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星载雷达影像 satellite SAR image英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-05 02:42:42


星载雷达影像 satellite SAR image英语短句 例句大全

星载雷达影像,satellite SAR image

1)satellite SAR image星载雷达影像

1.By taking the Kuqa oasis as a study area,the response ofsatellite SAR images to the ions of saline soils was analyzed.以库车绿洲为例,探讨了星载雷达影像对表征土壤盐渍化微观离子的响应情况。


1.The Registration Algorithm Research of Spaceborne InSAR Images;星载雷达影像配准方法的研究与实现

2.Response of Satellite SAR Images to the Ions of Saline Soils星载雷达影像对盐渍地微观离子的响应研究

3.Study on Ortho-rectification Methodology of Space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery;星载合成孔径雷达影像正射校正方法研究

4.Research on the Target Location of Space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar Image;星载合成孔径雷达图像目标定位研究

5.System Design and Performance Analysis of 3D-Imaging Altimeter;星载三维成像雷达高度计系统设计与误差分析

6.Research and Practise on the Target Location of Space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar Image星载合成孔径雷达图像目标定位的研究与实践

7.Present and Future of the Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar System星载合成孔径成像雷达发展现状与趋势

8.The Study on Space-borne ScanSAR Imaging Algorithm星载扫描模式合成孔径雷达成像算法研究

9.The effects of impedance loading on microwave imaging of radar target are inves-tigated.本文研究阻抗加载对雷达目标微波成像的影响。

10.Study on interpretation of airborne SAR image and aerial photograph respectively机载合成孔径雷达影像与航片判绘的对比研究

11.Extraction of Individual Tree Height Using a Combination of Aerial Digital Camera Imagery and LiDAR机载激光雷达和航空数码影像单木树高提取

12.The Research on Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry Imaging Technique of Satellite;星载合成孔径雷达干涉成像的信息处理方法研究

13.The Application Study on Extraction of Saline Soil Information in the Arid Region Using Satellite SAR Images;星载雷达图像在干旱区盐渍地信息提取中的应用研究

14.Research on GMTI for Airborne/Spaceborne Side-looking Multi-channel Radar System;机载/星载正侧视阵列雷达GMTI研究

15.Research on spatial matching of spaceborne precipitation radar and ground radar data星载测雨雷达与地基雷达数据的空间匹配分析

16.Atmospheric Radiowave Propagation Effects on Performance of Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar;大气层电波传播对星载合成孔径雷达性能的影响

17.Power Amplifier Predistortion on Pulse Compression with Very Low Sidelobes for Spaceborne Weather Radar星载气象雷达功放非线性对超低副瓣脉冲压缩信号的影响及消除

18.The Blip is out of focus.雷达的影像模糊不清。


Spaceborne radar星载雷达

3)satellite-borne radar星载雷达

4)space-borne radar星载雷达

1.Study on long-time integration algorithm for weakspace-borne radar target;星载雷达弱目标长时间积累算法研究

2.The Design of Ground Testing Apparatus of Space-borne Radar Data-forming Equipment;星载雷达数据形成分机地面测试仪的设计

5)SAR image雷达影像

1.We find the postion of notable geographic characteristic in theSAR image and the contour map.根据EM算法以及基于区域增长的余弦散射模型建立了控制点坡度校正模型 ,并用河北省张北地区的雷达影像进行了实验 ,取得了较高的精度初值。

6)space-based PD radar星载PD雷达


