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递推傅氏算法 Recursive Fourier algorithm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-26 10:08:17


递推傅氏算法 Recursive Fourier algorithm英语短句 例句大全

递推傅氏算法,Recursive Fourier algorithm

1)Recursive Fourier algorithm递推傅氏算法

1.To reduce the error of data acquisition and computation resulted from change of frequency of power system,this paper has developed two methods of adaptive data acquisition, one is based on measuring frequency by hardware,the other is based on measuring frequency by recursive Fourier algorithm.针对电力系统中频率变化而引起的数据采集及计算误差 ,分别提出了基于硬件测频和递推傅氏算法测频的自适应数据采集两套方案 ,并对递推傅氏测频算法进行了数值仿真 ,其结果表明基于该算法的自适应数据采集方案完全满足电力系统中安全自动装置的要求。


1.Window functions, interpolation and Fourier transform recursive algorithm for improving the harmonic analysis of power system改善电力系统谐波分析的加窗插值算法和递推傅氏算法

2.Analysis and Comparison between Self-adapt Iterative Fourier Algorithm and Real-time Frequency Measuring Algorithm自适应递推傅氏算法和实时测频新算法的比较分析

3.Improved difference FFT algorithms for fault location故障测距中的差分傅氏滤波改进算法

4.The half?wave Fourier algorithm was derived by the sampling signal without decaying DC component, and cannot filtrate the component.半波傅氏算法是基于采样信号不含衰减直流分量而推导出来的,对衰减直流分量的滤除不明显。

5.The New Idea and Discussion of Fourier Algorithm Application in Digital Protection傅氏算法在数字保护中的应用新解与讨论

6.The Design of an Intelligence Switch Based on Ameliorated Fourier Transform Algorithm;基于改进傅氏滤波算法的智能开关设计

7.Research on Solution of Correct Origin Phase of Fundamental Wave and Harmonic by FT;用傅氏算法求正确的基波及谐波分量初始角

8.Application of Fourier Algorithm in Power System Relay Protection傅氏算法在电力系统继电保护中的应用

9.Real-time high accuracy harmonic power measurement using adaptive Fourier linear combiner基于傅氏系数自适应组合估计算法的谐波功率实时高精度计算

10.The Moshe and Hertz"s Algorithm of Discrete Fourier Transform Generalization and Its Application;离散傅里叶变换的Moshe和Hertz算法的推广及应用

11.It conducts tracking measurement through timely adjusting Fourier-filtering coefficient.该算法通过实时调整傅氏滤波系数来实现跟踪测量。

12.An improved short data window full-wave Fourier algorithm for completely filtering decaying DC component一种完全滤除衰减直流分量的短数据窗改进全波傅氏算法

13.The Directional High-Frequency Protection Based on Regarded Load Current as Referrence and Roll Furier Algorithm;基于负荷电流为参考的高频方向保护及滚动傅氏算法


15.An Improved Iterative Algorithm for Universal Portfolio Selection泛组合证券选择的一个改进递推算法

16.The Recursive Identification Algorithm of the Minimum Absolute Error Sum Regression最小绝对误差和回归的递推辨识算法

17.A Recurrence Method of Grades for Left Pseudo Inverse and Right Pseudo Inverse;关于左、右伪逆矩阵的阶数递推算法

18.A Recurrence Algorithm for an Inverse of the Generalized Vandermonde Matrix;一类广义范得蒙矩阵的求逆递推算法


recursive algorithm of Fourier transform傅里叶递推算法

3)recursive DFT algorithm递推富氏算法

1.according torecursive DFT algorithm is introduced,Using the change of votage phase angle,the frequency can be measured.本文提出了一种采用自适应技术调整采样间隔的递推富氏算法。

4)fourier algorithm傅氏算法

1.Filter characteristic analysis of Fourier algorithm;傅氏算法的滤波特性分析

2.Discussion on the Fourier algorithm application;应用傅氏算法的几个问题讨论

3.Study of improved Fourier algorithm for microprocesson-based protection in power system;电力系统微机保护中改进傅氏算法综合性能研究

5)Fourier filter傅氏算法

1.The algorithm can eliminate the spectral leakage and the barrier effect of the traditionalFourier filter.本文以电压过零点频率测量法为基础,对原固定采样频率下的采样序列采用拉格朗日线性插值法抽取新的采样序列,再利用傅氏算法提出了一种提高频率测量精度的频率测量方法。


1.Research on Solution of Correct Origin Phase of Fundamental Wave and Harmonic byFT;用傅氏算法求正确的基波及谐波分量初始角

2.The methods of calculating correctly of original phase angle of fundamental component usingFT (DFT)and KF have also been presented in this paper.本文对用傅氏算法、差分傅氏算法以及 Kalman 滤波算法来求取正确的基波相角进行了研究,分析原因,提出改进方法。

3.A study of comparison betweenFT and Kalman filter under some familiar conditions is presented, and some useful conclusions are acquired.本文还针对全周傅氏算法与卡尔曼滤波各自在实际工程应用中通常采取的方式进行了分析比较,得出了一些具有实际意义结论。


递推估计算法利用时刻t上的参数估计孌(t)、存储向量嗘(t)与时刻 t+1上测量的输入和输出值u(t+1)和y(t+1)计算新参数值孌(t+1),再根据孌(t+1)计算出新参数值孌(t+2),直到获得满意的参数值为止。这种算法的每一步计算量都比较小,能够使用小型计算机进行离线或在线参数估计,可以估计时变参数,也可以实时估计适应控制器的参数(见适应控制系统)。20世纪60年代,递推估计算法得到迅速发展,到了70年代产生了许多不同的方法,例如,有离线方法的各种变形、卡尔曼滤波法、随机逼近方法和模型参考适应参数递推估计法等。递推估计算法的各种方法可以用一个统一的公式来描述:给孌(t),F(t),嫓(t)和w(t)不同的值就得到各种不同的方法:①递推最小二乘法;②递推增广最小二乘法;③递推近似极大似然法;④递推辅助变量法;⑤递推广义最小二乘法;⑥卡尔曼滤波参数估计;⑦随机逼近法;⑧模型参考适应法;⑨时变参数递推估计法。参考书目Lennart Ljung,Torsten Soderstrom, Theory and Practice of Recursive Identification,MIT Press., Combridge, Mass., 1983.
