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激光距离高分辨成像 laser high range-resolved imaging radar英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-17 09:46:55


激光距离高分辨成像 laser high range-resolved imaging radar英语短句 例句大全

激光距离高分辨成像,laser high range-resolved imaging radar

1)laser high range-resolved imaging radar激光距离高分辨成像

2)high-resolution range profile高分辨距离像

1.Due to the aspect sensitivity ofhigh-resolution range profile (HRRP), the template database should include all the templates for each small aspect range.由于雷达的高分辨距离像对方位变化非常敏感,模板库中对每个目标都必须按较小的方位范围建立所有有关方位的模板。

2.Due to the nonlinear separability and high feature dimensionality ofhigh-resolution range profile(HRRP),an approach based on the so called optimized kernel fisher discriminant analysis for radar target recognition is proposed.针对雷达目标高分辨距离像非线性可分和高特征维数的特点,提出一种基于优化核Fisher判别分析的雷达目标识别方法。


1.Study on Radar HRRP Target Recognition;雷达高分辨距离像目标识别方法研究

2.Mono Pulse Goniometry Based on High Range Resolution Profile;基于高分辨距离像的单脉冲测角研究

3.Research on Radar Automatic Target Recognition Using High Resolution Range Profiles;高分辨距离像雷达自动目标识别研究

4.The target recognition based on one-dimensional HRRP of wideband radars宽带雷达一维高分辨距离像识别研究

5.High resolution range profile radar target recognition based on double discriminant subspaces algorithm双辨别子空间高分辨距离像雷达目标识别

6.Radar Target Recognition Based on Dividing HRRP into Areas for Processing;基于高分辨距离像分区处理的雷达目标识别

7.Study of Radar Target Recognition Method Based on High Range Resolution Profile;基于高分辨距离像的雷达目标识别方法研究

8.On Robust Recognition of Radar High Range Resolution Profiles in Noise Background;雷达高分辨距离像目标识别的噪声稳健性研究

9.Study of Feature Extraction and Classification Algorithm for HRRP;雷达高分辨距离像特征提取及识别算法研究

10.Research on Achieving Unambiguous High Resolution Range Profiles for Stepped-frequency Radar频率步进雷达高分辨距离像解模糊方法研究

11.A Modified Method for Statistical Identification of High Resolution Range Profiles一种改进的雷达高分辨距离像统计识别方法

12.Radar High Range Resolution Profile Identification Based on SVM基于支持向量机的雷达高分辨距离像识别

13.Motion Parameter Estimation of A Target with Micro-Motion Based on High Range Resolution Profile基于高分辨距离像的微动目标运动参数估计

14.Theory and Application Research of Absolute Range-alignment for Radar HRRP Target Recognition;绝对对齐算法在雷达高分辨距离像(HRRP)目标识别中的研究与应用

15.Radar HRRP Target Recognition Based on Kernel Methods;基于核方法的雷达高分辨距离像目标识别技术研究

16.Integrative Estimation of Ballistic Target′s Dimension Based on HRRP基于高分辨距离像的弹道目标尺寸综合估计方法

17.Research on high-resolution range profile based on LFM signal基于LFM信号的高分辨力距离像研究

18.Analysis and Process of High Range Resolution Imaging Radar Signal;高距离分辨成像雷达的信号分析与处理


high-resolution range profile高分辨距离像

1.Due to the aspect sensitivity ofhigh-resolution range profile (HRRP), the template database should include all the templates for each small aspect range.由于雷达的高分辨距离像对方位变化非常敏感,模板库中对每个目标都必须按较小的方位范围建立所有有关方位的模板。

2.Due to the nonlinear separability and high feature dimensionality ofhigh-resolution range profile(HRRP),an approach based on the so called optimized kernel fisher discriminant analysis for radar target recognition is proposed.针对雷达目标高分辨距离像非线性可分和高特征维数的特点,提出一种基于优化核Fisher判别分析的雷达目标识别方法。

3)high resolution range profile高分辨距离像

1.Thehigh resolution range profiles(HRRP) characteristics of missiles are analyzed.阐述了置信度原理,根据导弹目标距离像识别的特点提出了一种适用于高分辨距离像识别的置信度函数,进而提出了距离像序贯识别方法。

2.The differential cepstrum properties of a radar HRR profile are presented and studied by means of a Z transform, based physically upon the fact that a radarhigh resolution range profile is characterized by non minimum phase and wavelet features.根据雷达高分辨距离像具有非最小相位和小波特征的信号性质 ,采用 Z变换方法给出和研究了高分辨距离像的微分复倒谱的性质。

3.Then a relationship is established between the logarithm bispectra averaged and ahigh resolution range profile.文章首先定义了对数双谱并给出了与目标识别有关的三个性质 ,接着推导了目标对数双谱与高分辨距离像对数双谱之间的关系 ,由此提出了对数双谱自动目标识别的距离准则和实现方法 。

4)high resolution range profiles高分辨率距离像

1.Radar target recognition of thehigh resolution range profiles based on nonlinear transform;基于非线性变换的高分辨率距离像雷达目标识别

5)High-Resolution Range Profile (HRRP)高分辨距离像

1.Due to the aspect sensitivity of high-resolution range profile (HRRP),tradition al radar HRRP target recognition methods usually use average profile within some aspect region as aspect template.为了松弛高分辨距离像 (HRRP)的方位敏感性 ,传统的雷达HRRP目标识别方法大都采用目标在一定方位角域内的平均像作为方位模板 。

6)High range resolution profile高分辨距离像

1.Range alignment is a crucial problem in high range resolution profile(HRRP) based on radar automatic recognition.雷达高分辨距离像识别时的一个重要问题是其平移对齐。

2.High range resolution profile (HRRP) contains the target structure signatures and is easy to be acquired, which makes the HRRP ATR to be received intensive attention.由于雷达高分辨距离像(HRRP)能够提供目标沿距离方向的几何结构信息,且具有易于获取和处理的独特优势,使得基于HRRP的ATR技术受到越来越多的关注。

3.Estimation methods of rotating rate and vibration parameters are given based on high range resolution profile.研究了微动目标高分辨距离像特征。


高分辨电子显微镜(见高分辨电子显微术)高分辨电子显微镜(见高分辨电子显微术)highresolutionelectron microscope高分辨电子显微镜high resolution eleetronmieroseope见高分辫电子显微术。
