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兰金模式 Rankin mode英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-21 11:55:23


兰金模式 Rankin mode英语短句 例句大全

兰金模式,Rankin mode

1)Rankin mode兰金模式

2)Rankine formula兰金公式

3)the Netherlands pattern荷兰模式

1.After analyzing and referring tothe Netherlands pattern in medical system, the thesis concludes the problems will be solved effectively with the great promotion of city community health service.文章通过对荷兰模式的分析与借鉴,得出大力发展城市社区卫生服务正是解决城市居民"看病难,看病贵"问题的有效举措,并进一步指出"政府导向"对于保证我国城市社区卫生服务顺利发展具有关键作用。


parison of Technology Transfer Models under the CDM between Dutch and Japan;CDM机制下技术转移的荷兰模式与日本模式比较

2.Government Orientation for City Community Health Service in China--In the view of the Netherlands Pattern;从荷兰模式谈我国城市社区卫生服务的“政府导向”

3.Dutch Polder Model and its Enlightenment on Employment Development in our Country荷兰浮地模式及其对我国就业发展的启示意义

4.What We Can Learn from Rotterdam Business School;荷兰鹿特丹商学院应用型人才培养模式的启示

5.Enlightenment of the Teaching Model of TU/e in the Netherlands从荷兰TU/e大学的教学模式中受到的启示

6.Philips, a Dutch electronics giant, is trying a similar approach.荷兰电器巨头飞利浦集团也在尝试采用类似的模式。

7.direct drive rotary printing machine直接驱动式圆网印花机(荷兰斯托克制)

8.Some French fries and green beans, please.请来些法式炸土豆条和荷兰豆。

9.a Dutch auction gives you Bargain thrills.(荷兰式)大拍卖使您享受到廉价的刺激。

10.China s "Dutch Disease" and Its Exchange Rate Policy;中国式“荷兰病”与人民币汇率政策研究

11.China’s "Dutch Disease" and China Urban and Rural Employment中国式“荷兰病”与中国城乡就业研究

12.China"s Dutch Disease and Its Regional Economic Development中国式“荷兰病”与中国区域经济发展

13.A Study on the International Market Development of Chi-nese Enterprises: Entry Mode Decision and Tactics--Based on the Empirical Analysis of Chinese Enterprises in the Nether-lands;中国企业拓展国际市场的模式与策略研究——以荷兰中资企业的实证分析为例

14.of or relating to the Netherlands or its people or culture.属于或关于荷兰、荷兰人或荷兰文化的。

15.The signing has been completed of Dutch international defender Khalid Boulahrouz.蓝军完成和荷兰国脚后卫博拉鲁兹的签约仪式。

16.Not long ago the Wuhan Office of the Dutch Bank was also officially established.荷兰银行武汉办事处不久前也正式成立。

17.They were dressed in old Dutch-style clothes with long knives in their belts.他们穿著古老的荷兰式服装,腰带间系着长刀。

18.Formal derivation and implementation with polymorphism of the problemof Dutch national flag荷兰国旗问题的形式化推导及其多态性实现


Rankine formula兰金公式

3)the Netherlands pattern荷兰模式

1.After analyzing and referring tothe Netherlands pattern in medical system, the thesis concludes the problems will be solved effectively with the great promotion of city community health service.文章通过对荷兰模式的分析与借鉴,得出大力发展城市社区卫生服务正是解决城市居民"看病难,看病贵"问题的有效举措,并进一步指出"政府导向"对于保证我国城市社区卫生服务顺利发展具有关键作用。

4)Lange Mode兰格模式

1.As far as guidance planning design, Walrasan equilibrium is its foundation, Pareto-optimality is its target,Lange Mode is a simulation of planning to market, and Leontief Model is a planning method.对于市场经济中的国家计划(总体上是指导性计划)的设计而言,瓦尔拉斯均衡是基础,帕累托最优是目标,兰格模式是讲计划模拟市场,而里昂节夫模型是编制计划的重要方

5)Finnish model芬兰模式

1.Judging from their performance background,Finnish model definitely fits China better.现有卖空机制模式基本可分为日本模式、瑞士模式、芬兰模式、美国模式等四种模式,这四者对证券借贷的专控性体现出依次趋弱特征。

6)the Polish Model波兰模式


