动态定价研究

2.Study on pricing strategy of competing platforms with switching costs引入转换成本的竞争性平台定价分析

3.The current costs added during the period were materials of $16 and conversion cost of $3.本期发生的成本为:直接材料16美元,转换成本3美元。

4.The Impact of Switching Costs on the Relationship between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty--A Qualitative Research on Switching Costs in the Broadband Services;转换成本在顾客满意度与忠诚度之间关系中的作用——兼宽带客户转换成本的归纳性分析

5.Third Degree Price Discrimination with Customer Switching Costs客户转换成本对三级价格歧视的影响分析

6.Study on the Moderating Effect of Switching Costs between Satisfaction and E-store Loyalty;转换成本对满意—网店忠诚关系的调节作用研究

7.The Research of the Impact of Different Types Switching Costs on Customer Loyalty;不同类型转换成本对顾客忠诚的影响研究

8.Preliminary Research on the Competition of Bankcard Market Based on the Switching Costs Theory;基于转换成本理论的银行卡市场竞争现状初探

9.On the Customer Switching Costs Based on the Views of the Industrial Organization;基于产业组织理论视角的顾客转换成本研究

10.Analysis on Customer Loyalty-Based Switching Costs Management for Service Enterprises;基于顾客忠诚的服务企业转换成本管理探析

11.On Building of Customer Switching Cost Rampart and Forecast Customer Holding Effect;建立顾客转换成本壁垒和预测顾客保持效果

12.The mechanism function of Switching Cost to Customer loyalty and Applied Mode;转换成本对顾客忠诚度的作用机理及应用模式

13.convert (assets) into fixed capital.把资产转换成固定资本。

14.Converts an arabic numeral to roman, as text将阿拉伯数字转换成文本式罗马数字

15.the activity of making clear or converting from code into plain text.把代码转换成纯文本的活动。

16.Returns the number that represents the time represented by a text string (Time_text)将文本形式表示的时间转换成序列数

17.Convertible Bond Financing Based on Proxy Cost;可转换债券融资:基于代理成本的视角

18.This stage of the conversion process is finished. To complete the conversion process, synchronize this replica to the (converted) Design Master.该阶段的转换过程已经完成。如要完成转换过程,请将该副本与转换后的设计母版进行同步复制。


heat capacity price ratio换热成本比

1.Performance optimization for R410A air cooling condenser based onheat capacity price ratio;基于换热成本比的R410A风冷式冷凝器优化

3)Cost of per heat transferred on depth of borehole单位井深换热量成本

4)conversion cost转换成本

1.In course of technological innovation the implication ofconversion cost and conversion income is decided and so increased investment and income are measured accurately.将企业技术创新作为一项投资项目,根据企业在技术创新的实际过程中发生的费用和收益,界定企业技术创新评价过程中涉及到的转换成本和转换收益的内涵,从而准确地度量技术创新评价中的增量投资和增量效益,并利用线性模拟方法,计算技术创新所产生的转换收益。

2.When enterprises\" life cycle ends and enterprises have to enter another industry,the enterprises and employees have to pay for a highconversion cost because of the specialized labor division.在企业的生命周期结束而不得不转行时,专业化分工将迫使企业以及员工支付较高的转换成本,为了有效降低或者规避分工所导致的转换成本,企业和员工都将积极支持进行纵向一体化。

5)switching cost转换成本

1.The paper puts forward thatswitching cost must be formed to avoid price fightings when supermarkets select their locations,which is of some reference value to supermarkets when they select their locations.通过博弈模型分析了超市价格差异对消费者购物行为的影响,提出超市在选址时应构筑转换成本来避免价格战,对超市选址具有一定的参考价值。

2.From Real Options approach, this paper classifies IT investment opportunity into four categories based on two criteria:competition adswitching cost, and points out that the model of option to defer and growth option should be adjusted according to the characteristics of different categories.从实物期权的角度,基于市场竞争状况和技术转换成本,将IT行业投资机会分为4类,指出必须根据不同类型投资机会的特点调整延迟期权和增长期权等实物期权模型。

3.This article studies the pricing strategy of bank cards through the theoretical model ofswitching cost and card pricing competition and analyzes the measurement method and empirical proofs ofswitching cost of bank cards.通过转换成本与银行卡定价竞争的理论模型研究了存在转换成本情况下银行卡市场的定价策略,并在此基础上分析了银行卡转换成本的测度方法和相关的经验估计。

6)switching cost切换成本

1.Study on effects ofswitching cost and compatibility on critical mass of new product;切换成本和兼容性对新产品临界群体的影响

2.Factors influencing optimal pricing level of B2B electronic commerce network were analyzed,which included network externalities,network income andswitching cost.分两阶段讨论了中立交易平台型B2B电子商务网络的定价模型,重点分析了影响B2B电子商务网络最优定价水平的三类因素:网络外部性、网络收益和切换成本。


