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文物照明 antiquity illumination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-25 14:02:26


文物照明 antiquity illumination英语短句 例句大全

文物照明,antiquity illumination

1)antiquity illumination文物照明


3)museum lighting system博物馆照明

1.A scheme formuseum lighting system using white LED lamps was provided,after detailedly analyzing the museum lighting demands.在详细分析博物馆照明要求的基础上,提出了一种基于白光LED光源的博物馆照明系统解决方案,并进一步实现了低色温、高显色性1 W白光LED的光谱学设计。


1.Application of the Visual Brightness in the Lighting Design of the Museum视觉亮度在博物馆照明设计中的运用

2.Status Quo Analysis and Improvement Research on Lighting Designs for Museums博物馆照明现状分析及改进设计研究

3.Design of Museum Lighting System Based on White LEDs of High Color Rendering基于高显色性白光LED的博物馆照明系统设计

4.The crowd was small in number. A number of people complained about the poor lighting in the museum.那群人的人数并不多。许多人抱怨博物馆照明不好

5.Application of Optical Fiber Illumination System in Guo Kingdom Museum光纤照明系统在虢国博物馆中的应用

6.The Application of Optic Fibres in Lighting Museum Antiquity Displays光纤在博物馆文物陈列照明中的应用方式


8.Shanghai Car Museum Intelligent Lighting System--Discussion on Energy Conservation of I-bus KNX上海汽车博物馆智能照明系统——I-bus KNX应用的节能探讨

9.The photographs are on show at the museum until October.照片在博物馆展出到十月。

10.Diagonal Steel Frame Analysis of Jintaixizhao Museum“金台夕照博物馆”斜框架钢结构分析

11.The Research on Lighting Solutions of Interior Exhibit in Museums and Galleries博物馆和美术馆室内展陈光照方式研究

12.The Eclipse of A Civilization-what was Stolen from the Baghdad Museum?文明之劫——再现巴格达博物馆文物精华

13.Will she visit the museum tomorrow afternoon ?她明天下午去参观博物馆吗?

14.Interpreting "Superstar" Museums and Giant Exhibitions“超级明星”博物馆与巨型展览的评析

15.Investigation Report on the Portraits in the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Seven Museums对中国七个博物馆(院)明清人物画考察报告

16.Oh, the museum is closed.咳,博物馆关门了。

17.Kunming, Stone Forest, National Museum, Yunnan Folkways Village.昆明:游览石林,参观民族博物馆,民族村等.

18.Akemi was astonished to find that Shig had been to visit the museums in Boston知道茂雄参观过波士顿博物馆,明见又惊又羡。



3)museum lighting system博物馆照明

1.A scheme formuseum lighting system using white LED lamps was provided,after detailedly analyzing the museum lighting demands.在详细分析博物馆照明要求的基础上,提出了一种基于白光LED光源的博物馆照明系统解决方案,并进一步实现了低色温、高显色性1 W白光LED的光谱学设计。

4)material civilization物质文明

1.Propelling construction ofmaterial civilization to promote human’s integrated development;推进物质文明建设 促进人的全面发展

2.Because thematerial civilization is the material base of comprehensive constructing well-being society,the political civilization is the profitable target of comprehensive constructing well-being society,the spiritual civilization is the energetic power of comprehensive constructing well-being society,the ecological civilization is the road of development of comprehensiv.这是因为,物质文明是全面建设小康社会的物质基础、政治文明是全面建设小康社会的重要目标、精神文明是全面建设小康社会的精神动力、生态文明是全面建设小康社会的必由之路。

3.This paper states how to bring library s function into full play in information times from three aspects, and emphasizes the importance of library in the construction of socialistmaterial civilization and spirit civilization.本文从三个角度论述了现代图书馆如何在信息时代发挥其智能,强调图书馆在社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设中的重要作用。

5)product of civilized society文明产物

6)material progress物质文明

1.It is the ideal society that lay equal stress onmaterial progress and spiritual civilization.中华民族传统的理想社会观念对今人有如下启示:历史告诉我们,理想是我们改造社会的巨大的精神力量,纯粹的理想主义和现实主义都是不可取的;理想社会应该物质文明与精神文明并重,应该既重视制度的作用,又重视人的作用;不应以个人主义为出发点,而应将为己与为人统一起来。


