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盐酸溶液 hydrochloric acid solution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-25 19:38:15


盐酸溶液 hydrochloric acid solution英语短句 例句大全

盐酸溶液,hydrochloric acid solution

1)hydrochloric acid solution盐酸溶液

1.Electrochemical corrosion behavior of bulk nanostructured industrial pure iron inhydrochloric acid solution;块体纳米晶工业纯铁在盐酸溶液中的电化学腐蚀行为


1.Extraction of Zirconium and Hafnium from Acidic Chloride Solution Using 2-ethyl Hexyl Phosphonic Acid Mono-2-ethyl Hexyl Ester (P_(507));用P_(507)从盐酸溶液中萃取锆和铪

2.Reduction Leaching of Lateritic Nickel by Dilute Hydrochloric Acid Solution稀盐酸溶液还原浸出红土镍矿的研究

3.Investigation of Inhibition of Sodium Oleate for Aluminum in Hydrochloride Solution油酸钠对铝在盐酸溶液中的缓蚀作用的研究

4.Inhibition Properties of Acidizing Corrosion Inhibitor for N80 Steel in Hydrochloric Acid酸化缓蚀剂对N80钢在盐酸溶液中的缓蚀性能

5.chameleon solution(过)锰酸盐溶液, 变色液

6.Calculations on Acid-base Degree of Soluble Acidic Saline Solution of Tribasic Acid;三元酸易溶酸式盐溶液酸碱度的计算

7.petroleum sulfonate flood石油磺酸盐溶液驱油

8.a solution containing a phosphate buffer.含磷酸盐缓冲剂的溶液。

9.Croup 3, 0.02% solutionof sarcosine-eth ylester hydrochloride in the tap water of Linxian County;3.0.02%肌氨酸乙酯盐酸盐林县自来水溶液;

10.An Overview of The Properties of Formate Brines for Non-Solid Completion无固相完井液用甲酸盐溶液性能综述

11.acid-citrate-dextrose solution酸-柠檬酸盐-葡萄糖右旋糖溶液

12.Investigation on the Ultraviolet Absorption Spectrum of the Nitrate Solution and the Phosphate Solution硝酸盐、磷酸盐溶液的紫外吸收光谱的研究

13.Gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid to provide an acidic solution for pepsin.胃液内含有盐酸给胃蛋白酶提供酸溶液。

14.Research on the Preparation and Properties of Molybdate, Tungstate and Titanate Thin Films by Soft Solution Processing Technique;钼酸盐、钨酸盐和钛酸盐薄膜的软溶液工艺(SSP)制备技术及性能研究

15.borate solution硼酸盐溶液浆状的化合物

16.Study on decomposition dynamics of ozone in carbonate solution;碳酸盐溶液中臭氧分解动力学的研究

17.Determination of the expiration Tetracaine Hydrochloride Solution by initial average rate HPLC methodHPLC法预测盐酸丁卡因溶液的稳定性

18.CO_2 capture through membrane gas Absorption with aqueous solution of inorganic salts-amino acid salts无机盐活化剂—氨基酸盐基溶液捕集温室气体CO_2


sulphate solutions硫酸盐溶液

1.Removal of Fe(Ⅲ) fromsulphate solutions by synergistic extraction using N_(235)-TBP mixed solvent systems;用N_(235)-TBP混合体系从硫酸盐溶液中协同萃取除铁

3)tungstate solution钨酸盐溶液

mercial scale test of selective precipitation method for Mo removal fromtungstate solution;选择性沉淀法从钨酸盐溶液中除钼的工业试验

4)Aqueous hydrochloric acid solution盐酸水溶液

5)Nitrate solution硝酸盐溶液

1.Investigation on Nitrate Solution by Ultraviolet Absorption Spectrometry紫外吸收光谱法研究硝酸盐溶液

2.The absorbency is directly proportional to the density of nitrate solution from 0mg/L to 4mg/L through the experiment.220nm作为线性程度最好的波长点,经过实验表明硝酸盐溶液的浓度处于0-4mg/L之间时,吸光度正比于溶液浓度,从4mg/L开始,工作曲线呈现非线性走势。

6)phosphate solution磷酸盐溶液

1.Application of BP Neural Network Algorithm in the UV Absorption Spectrum of the Phosphate SolutionBP神经网络在磷酸盐溶液紫外吸收光谱中的应用


福马林醑 ,甲醛溶液,福尔马林,蚁醛溶液药物名称:甲醛溶液英文名:Formaldehyde Solution别名: 福马林醑 ,甲醛溶液,福尔马林,蚁醛溶液外文名:Formaldehyde Solution,Formalin,Formol性状: 无色或几乎无色的澄明液体,有刺激性特臭、味灼烈,能刺激鼻、喉、粘膜及皮肤。但不损坏金属、橡皮及织物,可与水、乙醇任意混合。 药理及应用:本品可与蛋白质中的氨基结合,使蛋白质变性,同时也溶解类脂质,故有强大的杀菌作用,对细菌、芽胞、真菌、病毒都有效。也有硬化组织和止汗作用。临床用作消毒防腐药,用于器械、手套、标本及尸体的防腐。也用于治疗汗脚。 本品15ml加水20ml,加热蒸发,可消毒空气1m3(4小时)。稀释10倍,可用于生物标本的防腐。5%~10%溶液用于止汗及表面消毒等.适应症: 用于手足、多汗或腋臭。 用量用法: 外用:涂擦。 按需要稀释后使用.5~10%的溶液用于器械等的消毒,在密闭器中放置本品自然蒸发消毒手套。用10%溶液(含甲醛4%)保存尸体及生物标本。 注意事项:本品对粘膜刺激性大,一般不宜用于皮肤、创面及粘膜的消毒。本品对眼及呼吸道粘膜也有刺激,使用时注意本品蒸气的刺激作用。 规格: 甲醛溶液:含甲醛36%、甲醇10%,500ml/瓶。 类别:皮肤病用药||消毒防腐药\醛类
