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第一句子网 > Walker星座 Walker constellation英语短句 例句大全

Walker星座 Walker constellation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-03 15:02:32


Walker星座 Walker constellation英语短句 例句大全

Walker星座,Walker constellation

1)Walker constellationWalker星座

1.The dynamical activates of low earth orbit(LEO)Walker constellation satellite network topologies was quanti-fied.对低轨道(LEO)、Walker星座类型的卫星网络拓扑结构动态变化特征进行量化,给出了精确计算系统周期内网络时间片数量和时间片长度的公式。

2.Based on analyzing inter-satellite relative movement forWalker constellation, the resolution expression of the inter-satellite relative distance and the partial derivative with respect to orbit elements are presented firstly.通过对Walker星座中卫星间的相对运动进行分析,给出星间相对距离的解析表达式及其对轨道根数的偏导数,直观地描述在同轨道面和异轨道面的星间观测对轨道根数变化的体现情况;根据星座中卫星的相对位置,提出合理的约束条件和平差方法,利用星间测距网实现星座的整网定位;通过仿真算例,比较在不同情况下,采用合适的整网定位方法对轨道根数的系统误差和随机误差修正的情况。

3.In this paper we analyze a variety of the PDOP values ofWalker constellation by using numerical simulations.分析多种Walker星座的PDOP,研究Walker星座的轨道构型参数:轨道高度、轨道倾角、平面数、卫星颗数、调相因子对导航可用性的影响。


1.Study of Satellite Networks Simulation in Walker Based on NS2基于NS2的Walker星座卫星网仿真的研究

2.Topology and route production scenario of Walker satellite constellation network with inter-satellite link一种具有异轨星间链路的Walker星座网络拓扑与路由生成方案

3.A cluster of stars smaller than a constellation.星群,星座比星座小的一簇星星

4.A constellation near Canis Major and Canis Minor.麒麟星座大犬星座和小犬星座附近的一个星座

5.A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Cygnus and Hercules and containing Vega.天琴星座北半球一星座,在天鹅座和武仙座附近,星座内包括织女星

6.Aquarius is the friendliest of the star signs.水瓶座是所有星座中最友善的星座。

7.The brightest or main star in a constellation.主星,阿尔法星星座中最亮的星或主星。

8.A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Musca and Pavo.天燕(星)座南半球邻近苍蝇座和孔雀座的星座

9.A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Hydra and Vela.唧筒星座南半球靠近长蛇星座和船帆星座的一个星座

10.A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Lyra and Corona Borealis.武仙星座位于北半球的一个星座,位于天琴星座和北冕星座附近

11.A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere, near Antlia and Puppis.罗盘星座南半球的一个星座,在唧筒星座和船尾星座附近

12.A southern constellation between Hydrus and Volans.山案星座位于水蛇星座与飞鱼星座之间的南天星座

13.Gemini spacecraft“双子星座”号飞船

14.No, I don"t believe in star signs.不,我不相信星座。

15.A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Orion and Columba.天兔(星)座南半球的一颗星座,位于猎户星座和天鸽星座附近

16.A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Columba and Dorado.绘架星座南半球一星座,位于天鸽星座和剑鱼星座附近

17.Taurid meteor【天】金牛座流星群

18.Nova Cassiopeiae 1572仙后座新星1572



1.Try to design a minisat constellation for disaster monitoring which adoptWalker-δconstellation, and use Satellite Tool Kit (STK) as platform for simulation and analysis.本文以此为背景,在国内外研究的基础上,对灾害监测小卫星星座的设计进行了讨论和研究,设计出一种采用Walker-δ星座构型的灾害监测小卫星星座,并对设计结果在卫星仿真工具(Satellite Tool Kit,STK)平台上进行仿真和分析。


1.Orbital Selection and Optimization for Approaching Multiple WalkerConstellation Satellites;接近多颗Walker星座卫星的轨道选择和优化

2.Optimal Design of APSKConstellation for Satellite Channel;卫星信道中APSK星座的优化设计

3.Close Approach of WalkerConstellation Without Orbital Maneuver;单个航天器对Walker星座中多卫星的近距离接近


1.A steady state genetic algorithm which can deal with several criterion functions was applied to the design optimization of Space Based Radar(SBR) satelliteconstellations.针对天基雷达星座的构型优化设计,建立了能够反映星座重要工作性能的单双基地间歇式覆盖模型、星间链路模型、双基地雷达的动目标检测模型,得到了低轨道卫星星座星间链路判断准则,给出了统计评价特性和综合评估指标体系。

2.There is an increasing desire to useconstellations of autonomous satellites formation flying and coordination to accomplish complex space mission.利用自治的卫星星座编队飞行、协同工作来完成复杂的空间任务已经有了越来越强的需求。

3.The near circle low earth orbits which repeat after 12、13、14、15 orbits per day are often chosen in designing regional partial coverageconstellations, so the heights and the inclination angles of these 4 kinds orbits are listed in the end.在区域间断覆盖星座设计时常常选用每天运行12、13、14、15圈的近地圆回归轨道,因而最后列出了这4种回归轨道的轨道高度和倾角。

5)satellite constellation卫星星座

1.Study of geometric characteristics of inter-satellite links between LEO layer and MEO layer in LEO/MEOsatellite constellation;双层卫星星座层间链路几何参数特性研究

2.Tentative plan of a micro-satellite constellation used for reconnaissance;微小卫星星座用于侦察的设想

3.The Study on Architecture and Key Technologies of the Military Satellite Constellation Communication Network Based on NEMO;基于NEMO的军事卫星星座通信网络体系结构与关键技术研究

6)satellites constellations卫星星座

1.Handoff data registration strategy insatellites constellations communication system;卫星星座通信系统的切换数据登记策略

2.In order to minimize the mobility management signaling cost, the general scheme is to reduce the location update interval and the use of paging beams insatellites constellations communication system.在卫星星座通信系统中,往往通过降低位置更新频率或减少位置寻呼波束的方法达到减少系统开销的目的,这势必会造成位置寻呼成功率的降低及处理时延的增加,为此提出了采用位置寻呼补救策略的思想,通过仿真验证,补救策略可以用很小的信令开销,在移动终端相关位置区内完成小区重新定位,从而提高整个系统的呼叫成功率。

3.Call drop will occur when no satellite can be visible,handoff is not real-time and the corresponding response is lost insatellites constellations communication system.卫星星座通信系统中,无物理可见卫星、切换不及时和应答丢失造成正在通信的移动终端被迫掉线,挂机申请如不能及时送至网络管理中心,则无法正常释放信道资源,导致系统阻塞率增加。


