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专业主义 professionalism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-02 09:41:33


专业主义 professionalism英语短句 例句大全



1.Retrospect and Reflection on In-depth Reporting:Aprofessionalism perspective深度报道的轨迹回望与问题反思——以新闻专业主义为视角

2.The Three Dimensions of Sports Television Professionalism:An Exploratory Study Based on the International Television Signal Production of Olympic Games试论体育电视专业主义指标框架的三个维度——基于奥运会国际公用电视信号制作的理论探索

3.Surveying theprofessionalism and consumerism from angle of journalism ethics,it can be found that the clearing up ofprofessionalism is not the inevitable result of consumerism influ.作为一种影响到社会各个领域和生活各个层面的文化形态,消费主义带给新闻实践的影响是显著的,由此许多人认为消费主义必将侵蚀专业主义。


1.An Explanation to Professionalism of National Journalism in the Early 20th Century;20世纪初民族新闻业的专业主义解读

2.On the Contradiction between Patriotism and Journalistic Professionalism from the Wartime News;从战时新闻看爱国主义与新闻专业主义的矛盾

3.The construction and fusibility of journalistic expense principle to journalistic professionalism;新闻消费主义对新闻专业主义的建构与消解

4.Journalism Education and the Construction of the Ideas of Professional Journalism;新闻教育与新闻专业主义理念的建构

5.The Debate on Professionalism-An Academic Vision of Journalism & Communication新闻传播学术视野中的专业主义论争

6.Bible vs Abacus:To Discuss the Professionalism and the Consumerism in the Journalism;圣经和算盘的对峙——试论新闻实践中的专业主义和消费主义

7.Looks at the news specialized principle and the patriotism conflict from the war news dissemination;从战时新闻传播看新闻专业主义与爱国主义的冲突

8.An Investigation of Journalistic Professionalist Theory and Practice in China:On the Choice to be Made by Journalistic Professionalism in a Transformative Society新闻专业主义理论与实践的中国近观——兼论社会转型期新闻专业主义的价值旨归

9.The Study of Press Thought and Practice of Shao Piaoping in the Journal Professionalism;邵飘萍新闻专业主义报刊思想与实践研究

10.On Characteristic of Hotline-news & It s Appeal to Journalistic Professionalism;论热线新闻的特征及其对新闻专业主义的要求

11.The Core Meaning and Practice Value of Advertising Professionalism;广告专业主义的核心内涵与实践价值探讨

12.On Absolutism(Final)--Autarchy and the Value of Absolutism;论专制主义(下)——专制和专制主义之“价值”

13.Reflections on Curriculum of Community Construction Speciality--In point of humanism and Constructionism对社区建设专业课程体系的反思——从人本主义和建构主义的视角

14.Individualism and Cooperatism:Cultural Conflict in Teacher’s Professional Development;个人主义与合作主义:教师专业发展中的文化冲突

15.On Autocracism(The First Half Part)--Concept of Autocracism;论专制主义(上)——专制主义概念

16.Such a defence is rooted in the innate conservatism of the economic profession.这种辩护根植于经济学专业固有的保守主义。

17.The Study Theory of Constructivism and the Basic English Instruction专业英语精读教学与建构主义学习理论

18.Teaching English Listening to English Majors from a Constructivist Perspective;从建构主义视角探究英语专业听力教学



3)new professionalism新专业主义

4)Journalism Professionalism新闻专业主义

1.Two Models ofJournalism Professionalism in Contemporary Chinese Media:A Comparison between Nanfang Weekend and Caijing Magzine;新闻专业主义在当下中国的两种表现形态之比较——以《南方周末》和《财经》为个案

5)Media Professionalism媒体专业主义

1.The taken-for-granted principles of media professionalism have shown to be weak and self-contradictory under extreme circumstances.本文将借“凯利事件”逐个分析“中立、客观、独立”这些通常不被置疑的媒体专业主义元叙事背后的历史、话语、权力的构建因素 ,解构其普遍主义的神话。

6)news professionalism新闻专业主义


