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综合交通规划 comprehensive traffic planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-20 23:05:31


综合交通规划 comprehensive traffic planning英语短句 例句大全

综合交通规划,comprehensive traffic planning

1)comprehensive traffic planning综合交通规划


1.The Study of Comprehensive Transportation Planning for Nicheng Community临港新城泥城社区综合交通规划研究

2.Analysis of the Concept and Thought of the Urban Comprehensive Transportation Plan in New era;浅析新时期城市综合交通规划的观念和思路

3.Discussion on Support System of Environmental Impact Assessment for Urban Comprehensive Transportation Planning Based on Gis;基于GIS的城市综合交通规划环境影响评价支持系统初探

4.Research on the Integrative Evaluation of Urban Rail Transit Planning Network;城市轨道交通规划线网综合评价研究

5.The Strategic Study on the Planning of Comprehensive Transportation System in Jilin Province;吉林省综合交通运输规划的战略思考

6.Brief Description of Integrated Transport Hub Planning in Area of Shenzhen Airport简述深圳机场地区综合交通枢纽规划

7.General Plan and Design of Shanghai Hongqiao Integrated Transport Hub上海虹桥综合交通枢纽总体规划设计

8.Transport Hub and Urban Complex Planning Concept of Shanghai Hongqiao Transport Hub交通枢纽之城市综合体 上海虹桥综合交通枢纽规划理念

9.An Exploration of How to Let the Integrated Design for Subgrade Piping System Suit the Ultra-conventional Construction of Subway System探索适应轨道交通超常规发展的管线综合规划

10.Feeder Bus Planning in the Region of Shanghai Hongqiao Transport Hub虹桥综合交通枢纽地区内部驳运公交规划

11.Research on Urban Mass Rail Network Planning and Comprehensive Evaluation;城市轨道交通线网规划与综合评价研究

12.Research on Planning and Evaluating Network of Track Traffic in Chongqing;重庆市轨道交通线网规划及综合评价研究

13.Study on One-way Traffic Effect, Planning and Synthesizing Evaluation in Urban Road;城市道路单向交通影响、规划及综合评价研究

14.Study on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method of Urban Transit Planning;城市轨道交通规划模糊综合评价方法研究

15.Study on the Planning and Construction of HST Comprehensive Transportation Hub Area高速铁路综合交通枢纽地区规划建设研究

16.Planning Layout Method & Practical Research for Comprehensive Transportation Secondary Hub综合交通二级枢纽规划布局方法与实践研究

17.Development Planning of Shanghai Urban Rail Transit and Integrative Development of Stations上海市城市轨道交通发展规划及站点综合开发

18.Theoretical Research on the Panning of Urban Rail Transit Underground Complex城市轨道交通综合体地下空间规划理论研究


planning of comprehensive transportation network综合交通网规划

3)urban integrated traffic planning城市综合交通规划

4)Integrated transportation planning市域综合交通规划

5)comprehensive plan综合规划

1.Several considerations oncomprehensive plan of the Dongting lake area;对洞庭湖区综合规划的几点认识

2.The idea of the course design andcomprehensive planning in continuing education is that we have not given careful consideration to the need of teacher education.继续教育应以教师专业发展阶段理论作为课程设计的依据,综合规划课程。

3.My thesis gives a foundation and first condition to the waste water controlling of the tu-hai river by establishing the mathematical model of the tu-hai river and giving the river acomprehensive plan of water quality.本论文通过建立聊城市徒骇河一维水质数学模型,并在此基础上对徒骇河聊城段进行了水质综合规划,这些工作奠定了对徒骇河聊城段进行水污染防治的基础,提供了对徒骇河聊城段进行水污染防治的先决条件。

6)comprehensive planning综合规划

1.Consideration oncomprehensive planning of Tarim River Basin;对塔里木河流域综合规划的思考

2.Application of geography information system in pipelinecomprehensive planning of urban engineering地理信息系统在城市工程管线综合规划中的应用


