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切换延时 Handoff delay英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-07 00:55:12


切换延时 Handoff delay英语短句 例句大全

切换延时,Handoff delay

1)Handoff delay切换延时

1.Model and analysis of handoff delay for mobile IP in the case of cell overlap;蜂窝重叠情况下移动IP切换延时分析

2.For practical channel model,make some improvements to the algorithm compare the handoff delays before and after the improvement,simulation result shows that the improved algorithm has markedly decreased handoff delay.衡量频谱切换算法的一项重要指标是切换延时,切换延时越短,认知用户越能快速顺利地进行数据传输。

2)handoff delay切换时延

work layerhandoff delay analysis for hierarchical mobile IP;层次化移动IP网络层切换时延分析

work layerhandoff delay analysis of mobility protocols;移动协议网络层切换时延分析

3.According to the model,thehandoff delay in the case of overlap is calculated and the effect of the overlap size on handoff performance is obtained.文章介绍了Mobile IP及其移动检测策略,分析了Mobile IP切换过程,然后对重叠情况下移动IP切换进行建模并从理论上分析引发数据包丢失和数据包乱序的各种情况,根据所建立的模型计算出重叠情况下移动IP切换时延,得出重叠区域大小对切换性能的影响,这些理论研究将为移动IP实施QoS保证提供理论依据。


parative Performance Analysis of Handover Latency with Mobile IPv6 Protocols移动IPv6协议的切换时延性能比较分析

2.Achievement of GSM-R Double Layers Network and Analysis of Handover Time Delay;GSM-R双层网络实现及越区切换时延的分析

3.Analysis and Evaluation of Handoff Latency for Base Mobile IPv6 and Its Enhancement Protocols基本Mobile IPv6及其改进协议切换时延分析和评估

4.The Analyse of Latency Mobile IPv6 Handoff for Wireless LANs;WLAN环境下移动IPv6的时延切换分析

5.H_∞ state feedback control for network switched systems with random communication delays随机通讯时延网络化切换系统H_∞状态反馈控制

6.H_∞ static output feedback control for networked switched systems with random communication delays随机通讯时延网络化切换系统H_∞静态输出反馈控制

7.A Two-Stage Authentication Approach for Low-Latency Handoff in WLANs无线局域网低时延切换的一种两级认证方法(英文)

8.Duration of lane change operation变换车道作业的延时

9.Study on MAC Level Handoff Delay and Related Algorithms in WLAN;WLAN中MAC层切换延迟及算法研究

10.A Method to Reduce Switch Delay in HMIPV6;一种HIMPV6下减小切换延迟的方案

11.There are large handoff latency and the packet being easier to lose on mobile IP handoff.移动IP切换存在切换延迟大,数据包易丢失的问题。

12.A Coverage-Based Handover Algorithm for High-Speed Data Service;基于覆盖延展的高速业务新型切换算法

13.Simulation on Butterfly-valve Switch Delay of a Marine Diesel Engine With Sequential Turbocharging System船用柴油机相继增压蝶阀切换延迟仿真研究

14.The Research of Delay and QoS in Softswitch;软交换技术中的时延与QoS的研究

15.Delay Time Analysis of a Switching Architecture Through Packet Reservation;一种信息包预约交换结构的时延分析

16.Chaotification Control of Boost Converter Based on Time-Delay Feedback基于时延反馈的Boost变换器混沌化控制

17.Effect Analysis of Cutting Time on Drawing Process工艺切口时间对拉延成形的影响分析



handoff delay切换时延

work layerhandoff delay analysis for hierarchical mobile IP;层次化移动IP网络层切换时延分析

work layerhandoff delay analysis of mobility protocols;移动协议网络层切换时延分析

3.According to the model,thehandoff delay in the case of overlap is calculated and the effect of the overlap size on handoff performance is obtained.文章介绍了Mobile IP及其移动检测策略,分析了Mobile IP切换过程,然后对重叠情况下移动IP切换进行建模并从理论上分析引发数据包丢失和数据包乱序的各种情况,根据所建立的模型计算出重叠情况下移动IP切换时延,得出重叠区域大小对切换性能的影响,这些理论研究将为移动IP实施QoS保证提供理论依据。

3)handover delay切换时延

1.It brings longhandover delay and especially it is not available for some real-time traffic.这一系列操作导致了移动IPv6切换时延较大,对于实时性要求高的业务无法适用。

2.Based on the analyses of hierarchical mobile ipv6 mechanism,it is known that this scheme has been improved in micro handover,but has no change in macro handover inhandover delay and packet loss rate.通过对分层移动IPv6机制的分析,发现在切换时延和分组丢失率性能方面:当发生微观移动时得到了很大的改善;当发生宏观移动时,性能并没有改变。

3.With mobile IPv6,a mobile node can roam in different networks neither disconnecting the communication with correspondent nodes, nor changing its IP address, but thehandover delay is obviously increased when a mobile node is far away from its home agent.但是当MN与其家乡代理(HA)之间相距较远时,移动IPv6切换时延较大,对于实时性要求较高的业务无法适用。

4)handoff latency切换时延

1.Two well-known approaches to reducing the MIPhandoff latency are proposed,the fist is to reduce home network registration time through a hierarchical management structure,the second tries to minimize the lengthy address delay by address pre-configuration,thus realizing the fast-handoff mechanism.有两种比较常用的减少切换时延的方法。

2.Experimentation and Analysis of Handoff Latency in Mobile IPv4;通过将切换过程进行小粒度解析总结出切换时延的组成,针对各类耗时在自行开发的系统上进行了实验。

5)reconfiguration delay切换时延

1.Packet scheduling scheme for asynchronous optical switches withreconfiguration delay;具有切换时延的异步光分组交换调度方案(英文)

6)configuration delay切换时延

1.A new algorithm-2 approximation heuristic algorithm is presented for the scheduling of optical switches withconfiguration delay,which works by combining two main operations: matching selection and weight decision.文章针对切换时延不为零的光交换调度提出了一种新算法———2近似启发算法。

2.Authors presents a new 2-approximation heuristic algorithm to schedule optical packet switches withconfiguration delay.提出了一种新颖的2 近似启发式算法,对具有切换时延的光交换机进行调度。


备用电源自动切换装置备用电源自动切换装置automatic transfer to stand-by supplybe(yongd旧nyt一anz一dongq旧hoon zhuongzhl备用电派自动切换装t(automati。transferto stand一by supply)当工作电源消失或当工作电压降低过多时.能将备用电源断路器快速合闸向负载恢复供电的自动切换装置。自动切换的一次系统常用的设自动切换装置的一次系统接线有以下两种:①两个电源(两台变压器或两条线路)互为备用。正常运行时,两个电源分别工作,电源之间设有经常断开的自动切换断路器,当其中一个电源故障时,另一个电源通过切换断路器迅速投人而恢复运行。这种自动切换方式通常称为暗备用。两个电源需具有充分的容量,以便在故障情况下由同一个电源向两个负荷供电。②利用一个备用电源作多个工作电源的备用.当一个工作电源故障退出运行时,备用电源自动投人,这种方式通常称为明备用。自动切换装里功能切换装置的接线具有以下基本功能:①当工作电源消失时,快速起动自动切换装里,投人备用电源;②当工作电源母线电压降低,由接在母线上的低电压继电器动作,进行切换;③备用电源自动投人装置只能动作一次;④工作电源母线故障时,备用电源不允许投人。火力发电厂备用电源自动切换接线,常用的有慢速切换和快速切换两种方式。慢速切换为工作电源断路器断开后,经延时,当电动机残压下降到电动机允许的安全电压后才实现自动切换。当工作电源侧断路器跳闸时,联动受电侧断路器跳闸,以起动备用电源自动投人装置。同时,在工作母线上装设单独的低电压起动装置,当工作电源电压降到安全值,即20%~30%额定电压以下,而备用电源母线上保持一定电压值时,使备用电源断路器合闸。慢速切换时间一般为0.5一1·5s。快速切换装置主要用于300 MW及以上容量的发电机,这种切换方式对电动机的冲击及对机组热力系统的正常运行影响较小,切换过程平衡。实现快速切换的条件是工作和备用电源断路器必须快速动作,要求合闸及跳闸时间为0.06~0.085。
