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自动目标识别 Automatic target recognition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-16 17:40:17


自动目标识别 Automatic target recognition英语短句 例句大全

自动目标识别,Automatic target recognition

1)Automatic target recognition自动目标识别

1.Survey of Automatic Target Recognition and Tracking Method;自动目标识别与跟踪技术研究综述

2.A high performance automatic target recognition algorithm;一个高性能的自动目标识别算法

3.A Feasible Framework Scheme for Automatic Target Recognition;一种可行的自动目标识别框架方案


1.Theory and Application Research of Radar Automatic Target Recognition;雷达自动目标识别的理论与应用研究

2.Research on Radar Automatic Target Recognition Using High Resolution Range Profiles;高分辨距离像雷达自动目标识别研究

3.Research of Classification and Automatic Target Recognition Using SAR Imagery;SAR图像分类与自动目标识别技术研究

4.Approach to effectiveness evaluation of automatic target recognition system自动目标识别系统的有效性评价方法

5.Effective approach for automatic target recognition in SAR images一种有效的SAR图像自动目标识别方法

6.Application of optical correlator in automatic target recognition光学相关器在自动目标识别中的应用

7.The Research on Key Techniques of ATR-Directed Image Compression;面向自动目标识别的图像压缩关键技术研究

8.Research on Automatic Target Recognition in High Resolution SAR Images;高分辨率SAR图像自动目标识别方法研究

9.A Study of Automatic Target Recognition in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery;合成孔径雷达图像自动目标识别方法研究

10.PCA Subspace Method for Radar Automatic Target Recognition;PCA子空间法在雷达自动目标识别中的应用

11.Research on Automatic Target Recognition Based on Featrue Fusion;基于特征融合的自动目标识别技术研究

12.Image Measurement Research for Automatic Target Recognition Performance Evaluation;自动目标识别性能评估中的图像度量方法研究

13.Novel refuse-recognition algorithm of radar automatic target recognition system雷达目标自动识别系统的拒识新算法

14.Identification of Underwater Targets" Detection Based on Brillouin Scattering布里渊散射水下探测目标的自动识别


16.Automatic vehicle target recognition in full SAR image scenesSAR场景图像中车辆目标的自动识别

17.A Knowledge-Based Automatic Target-Recognition Algorithm in Aerial Photographs一个基于知识的航空影像目标自动识别算法

18.Automatic Passenger Counting Based on Multi-Objects Recognition;基于多运动目标识别的自动乘客计数技术研究



1.Development and application of missileATR technology;导弹自动目标识别技术发展及应用研究

2.Method ofATR Based on Complexity Analysis;基于复杂度分析的自动目标识别方法

3.An Application Research of a Reconfigurable Computing System inATR;一种可重构计算模式在自动目标识别中的应用研究

3)Automatic Target Recognition(ATR)自动目标识别

1.One of the advanced functions of modern weapon is Automatic target recognition(ATR) Presents a review on the history,status and the future development on the ATR,gives a discussion on main problems in ATR and possible methods to deal with them.从历史回顾、当前状态及未来发展等几个方面对自动目标识别的研究历程、技术现状和发展前景进行了较为详细的论述 ,并指出了当前发展中遇到的主要技术难题及可能的解决办

2.According to the requirement of automatic target recognition(ATR) evaluation research,this paper first clarifies several important concepts in the field of ATR evaluation.针对自动目标识别(ATR)评估领域的研究需求,首先明确了ATR评估中的若干基本概念,然后分别介绍了混淆矩阵、概率型指标、数率型指标和基于ROC曲线指标的概念、定义及用法。

3.To identify with the target images obtained by Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR),those subspace-based methods for Automatic Target Recognition(ATR) are usually based on the range subspace of the samples.利用合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)获取的目标像进行识别时,基于子空间的自动目标识别(Automatic Target Recognition,ATR)方法通常是对样本数据的值空间进行操作。

4)automatic target recognition (ATR)自动目标识别

1.The automatic target recognition (ATR) function of total station TCA is briefly introduced.简述了智能型全站仪TCA的自动目标识别(ATR)功能,以琅琊山抽水蓄能电站大坝变形监测网应用ATR功能三维测量实例,基于对其测量成果精度的评定,分析了ATR三维测量的精度,运用数理统计原理探讨了ATR测量的可靠性,对比了常规的人工测量与ATR测量的工效,给出了有益的结论,为同类工程的应用以及拓展ATR应用领域提供了技术依据。

2.Automatic target recognition (ATR) is an important aspect of automatic or semi-automatic SAR imagery interpretation.自动目标识别(ATR)是自动或半自动SAR图象解译研究的一个重要方面。

5)automatic target recognition(ATR)自动目标识别(ATR)


1.With the rapid development of modem information technology, Automatic TargetRecognition (ATR) system plays an important role in the national economy and defence.随着现代信息技术的迅猛发展,目标自动识别与跟踪技术在国民经济和国防建设中发挥着极为重要的作用。


