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边缘缓存 edge cache英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-24 23:05:15


边缘缓存 edge cache英语短句 例句大全

边缘缓存,edge cache

1)edge cache边缘缓存

2)percentage of nearby-cache-bits-hits边缘缓存字节命中率

3)marginal existence边缘存在

1.The fading and change of emotional memory in reality raised the alien female writers’longing and imagination formarginal existence in the 1990s and led to their irrational and immoral emotional release.情感记忆在现实中的褪变 ,加剧了 90年代女性另类作家对边缘存在的无限渴望与想象 ,同时也导致了情感宣泄的非理性、反道德的色彩 ,因而她们的写作丧失了理性批判与提升。

4)Boundary Register边界缓存器

5)Marginal Survival边缘化生存


1.Research on Marginal Living State of IT Teachers in Middle Schools;中学信息技术教师边缘化生存状态研究

2.Marginal Existence and Its Manifestations: Some Reflections on the Literary Marginal Gesture of Kensaburo Ohe;边缘人生存境遇及形态表现──大江文学边缘化姿态扫描

3.Nuo Theatre: No Other Choice but Pan-Religious and Marginal Existence;别无选择的生存:泛宗教、边缘化——池州傩戏的文化内涵

4.On Vulnerable Groups of Student;边缘生存:“学生弱势群体”的社会学解读

5.There are also some borderline cases.但是同时也存在着很多“边缘生物”。

6.From Edge to Center--Survival of a Chinese Boy;从边缘到中心——支那崽的生存状态厘析

7.The Theme Consciousness of Surviving City Brinks As Exploited in the Film "Lease Term";《租期》对都市边缘生存意识的开掘

8.Economic Analysis of the Survival Condition of the “Edged Peasant”;“边缘农民”生存状态的经济学分析

9.The Blue Blood: A Living Elegy of the “Man on City Verge";《贵人》:“都市边缘人”的生存哀歌

10.Living in the Marginal of the City;生活在城市的边缘──流动农民的生存状态

11.Ecological Ethic:Culture-Function-Ethical Attention to the Edging People;生态伦理:文化·功能·边缘化关注

12.Thinking on the living situation of the peripheral group who enjoys the lowest living security;关于城市低保边缘人群生存现状的思考

13.A marginal survivals′ carnival:On the love stories in Three Collections of Short Stories;边缘生存者的狂欢——论“三言”中的爱欲小说

14.Private Detective Survival at the Edge of Law:Banned or Standardized;在边缘中生存的我国私家侦探业——取缔抑或规范

15.Existence or Death --Question on the Prediction of Literature Termination and Marginal Literature;生存还是死亡——质疑“文学终结论”兼“文学边缘论”

16.(esp in social,political or intellectual life)position far away from the centre;the fringe(尤指社交、政治或文化生活的)外围,边缘

17.Study on Eco-environment Degradation in the Northeastern Margin of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau;青藏高原东北边缘生态环境退化研究

18.An Analysis of Marginal Phenomenon in Foreign Languages Learning and Countermeasures;当前大学生英语学习边缘化现象研究


percentage of nearby-cache-bits-hits边缘缓存字节命中率

3)marginal existence边缘存在

1.The fading and change of emotional memory in reality raised the alien female writers’longing and imagination formarginal existence in the 1990s and led to their irrational and immoral emotional release.情感记忆在现实中的褪变 ,加剧了 90年代女性另类作家对边缘存在的无限渴望与想象 ,同时也导致了情感宣泄的非理性、反道德的色彩 ,因而她们的写作丧失了理性批判与提升。

4)Boundary Register边界缓存器

5)Marginal Survival边缘化生存

6)marginal surviving space边缘幸存空间

1.Based on the definition of the new concept,the existing pattern ofmarginal surviving space is discussed,with some distinguishing methods of such "spgce" in the.通过对物种及其生存空间的研究,提出了边缘幸存空间这一新的概念─—物种生存空间之外,居群不能稳定地延续,而生物个体可以存在的空间。


