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稳态热负荷 static heating load英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-14 06:14:38


稳态热负荷 static heating load英语短句 例句大全

稳态热负荷,static heating load

1)static heating load稳态热负荷

2)Steady-State Load稳态负荷


1.Allostatic load in modern stress theory现代应激理论中的“非稳态负荷”

2.Relationship between job stress and allostatic load;职业应激与稳态应变负荷关系的研究

3.Analysis of Voltage Stability based on Dynamic Load Models基于动态负荷模型的电压稳定性研究

4.Calculation of Critical Loads for Acid Deposition with Steady state Acidification Model.应用稳态酸化模型计算酸沉降临界负荷

5.Research on Natural Gas Long Distance Transportation Pipelines Steady and Transient Calculation and Load Forecasting;天然气长输管网稳动态计算及负荷预测研究

6.Probabilistic Static Voltage Stability Analysis Considering Load Variation;考虑负荷变化的概率静态电压稳定分析

7.Voltage Stability Static Analysis of Power Systems Based on Load Model;基于负荷模型的电力系统电压稳定静态分析

8.The Influence of Dynamic Load Characteristics on Small Disturbance Voltage Stability;动态负荷特性对小扰动电压稳定性的影响

9.Steady-state Frequency Calculation and Recovery Plan Developing during Load Restoration;负荷恢复中的稳态频率计算和恢复计划制定

10.Including the Impact of the Load of Industrial Power Supply System Transient Stability Analysis含冲击性负荷工业供电系统暂态稳定性分析

11.Dominant parameters of load model in transient stability analysis暂态稳定分析中负荷模型主导参数研究

12.Method for Transient Voltage Stability Quick Judgment Considering Load Dynamic Model考虑负荷动态模型的暂态电压稳定快速判断方法

13.Influence of High-Capacity Impact Loads on Transient Stability of Regional Power System;大容量冲击性负荷对地区电网暂态稳定性影响的研究

14.Static Voltage Stability Margin Analysis Considering Uncertainty of Load Variation;考虑负荷变化不确定性的静态电压稳定裕度分析

15.Researchs on Static Voltage Stability in Power System Based on Admittance Model in Load Bus;基于负荷导纳模型的电力系统静态电压稳定性研究

16.The Research of Sensitivity on the Impact of the Load Characteristics and Their Parameters on the Power System Transient Stability;负荷特性及其参数对电力系统暂态稳定影响的灵敏度研究

17.Research on Static and Dynamic Simulation and Load Forecasting of Natural Gas System;天然气管网稳动态仿真及其负荷预测系统的研究

18.The Extension Approach for Load Model of Object-Oriented Power System Transient Stability Simulation Software;面向对象电网暂态稳定仿真程序中负荷模型扩展方法


Steady-State Load稳态负荷

3)allostatic load非稳态负荷

1.This paper introduces the conception,classification,influence on organism and indication ofallostatic load in modern stress theory.现代应激理论中“非稳态负荷”的概念、分类、对机体的影响及其意义。

4)dynamic heat load动态热负荷

1.On the analysis of experiment date, thedynamic heat load from the chamber s insulating layer can be expressed by exponential date during the procedure of cooling down.隔热层是环境试验装置围护结构的重要部分,本文在小型低温环境试验箱非稳态降温实验的基础上,得出其隔热层降温过程中内部温度场的变化情况及相应热负荷变化曲线,且对隔热层在不同试验条件下的降温速率、放热量与时间的关系进行了初步讨论,这对研究制冷系统的动态热负荷特性,对提高小型环境试验装置的经济性及节能性有一定实际意义。

5)static heat load静态热负荷

1.Thestatic heat load and the cold plate temperature of the cryostat were tested,the experimental results show that the cryostat is fit for the served laser.介绍了恒温器的主要特点,通过实验测量了恒温器的静态热负荷和冷板的温度特性,并验证了该恒温器能够很好的满足钛蓝宝石晶体的低温冷却要求。

6)Allostatic load(AL)稳态应变负荷


