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第一句子网 > 激光距离多普勒成像 the laser range-resolved doppler imaging radar英语短句 例句大全

激光距离多普勒成像 the laser range-resolved doppler imaging radar英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-06 21:39:06


激光距离多普勒成像 the laser range-resolved doppler imaging radar英语短句 例句大全

激光距离多普勒成像,the laser range-resolved doppler imaging radar

1)the laser range-resolved doppler imaging radar激光距离多普勒成像

2)range-doppler imaging距离-多普勒成像

1.RFI suppression in range-Doppler imaging using stepped frequency waveforms步进频信号距离-多普勒成像的干扰抑制


1.Instant range-Doppler imaging of high speed targets高速运动目标的瞬时距离-多普勒成像

2.RFI suppression in range-Doppler imaging using stepped frequency waveforms步进频信号距离-多普勒成像的干扰抑制

3.Imaging of Fast-moving and Maneuvering Target Based on Instantaneous Range and Instantaneous Doppler Technique基于瞬时距离-瞬时多普勒的高速机动目标成像

4.Analysis of R-D Location Precision in Spaceborne SAR Image星载SAR图像距离-多普勒定位精度分析

5.Squint looking synthetic aperture sonar imaging based on improved range-doppler algorithm基于改进距离-多普勒算法的合成孔径声呐斜视成像研究

6.A new range-instantaneous Doppler imaging method in Inverse Synthetic Aperture Sonar based on time-frequency analysis一种基于时频分析的逆合成孔径声呐的距离-瞬时多普勒成像方法

7.Range Doppler Algorithm Based Missile-Borne SAR Imaging with Diving Maneuver基于距离-多普勒算法的俯冲弹道条件下弹载SAR成像

8.Research progress on the laser range-resolved Doppler imaging radar and its key technologies激光雷达距离高分辨多普勒成像技术研究进展及关键技术

9.Analytical model of range-Doppler image of rotating cylinders and cones转动圆柱和圆锥的激光距离多普勒像分析模型

10.For spaceborne SAR system with large squint angle, the main error source of classical range-Doppler algorithm is analyzed which causes the loss in image quality.分析了当天线斜视角增大时,导致传统距离-多普勒成像算法性能下降的主要误差来源。

11.e Doppler imaging system实时多普勒成像系统

12.range-gated Doppler ultrasonic flowmeter距离选通脉冲多普勒超声波流量计

13.The technique of range gating in pseudorandom ultrasonic Doppler blood flowmeter伪随机超声多普勒血流计的距离选通技术

14.Reaseach on Doppler Effect to Anti-RGPO;利用多普勒效应抗距离波门拖引干扰的研究

15.The results show the modified algorithm is much better than the classical range| Doppler algorithm at the case of large squint angle.结果表明,在大斜视角情况下,改进算法的性能远大于传统的距离-普勒成像算法。

16.For spaceborne SAR system with large squint angle, the main error source of classical range| Doppler algorithm is analyzed which causes the loss in image quality.分析了当天线斜视角增大时,导致传统距离-普勒成像算法性能下降的主要误差来源。

17.passive ranging Doppler无源测距多普勒雷达

18.passive ranging Doppler system被动测距多普勒系统


range-doppler imaging距离-多普勒成像

1.RFI suppression in range-Doppler imaging using stepped frequency waveforms步进频信号距离-多普勒成像的干扰抑制

3)range-instantaneous-doppler(RID) algorithm距离瞬时多普勒成像(RID)

4)range-Doppler algorithm距离多普勒成像算法

5)SAR range-doppler imagingSAR距离-多普勒成像

1.Range migration and correction inSAR range-doppler imaging algorithm;SAR距离-多普勒成像算法中的距离徙动及校正

6)Range-Doppler imaging algorithm距离-多普勒成像算法


