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科技英语翻译 EST translation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-08 10:00:53


科技英语翻译 EST translation英语短句 例句大全

科技英语翻译,EST translation

1)EST translation科技英语翻译

1.To date, however, there are still many problems inEST translation.在学习外国的新兴科学和先进技术,并让全世界了解中国的科学技术的过程中,科技英语翻译发挥了重要的作用。

2.In this thesis, the author proposes a new approach to EST (English forScience and Technology) translation——an approach which appliesdiscourse analysis toEST translation.本文介绍了一种从语篇分析的视角探讨科技英语翻译的方法。

3.In this paper, a measure for EST (English for Science and Technology) translation—an approach of theme/rheme toEST translation is provided.本文介绍了一种从主/述位角度来探讨科技英语翻译的方法。


1.Aesthetic Function of Chinese Idioms in Translation of English Sci-tech Documents科技英语翻译中汉语成语的审美功能

2.EST Translation-A Perfoot Combination of Linguistry and Specialized Knowledge科技英语翻译——语言与专业知识的融合

3.On the application of case grammar to the translation of EST略论格语法在科技英语翻译中的运用

4.On the Beauty in EST Translation from the Perspective of Translation Aesthetics;翻译美学视阈下的科技英语翻译之美探究

5.The Correspondence between Units of Translation and Their Target Language Equivalents in EST科技英语翻译单位及其译语等值物的对应

6.Analyses of the phenomena of taking words too literally in translation of EST浅析科技英语翻译中的望文生义错误

7.Variance in Appearance and Harmony in Essence: A Talk on Scientific English Translation;谈谈科技英语翻译中的“貌”与“神”

8.Observation on transformation in scientific and technological English translation;科技英语翻译中的虚实互化现象刍议

9.Superficial Analysis of Problems in the Translations of Science and Technology English--Analysis of Samples of the Translations from English into Chinese浅析科技英语翻译中的问题——科技英语汉译实例分析

10.Discrmination to some technical English Words in the Translation of Chinese to English;科技英语翻译中一些常用英语单词的辨析

11.Number and Quantity Translation Method in Science English科技英语翻译中数字和数量增减的译法

12.Translator"s Subjectivity in EST Translation from a Cognitive Perspective从认知的角度看科技英语翻译中的译者主体性

13.Discourse Analysis and Translation of EST Instructions;科技英语—说明书的语篇分析及翻译

14.An Error Analysis in Scientific English Translation;科技英语术语翻译中的常见错误分析

15.The Role of Grammar-translation Method in Teaching English on Science;语法翻译法在科技英语教学中的作用


17.The Register Characteristics of EST and the Translation Standards of EST科技英语的语域特征与科技翻译的标准

18.On the Relations Between Vocabularies and Their Translation in Textile EST浅谈纺织科技英语词汇和翻译的关系


Techniques of EST Translation科技英语翻译技巧

3)EST translation teaching科技英语翻译教学

1.The article makes a tentative investigation into the present situation ofEST translation teaching in China, the stylistic features of EST, the problems confronting theEST translation teaching and the solutions to these problems,finally emphasizing the significance of the teacher s comments on students translation work.本文从我国科技英语翻译教学的现状以及科技英语翻译教学面临的问题及对策等方面对搞好科技英语翻译教学进行了探讨 ,强调课堂讲评在科技英语翻译教学中的重要

4)EDST translation军事科技英语文献翻译

1.The formality of language and the publicity of the content are the two distinctive features of EDST, and furthermore the major purpose ofEDST translation is to inform rather than to convey emotional impact.另外,这类文本属于信息功能文本,具有很强的信息性,这决定了军事科技英语文献翻译的主要目的是信息的传递。

5)Probes into Scientific English-Chinese Translation科技英语翻译初探

6)Discussion on Technical English Translation科技英语翻译探讨


模具加工方法词汇的英语翻译barrel 滚筒(加工) bending 波纹加工 broaching 拉刀切削 centering 定中心 cutting 切削 cylindrical lathe cutting 外圆车削 electric discharge machine 放电加工 electrolytic grinding 电解研磨 embossing 压花加工 facing 面车削 filing 锉刀修润 hand finishing 手工修润 hemming 卷边加工 hobbing 滚齿加工 joggling 摇动加工 lapping 抛光/研磨修润 laser beam machining 雷射加工 lathe cutting 车床车削 planning 刨削加工 polishing 抛亮光 reaming 铰孔修润 rough machining 粗切削 rounding 圆形加工 sawing 锯削 scaling 清除钢碇缺陷 shaping 成形加工 skiving 表面研磨 slotting 切缝切削 taper turning 锥度车削 thread cutting 螺纹切削 ultrasonic machining 超音波加工 up cut milling 逆铣加工
