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隐喻思维 metaphorical thinking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-08 22:39:34


隐喻思维 metaphorical thinking英语短句 例句大全

隐喻思维,metaphorical thinking

1)metaphorical thinking隐喻思维

1.Applyingmetaphorical thinking to the learning of vocabulary;隐喻思维在英语词汇学习中的运用

2.Analysis of the motivation of conversion from themetaphorical thinking;从隐喻思维看转化法的构词理据

3.It puts forward the utilization ofmetaphorical thinking in order to advance reading ability.本文从认知语言学的角度论述了隐喻与认知及语言的关系,并阐述了在英语阅读中运用隐喻思维以提高英语阅读能力。


1.The Notional Metaphor and Thinking Structure About Metaphor in English and Chinese Set Phrases英汉成语中的概念隐喻与隐喻思维结构

2.On the Nature and Cognitive Function of Metaphor──a study of relationship between language and thought as reflected in metaphor;隐喻的思维本质与认知功能——由隐喻与隐喻思维看语言与思维的关系

3.Stydy of form and theory of metaphor thinking in sport area;运动领域的隐喻思维形式及理论探索

4.Students" Metaphorical Thinking Ability and Its Development学生英语隐喻思维能力及其发展策略

5.Application of Metaphoric Thinking in Business English Teaching论隐喻思维在商务英语教学中的运用

6.Metaphor and Politics: a Linguistic Perspective on --Metaphorical Thoughts in US s Diplomatic Policy After the Sept. 11th Attacks;隐喻与政治——“9.11事件”后美国外交政策中的隐喻思维透视

7.Study on Metaphor Thinking s Mechanism in the View of Modern Writingology;当代写作学视野下的隐喻思维机制研究

8.On Metaphorical Thinking of Reading:A Recognitive Linguistic Perspective;从认知语言学角度看阅读过程中的隐喻思维

9.Metaphor as a Mode of Thought--Notes on"an Open Letter to the Internet from George Lakoff;隐喻思维方式初探——从莱可夫网上公开信谈起

10.The Application of Metaphorical Thought into Writing Teaching and its Influence on Writing Competence隐喻思维训练对于培养写作能力的影响

11.Family Resemblance:The Metaphorical Thinking in Scientific Analogy and Scientific Model家族相似:科学类比与科学模型的隐喻思维特征

12.Metaphor and Culture A Case Study Basedon the Chinese Metaphorsabout Marriage and Thought;隐喻与文化——以汉语婚姻和思维隐喻为例

13.Metaphor,Cognition and Creative Thinking Modes;从认知角度看隐喻及隐喻式的创造性思维方式

14.Cognitive Context Dynamic Construction on Metaphorical and Metonymical Thought pattern论认知语境动态建构中的隐喻和转喻思维模式

15.An Exploration into Mental Process of Translation in the Framework of Cognitive Metaphor;认知隐喻框架下的翻译思维过程探索

16.The exploration of Chinese Han nationality s lotus culture in metaphorical thought;隐喻性思维中汉民族“莲”文化探析


18.The Contrast of Thinking Structure about Notional Metaphor in English and Chinese Set Phrases;英汉成语中概念隐喻的思维结构对比


Metaphor thinking隐喻思维

1.Stydy of form and theory of metaphor thinking in sport area;运动领域的隐喻思维形式及理论探索

2.Study on Metaphor Thinking s Mechanism in the View of Modern Writingology;当代写作学视野下的隐喻思维机制研究

3.After the study of classifying metaphor into the first-class and the second class, the close relationship between metaphor thinking and English language in affix, synonym, grammar was expounded from the sameness and difference angles.在对隐喻思维进行了第一和第二等级的分类研究基础上,从相同和不同的角度阐述了隐喻思维与英语语言在词缀、近义词、语法和词性几个方面的紧密关系,挖掘出隐喻思维对英语语言发展的决定性作用。

3)metaphoric thinking隐喻思维

1.Based on foreign language teaching practice, this paper discusses the important role ofmetaphoric thinking in the course of writing and reading.本文以教学实践为基础,探讨隐喻思维在写作和阅读中的作用。

2.In explicit classroom teaching,the process of vocabulary instruction,culture input,context analysis is interactive with the cultivation ofmetaphoric thinking.在教学中,外语教师应树立教学新思维,培养学生的隐喻思维能力,开辟提高诸如外语文化教学、词汇教学、篇章阅读等外语教学质量的新途径。

3.Based on this point of view,this paper proposes that metaphoric expressions be taught to developmetaphoric thinking in foreign language classrooms,and argues from the perspectives of the nature and the pervasiveness of metaphor, the functions of metaphor, and the immediate needs of developing metaphoric thi.鉴于此,本文认为在外语课堂上教授隐喻性表达、进行隐喻思维的培养具有必要性,并试图从隐喻的本质与普遍性、隐喻的的功能以及在外语课堂培养隐喻思维的必要性等方面进行讨论。

4)metaphorical thought隐喻思维

1.Through the reflection ofmetaphorical thought on the different levels of the language,the article sharpens the knowledge of the metaphorical nature of the language and the characteristics of the metaphor.通过隐喻思维在语言各个层面上的表现模式,深化对语言隐喻性本质和隐喻特点的认识。

2.Metaphorical language is in essence the representation ofmetaphorical thought in language.隐喻是一种认知现象,是语言系统的再生机制,语言隐喻本质上是隐喻思维在语言中的表现。

3.It also puts forward the cognitive mechanism that learners should be encouraged to apply semantic meaning,metaphorical thought and context in word acquisition.提出词汇习得认知机制,即:语义变化、隐喻思维和语境效应。

5)metaphorical thinking隐喻性思维

1.Metaphor in rhetoric,metaphorical thinking and similar thinking are three levels of accounting for language and world.修辞中的隐喻、隐喻性思维和相似性思维是人们解释语言、思维和世界的关系的三个层次。

6)associative and metaphorical thinking隐喻联想思维

1.Using the concept of innovation thinking,the teaching effects can be improved and the field of vision of college students can be widened to train the divergent thinking,critical and dialectical thinking;associative and metaphorical thinking in the class of fine chemical experiment.在精细化工实验教学中,运用创新思维观念,培养学生的发散思维、辩证批判思维和隐喻联想思维,有利于开阔学生的视野,教学效果显著。


