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相干斑 Speckle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-08 17:35:41


相干斑 Speckle英语短句 例句大全



1.An Extension of Structure Detection and OptimalSpeckle Filtering in Multilook Polarimetric SAR Images;一种扩展的基于结构检测的最优多视极化SAR相干斑滤波算法(英文)

2.An Anisotropic Diffusion Equation for SARSpeckle Reduction;一种用各向异性扩散方程抑制SAR相干斑噪声的方法

3.Multiple -window Processing of SAR Image withSpeckle-smoothing and Edge-preserving;SAR图像保留边缘多窗口相干斑滤除方法


1.Study on Autofocus Technique and Speckle Reduction in SAR Image Formation;SAR自聚焦技术及相干斑抑制算法研究

2.Study of Iterative Filtering Algorithm for Speckle Noise of SAR Image;SAR图像相干斑噪声迭代滤波算法研究

3.A Study of Speckle Reduction Algorithms of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images;SAR图像相干斑噪声抑制算法的研究

4.Adaptive SAR Image Speckle Reduction Based on Complex Bandelets基于复Bandelets的自适应SAR图像相干斑抑制

5.Speckle Reduction for SAR Image Based on Blind Source Separation基于盲源分离SAR图像相干斑抑制

6.Test of Coherent Speckle Characteristic Parametric Hypothesis for SAR ImageSAR图像相干斑特征参数假设检验方法

7.A new method for SAR images speckle reduction一种新的SAR图像相干斑抑制算法(英文)

8.Speckle Reduction for Polarimetric SAR Images by Improved Lee Filter极化SAR改进Lee滤波相干斑抑制研究

9.SAR Image Denoising Algorithm Based on Adaptive Shrinkage in Nonsubsampled Contourlet DomainSAR图像的NSCT域自适应收缩相干斑抑制

10.Speckle Reduction and Data Compression in SAR Images Using Wavelet-Based Method;SAR相干斑抑制及图像压缩的小波域方法

11.Research on Speckle Filtering Algorithms of SAR Image;合成孔径雷达图像相干斑滤波算法研究

12.Research on PDE Based Speckle Reducing Methods in SAR Image;基于偏微分方程的SAR图像降相干斑方法研究

13.Speckle Noise Modeling and Reducing Technique of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images;合成孔径雷达相干斑噪声建模与抑制技术

14.SAR speckle suppression by method of heterogeneity measurementSAR图像异质性测量在相干斑抑制中的应用

15.An Efficient Method for Removing Speckle Noise from SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar) Image一种有效的SAR图像相干斑噪声抑制方法

16.Study of Digital Speckle Photography and Spatial Modulation for Electronic Speckle Pattern;电子散斑照相与散斑干涉场空间调制技术研究

17.Investigations of Turbulent Spots and Coherent Structure in the Wall Region of a Shear Flow;近壁剪切流动中湍斑及相干结构研究

18.Representation Method of Correlation Fringe in Speckle Pattern Interferometry Based on Cross-Entropy散斑干涉相关条纹的交叉熵表征方法


Speckle noise相干斑

1.Speckle noise is an intrinsic property of InSAR interferograms,and InSAR interferograms are sensitive to it.相干斑噪声是InSAR干涉图固有的,且InSAR干涉图对相干斑噪声十分敏感,为了得到精度更高的干涉测量产品,需要对干涉图进行相干斑噪声滤波。

2.And with new structure elements and k,a new method is used in speckle noise reduction.通过实例将提出的新滤波算法与Lee滤波、广义多方向加权均值形态滤波和多方向加权均值形态滤波进行抑制相干斑的效果比较结果表明,该算法不仅可以有效地抑制图像中的噪声,而且较好地保持图像的几何结构特征。

3)coherent speckles相干散斑

4)Speckle Noise相干斑噪声

1.Speckle Noise Separation is an important problem in the remote sensing technology application.相干斑噪声分离是遥感技术应用中的一个重要问题,依据相干斑噪声图像的产生机理和信道特征,提出了适合非线性混迭环境下的相干斑噪声分离模型,设计了一个基于非线性混迭的相干斑噪声分离算法,实验证明,经过算法处理,有效地降低了图像的相干斑指数,保持了图像的细节特征。

2.An efficient method based on multiresolution hidden Markov model of wavelet-field to suppress the speckle noise in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images is presented.针对合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像固有的相干斑噪声,提出了基于小波域多尺度隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)的去噪方法。

3.Synthetic aperture radar(SAR) images are corrupted by multiplicative speckle noise which decreases correlation between adjacent pixels,increases the information entropy and limits the performance of the classical coder/decoder algorithms in spatial domain.SAR图像固有的乘性相干斑噪声降低了图像的相关性,增加了信息熵,影响了图像压缩的性能。

5)speckle reduction相干斑抑制

1.SARspeckle reduction model based on 2D two-channel filter bank;应用二维双通道滤波器组的合成孔径雷达相干斑抑制模型

2.Newspeckle reduction method for polarimetric SAR image based on independent component analysis;基于独立分量分析的极化SAR图像的相干斑抑制

3.Speckle Reduction and Data Compression in SAR Images Using Wavelet-Based Method;SAR相干斑抑制及图像压缩的小波域方法


1.Classification of SAR Images in the Presence of Speckle;相干斑噪声背景下的SAR图像分类方法研究

2.This paper mainly deals withspeckle reduction in SAR images based on the spatial orientation tree structure in the wavelet domain.论述了在小波域中通过空间向树结构对合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像相干斑噪声的抑制。

3.This paper mainly deal with a newspeckle reduction algorithm in high resolution SAR images based on wavelet transform.文章主要提出了一种新的基于小波变换对高分辨率合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像相干斑噪声抑制的算法。


