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架构 Architecture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-03 10:33:27


架构 Architecture英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis on Transportation Scheduling SystemArchitecture at Meigang;梅钢运输调度系统架构分析

2.Architecture and Prospect of PACS System;PACS系统的架构与展望

3.Architecture Analysis of Electric-Energy Information Collection System Stipulation Plug-in Manage Tool;电能量信息采集系统规约插件管理器的架构分析


1.Introduction to Wireless InfrastructureWireless 基础架构介绍

2.Wireless infrastructure ComponentsWireless 基础架构组件

3.VMAP VIA Modular Architecture PlatformsVIA模块架构平台

4.Unrecognized schema type on Schema "{0}".无法识别架构“{0}”的架构类型。

5.Schema update failed: duplicate schema-id GUID.架构更新失败: 复制架构 id GUID。

6.The Structure Analysis and Test of the New Metro Bogie Frame新型地铁转向架构架结构分析与测试

7.This schema does not specify a target namespace. To add this schema, you must use the Schema Library.此架构没有指定目标命名空间。若要添加此架构,必须使用“架构库”。

8.To Study on Coordinating Product Architecture,Process Architecture,and Supply Chain Architecture Decisions in RBTO Paradigm;RBTO模式下产品架构、流程架构与供应链架构决策协调研究

9.Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of the Welded Joints in Bogie Frame;转向架构架焊接接头组织与性能研究

10.Study on Fram Modal Analysis and Modal Parameters Application;铁道车辆转向架构架模态分析及应用

11.Research on Ajax/REST Architecture and Implementation of Developing Framework;Ajax/REST架构的研究与开发框架的实现

12.Design and Application of the AWSH Integration Framework Based on J2EE Architecture;基于J2EE架构的AWSH整合框架设计与应用

13.Research and Application of Ajax Frameworks in J2EE Structure;Ajax框架在J2EE架构中的研究与应用

14.Research on the the Architecture of Data Integration Systems and An Implementation Framework;数据集成体系架构及其实现框架研究

15.A transverse structural member or framework used for strengthening a bridge or trestle.排架用于加固桥梁或支架的横向构架或框架

16.institutional framework组织结构,机构框架

17.any supporting structure or framework,eg of a building框架结构,骨架结构(如建筑物的)

18.A structure, such as a building, framework, or model.构架一种结构,如建筑物、框架或模型等



1.A trapezoidframework for integrated risk management;综合风险管理的梯形架构

2.A design-modified fulfillment system of a workshop based on NETframework;基于.NET架构的车间设计更改归零管理系统

3.A Research on the Framework of Practical Teaching System With the Features of High Professional Education of Technology;试论具有高职教育特色实践教学体系的架构


1.On the Effect and Structure of Virtuous Teaching of Higher Education in United States;美国高校德育的架构及其影响

2.Optimization of the Administrative Organization Structure & Implementation of Secondary Hospital Service Model in Our Hospital;我院优化行政组织架构和推行二级服务模式的举措与思考

3.Standardization of Fundamantal Geotechnical Engineering Information and GIS Structure;基础岩土工程信息的标准化及其GIS架构


1.Design and analysis of multilayer mobile CRMframe;多层移动CRM应用架构设计与分析

2.The Connotation and Theory Frame of Electronic Government;“电子政府”的内涵和架构

3.During three directional wind load analysis of the 1 000 kV substationframe,it is identified that the 45° wind has controlling effect on structural internal forces.在对1000kV变电架构进行3个方向风荷载受力分析时,发现45°风对结构的内力起控制作用,所以需考虑45°方向风对结构的影响。


1.Study on Application Technology of Two Levels Network Construction for Omron Programmable Controller;OMRON可编程序控制器两级网络架构应用技术的研究

2.What we should do is(to) remold,on the basis of conditions of our native land,relations between the two side above,construct a system in the light of which the procurator organ should guide investigations and pu.应当结合本土状况重塑检警关系,架构"检察指导侦查"制度,彰显刑事诉讼的公平和效率价值。

3.How could librarian accustomed themselves to new century andconstruct digital library are the questions that worth consideration.新世纪给图书馆带来了前所未有的机遇,也带来了空前的挑战,图书馆人如何适应新时代的发展,架构起未来数字图书馆的平台?是值得我们好好思考的问题。


1.Program used in post processing procedure of bogieframe FEA based on APDL;基于APDL的转向架构架有限元分析后处理系统的研究

2.Fatigue strength evaluation of weldedframe by FEM model;焊接构架疲劳强度的有限元分析及评估

3.Elastic-plastic analysis and structure improvement for traction link base of locomotive bogieframe;机车转向架构架拉杆座弹塑性分析及结构改进


