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意象要素 image factor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-04 15:20:42


意象要素 image factor英语短句 例句大全

意象要素,image factor

1)image factor意象要素

1.Conclusion The legibility ofimage factors and percept of tourist were strengthened through organizing and designing the factors of urban tourism image in spatial landscape of urban.结果旅游者的旅游意象建立在对城市旅游意象要素感知的基础上。


1.Analysis of Nanyang Urban Tourism Image and Its Main Factors;河南省南阳市城市旅游意象要素的分析

2.Protection of National Image Elements in Developing the Tourism of Minority Villages;论民族意象要素在少数民族村寨旅游开发中的保护

3.Media:an Important Factor Restricting Narration--a Study on Appreciation of Significance in Film Adaptation;媒介:制约叙事内涵的重要因素——电影改编中意义增值现象研究

4.A Brife Discussion on the Essential Form of Creating Images in Chinese Paintings;论中国画意象生成的形式要素——关于图像、程式、笔墨的思考

5.A Study of the Key Elements in the Traditional Artistic Aesthetics of China“意象”、“空灵”与“线的律动”——论中国传统艺术审美中的核心要素

6.The Use of Abstract Factors in Representational Painting;具象绘画中的抽象因素及其审美意义

7.Leaving Some Room for Readers Imagination--On Imagery Translation;读者需要想象的空间——略论意象翻译

8.Themain writing technique for the presentation of image is metaphor.隐喻是意象主义者呈现意象的主要创作技巧。

9.The moon image is one of the most important images in Chinese classical poetry.月亮意象是中国古典诗词中的重要意象。

10.And the part of image refers to the use of images in Afro-American folk culture and in western literature field.意象方面主要指对文化喻指意象的使用。

11.a mental representation of the meaning or significance of something.一个东西的意义或重要性的意识图象。

12.A general impression sometimes unconsciously takes account of the important elements which are not taken into account by an analysis.总体印象有时倒会无意识地把一些分析时往往被忽略的重要因素考虑了进去。

13.This text talk about of assume the manners of creative artist, is from more the phenomenon meaning that breadth be suffused with, investigate the art creations and the main factor connection of the disseminations.本文所论的附庸风雅,是从更宽泛的现象意义,来考察艺术创作与传播的要素关联。

14.The Decisive Factor of Translation Success:the Image between the Object and the Sign Being决定翻译成功的因素:对象与符号间的意象

15.The Characteristics and Influential Factors of Body Image among High School Students;高中生身体意象的特点及其影响因素

16."Shape-Spirit" and "Implication-Image"--Elements of Traditional Chinese Painting in Animation Design;“形神”与“意象”——动画设计中的国画元素

17.Selection of On-the-spot Calibration Time Interval for Various Meteorological Elements of AWS自动气象站各气象要素现场校准时段的选择

18.Impact of Meteorological Observation Field Environment on Meteorological Elements in Jingxi County靖西县气象观测场环境变化对气象要素的影响


imago factor of environment环境意象要素

3)factors of city image城市意象要素

1.To create good city image, it is necessary to develop thefactors of city image in a creative way.研究了林奇的城市要素 ,从本土化文化认知的角度分析林奇城市意象要素的文化意义 ,以期为城市形象与城市整体设计提供新的认知 ;认为城市形象是城市发展的文化动力因 ,是城市核心竞争力的要素之一 ,要创造良好的城市形象 ,必须创造性地开发城市的意象要素。

4)Space Image Factors空间意象要素

5)major images主要意象

6)meaning element意义要素


