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风谱拟合 the fitting of wind spectrum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-13 19:25:59


风谱拟合 the fitting of wind spectrum英语短句 例句大全

风谱拟合,the fitting of wind spectrum

1)the fitting of wind spectrum风谱拟合


1.Analysis of Turbulent Wind Characteristic and Fitting of Fluctuating Wind Spectrum of Hangzhou Citizen Center杭州市民中心风特性监测及风谱拟合

2.Studies on the Experiment in the Wind Tunnel and Numerical Simulation of the Sinusoidal Wind Spectrum;正弦型风谱的风洞实验与数值模拟研究

3.Numerical Simulation of Input Transmission Tower Structure Pulse Wind Based on Modified Von-karman Spectrum Input修正Von-karman谱输入的输电塔结构脉动风数值模拟

4.Reflectance and Fluorescence of Vitiligo Skin and Its Monte Carlo Simulation;白癜风皮肤的反射光谱和荧光光谱及其蒙特卡罗模拟

5.Simulating Anticoincidence Shielded Gamma-Ray Spectrometer by Using Monte-Carlo Method蒙特卡罗方法模拟反符合屏蔽γ谱仪

6.YAG Preparation and Its XRD Structure Analysis by Rietveld Method;YAG制备及其XRD全谱拟合结构分析

7.Natural Distribution of Spectrum Simulation System太阳光合有效辐射光谱分布模拟系统

8.Digital simulation of 3-dimensional turbulence wind field of Runyang Suspension Bridge based on measured wind spectra基于实测风谱的润扬悬索桥桥址区三维脉动风场模拟

9.A successful probe into forestry-paper integration;不信春风唤不回 林纸结合谱新篇

10.Simulation of Non-Stationary Ground Motion Processes Compatible with Prescribed Response Spectrum;目标谱符合给定反应谱的非平稳地震动过程模拟

11.Numerical Wind Tunnel Simulation and Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis for Space Structure;空间结构数值风洞模拟与流固耦合风致响应

12.Multi-source Data Fusion and Management of Physical Wind Tunnels and Virtual Wind Tunnels物理风洞与虚拟风洞的多源数据融合与管理

13.The Computer Fitting Analysis on The Mechanism of The Fluorescence Spectra of Tryptophan etc色氨酸等荧光光谱机理的计算机拟合分析

14.The Analysis and Fitting of the Instantaneous Size Distributions of Sand Aerosol Particles;沙尘气溶胶瞬时谱演变特征及拟合研究

putation of Electrical Spectra of a Periodic Composite Medium Using a 3D-FDM Method周期结构混合介质电性谱的三维有限差分模拟

16.X-Ray Diffraction Rietveld Refinement Method Quantitative Phase Analysis Minerals in Coals Guizhou ProvinceXRD全谱拟合精修对贵州煤中矿物质的定量研究

17.New fitting method for Brillouin-based scattering spectrum of fibre-optic distributed sensing systems一种新的光纤布里渊传感散射谱拟合方法

18.Technique Research on Generating Compatible Dynamic Response Spectrum of Ground Motion under Non-stationary Phase相位非平稳人造地震动反应谱拟合技术研究


whole pattern fitting全谱拟合

3)energy spectra fitting能谱拟合

4)line shape fitting谱线拟合


1.Use spectral fitting method,split-operator spectral method,solving the time-dependent Schrdinger equation of hydrogen system with confined potential enery,simulatel the process of laser interacting on hydrogen system.采用谱拟合法,劈裂算符法对处于限制势中的氢原子与激光场的相互作用进行了布居分布的数值计算,通过模拟实验与分析,结果表明加了限制势之后,通过降低激光场强度在减少布居泄漏的同时可以保证Rabi振荡频率不变。

6)fit spectrum拟合谱

1.Secondly,this paper works out track irregularity mileage-PSD,average PSD and itsfit spectrum under certain transportation volume by Fourierism Transformation,and analyzes the relationship of track irregularity on different wave length with track deformation,and meanwhile compares it with test data.首先,利用轨道不平顺和轮轨动力学模型来计算轮轨间的动力荷载,加载到轨道有限元模型上得到一定运量下的道床变形和轨道不平顺分布;其次,利用傅立叶变换分别得到了一定运量后轨道不平顺的里程-功率谱、平均功率谱及其拟合谱,分析了不同波长不平顺同道床沉降之间的相关性,并同现场数据相对照。


