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第一句子网 > 丢失率 loss rate英语短句 例句大全

丢失率 loss rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-02 19:41:18


丢失率 loss rate英语短句 例句大全

丢失率,loss rate

1)loss rate丢失率

1.In this algorithm both the packet delay and packetloss rate are considered to compute packet priority.针对输入缓存的交换结构,提出了一种将时延与丢失率相结合计算分组优先级的算法CPC。

2.Using the obtainedloss rate the M/M/2k-m queue systems where there are two-class customers are studied.首先给出了只有一类不耐烦顾客的M/M/m排队模型,其中顾客到达与服务都服从相互独立的泊松分布,顾客的耐心等待期限截止到服务开始前,并服从指数分布,最终得到了顾客丢失率及稳态下的队长分布。

3.This paper discusses mechanism of TCP congestion control and analyses its performance,especially studies the relation among data flow throughput andloss rate or other parameters in a TCP connection.随着因特网的迅猛发展,因特网中的业务量呈逐年上升趋势,研究了TCP拥塞控制机制及其提供的拥塞控制性能,特别是对TCP连接过程中的数据业务流量与丢失率和其他参数的关系进行了深入的研究。


1.The proposed method with a simple structure can avoid the congestion effectively, and reduce cell loss rate.该方法能有效地避免拥塞发生,同时降低信元丢失率,且结构简单.

2.This method is called the loss-of-load probability (LOLP) method.此方法称为负荷丢失概率(LOLP)法。

3.the bone loss happened in Graves disease patients was 41% (39/96).患者骨量丢失发生率为41%(39/96)。

4.To delete or miss out;for example, drop bits, drop significant digits.删除或丢失。例如,丢失位,丢失有效数字。

5.lost souls; a lost generation; a lost ship; the lost platoon.丢失的灵魂;迷惘的一代;丢失的船只;丢失的队伍。

6."Error: Audio data was lost during capture; reduce capture rate."错误: 在捕获过程中丢失声音数据,请降低捕获速率。

7.Annihilation Cr+ Os+ So+ Ut Increases item loss after death and decreases the durability of the enemy′ s armor.毁灭在死亡后造成装备丢失几率增加,减少敌人装备的耐久度。

8.In a wired network, random bit error rate may be neglected and the congestion result from packets loss.在有线网络中随机比特差错率可以忽略,拥塞主要由包丢失造成。

9.Robust H ∞ control for discrete-time systems with uncertain missing measurements probabilities测量数据丢失概率不确定的离散系统鲁棒H∞控制

10.Intestinal Absorption Rate of Glucose Electrolyte Solution during Enteral Resuscitation in 40% Hemorrhage Rats40%血容量丢失大鼠肠内补液时葡萄糖和电解质液吸收效率的研究

11.He "s always losing that wallet.他总是丢失那个皮夹,

12.I can"t find the knife that I lost.我找不到我丢失的小刀。

13.I"ve searched high and low for my lost pen.我到处寻找丢失的钢笔.

14.I look for the book lost everywhere .我到处寻找丢失的书。

15.chromosome elimination染色体丢失,染色体消减

16.This is the same pen that you have lost.这就是你丢失的那支笔。

17.The stolen watch has been restored to its owner.丢失的表已归还原主。

18.Fractions of the phosphor are easily lost.部分磷光体容易丢失。



1.Secondly, the relation betweenloss-rate and bandwidth of our model is simulated on network simulator (ns-2).首先对规模较小、性能参数比较确定的接入网进行建模和具体分析 ,然后利用网络仿真器对所建模型丢失率随带宽变化的特性等进行了仿真 ,对缓冲区与时延等影响网络话音复用带宽的重要因素进行了讨论 。

3)loss probability丢失率

1.The QoS parameters such as queue length and packetsloss probability has been discussed and the results with priority classes and those with no priority have been compared too.建立基于流体流方法的多优先级ON/OFF业务复用模型,并对其进行理论分析,讨论了具有不同优先级的多业务复用情况,计算了平均队长及分组丢失率等QoS参数,比较了有无优先机制时上述QoS参数的异同。

4)probability of packet loss丢失率

1.Analysis ofprobability of packet loss on multi-service system in polling LAN;轮询LAN多业务系统丢失率分析

5)Bone loss rate骨丢失率

6)packet loss probability包丢失率


