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血清药物化学 serum pharmacochemistry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-21 04:59:48


血清药物化学 serum pharmacochemistry英语短句 例句大全

血清药物化学,serum pharmacochemistry

1)serum pharmacochemistry血清药物化学

1.Pilot study onserum pharmacochemistry of fructus psoraleae;补骨脂血清药物化学的初步研究

2.Study onserum pharmacochemistry of Shenghua Tang;生化汤的血清药物化学研究

3.Preliminary Study on Serum Pharmacochemistry of Radix Rehmannia Glutinosa;地黄血清药物化学的初步研究


1.Application of Serum Pharmacochemistry of Chinese Medicine (Ⅳ)中药血清药物化学的应用研究(Ⅳ)

2.Application of Serum Pharmacochemistry of Chinese Medicine (Ⅶ);中药血清药物化学的应用研究(Ⅶ)

3.Application of Serum Pharmacochemistry of Chinese Medicine (Ⅲ);中药血清药物化学的应用研究(Ⅲ)

4.Application of Serum Pharmacochemistry of Chinese Medicine (Ⅰ);中药血清药物化学的应用研究(Ⅰ)

5.Serum Pharmacochemistry and Pharmacokinetic Study of Naoxuening Injection;脑血宁注射液血清药物化学及药代动力学研究

6.Study on the bioactive components in Dachuanxiong Fang by serum pharmacochemistry大川芎方效应组分血清药物化学研究

7.Preliminary Study on Serum Pharmacochemistry of Andrographis Paniculata in Chickens穿心莲在鸡中血清药物化学初步研究

8.Preliminary Study on Serum Pharmacochemistry of Traditional Uighur Medicine Vernonia Anthelmintica (L.) Willd驱虫斑鸠菊血清药物化学的初步研究

9.Application of Chinese materia medica serum pharmacochemistry in studies on therapeutic material basis of Chinese materia medica中药血清药物化学在中药药效物质基础研究中的应用

10.The Preliminary Research of Serum Pharmachemistry on Ganfukang Dropping Pill;复方肝复康滴丸的血清药物化学初步研究

11.Studies on the Fingerprinting of Gegenqinlian Decoctioin and Serum Pharmacochemistry;葛根芩连汤指纹图谱及血清药物化学的研究

12.Study on the Anti-arrhythmia Effective Substances and Serum Pharmacochemistry of Valeriana Officinalis L.缬草抗心律失常活性成分及血清药物化学研究

13.A Preliminary Study on the Chemical Composition and the Serum Pharmacochemistry of Bioactive Fractions of Herpetospermum Caudigerum波棱瓜子有效部位化学成分及其血清药物化学的初步研究

14.Dynamic Study on Serum Pharmacochemistry of Yin-Huang Oral Liquid and Its Quality Assessment;银黄口服液血清药物化学的动态研究及其质量评价

15.Drug-induced Liver Disease Blood Serum Zymogram Change Feature and Prognostic Analysis;药物性肝病血清酶谱学变化特点及预后分析

16.Study on Pharmaceutical and Serum Pharmacochemistry of Naodesheng Soft-capsula脑得生软胶囊药学及血清药化学研究

17.Application of Serum Pharmacochemistry for Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Studies of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Complex Prescription中药血清化学在中药及中药复方研究中的应用

18.Studies on the Determination of Nitroimidazoles and the Interaction between Them and Serum Albumin by Electrochemical Methods;硝基咪唑类药物的电化学行为及其与血清白蛋白的相互作用研究


Chinese materia medica serum pharmacochemistry中药血清药物化学

1.Application ofChinese materia medica serum pharmacochemistry in studies on therapeutic material basis of Chinese materia medica中药血清药物化学在中药药效物质基础研究中的应用

3)serum pharmacochemistry血清药化学

1.OBJECTIVE To establish the fingerprint of compound wurenchun capsules in rat serum for the analysis of common drug-induced constituents in blood and the preliminary analysis of the origin of these common constituents,thus lay the foundation for the study on theserum pharmacochemistry of this preparation.目的建立复方五仁醇胶囊含药血清指纹图谱,分辨该制剂给药后血中产生的共性的药源性成分,并对这些成分的来源作初步分析,为该制剂血清药化学研究奠定基础。

4)Serum pharmacochemistry of TCMs中药血清化学

5)medicated serum药物血清

1.Objective:Set up experimental model of uterine leiomyoma cells /smooth muscle cells in vitro to observe the effects of Huliufang(HLF)-medicated serum on the expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen(PCNA),Bcl-2,Fas and Fas ligand in human uterine leiomyoma cells,based on serum pharmacological methods.方法:制备化瘤方、宫瘤宁、米非司酮药物血清,采用免疫细胞化学方法检测药物作用后增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA),凋亡相关基因(Bcl-2)蛋白、Fas及其配体Fas-L变化。

2.Methods: To observe the effect ofmedicated serum by means of MTT assay and morphology.方法:通过MTT比色测定及形态学方法观察养阴益气活血方药各组药物血清的作用效果。

6)drug serum药物血清

1.[Methods] Calcein-AM stained H9/HIV-1ⅢB cells were treated with serially diluted SHL injection and itsdrug serum respectively, then mixed with target cells MT-2.【目的】探讨双黄连药物及其药物血清在体外是否有抗HIV-1作用。

2.Objective: To provide the experimental basis for exploiting new drug by observing the antiviral activities of KGTR Granules and thedrug serum against influenza A and B virus in vitro.方法:以5μg/mL病毒唑作为阳性对照药物,体外抗甲型和乙型流感病毒作用,观察药物及药物血清对流感病毒致细胞病变效应的抑制作用。

3.OBJECTIVE To investigate into the inhibiting effect of Ditan Huayu Decoction and itsdrug serum (with the same dosage as is used clinically) on the in vitro cultivated human stomach cancer SGC-7901 cells.目的研究涤痰化瘀汤及其药物血清 (剂量为临床等效量 )对体外培养的人胃癌SGC 790 1细胞株的抑制作用。


蝮蛇抗毒血清 ,精制抗蝮蛇毒血清药物名称:精制抗蝮蛇毒血清英文名:别名: 蝮蛇抗毒素;蝮蛇抗毒血清 ,精制抗蝮蛇毒血清适应症: 能中和蝮蛇蛇毒,具有消除症状快、明显降低死亡率的特点,早期应用效果较好。 用量用法: 抢救时多采用静脉注射,每次10ml(8000单位),用20~40ml等渗盐水或25%~50%葡萄糖液稀释后缓慢静注。 注意事项: 1.可引起血清过敏反应,如发热、麻疹样皮疹、荨麻疹、胸闷、气短、苍白、恶心、呕吐、腹痛、抽搐等。 2.为预防血清过敏反应,注射前应作皮试:取本品0.1ml,加1.9ml等渗盐水稀释,在前臂掌侧皮内注射0.1ml,观察15~20分钟,周围无红晕及蜘蛛足者为阴性。但皮试亦有假阴性或假阳性者。 3.在用本品以前肌注苯海拉明20mg,或将地噻米松5mg加于25%~50%葡萄糖液20ml内静注,15分钟后再注射本品,一般可防止产生过敏反应。即使出现反应,亦可较快消失。 规格: 注射液:每支8000单位(10ml)。 类别:解毒药
